This group of guys had not made any moves just now, but now they suddenly made some moves.

If there was no one behind the scenes to command them, it would be impossible.

It was obvious that the person commanding them must be Wu Dao Guang Shi.

It seemed that this guy was still unwilling and wanted to make trouble for himself.

They were just following orders, and it was useless to talk to them. Lu Li's eyes moved to a big tree.

"Come out, why are you hiding behind? You don't think I can't see you, do you?"

Hearing this, Wu Dao Guang Shi, who was hiding behind and preparing to give orders, paused slightly.

I thought I had hidden well and was not discovered, but I didn't expect that Lu Li had already seen me.

Since I have been discovered, there is nothing to hide.

There are so many people on my side, and the shadow guards who went to search other places are also gathering here.

Coupled with my current strength, maybe there is really a chance to catch Lu Li.

Even... when the other party resists, he can kill the other party directly.

This man who made him extremely jealous, he wanted to bring down the other party no matter what.

Gao Siwu, can only be his!

Chapter 590: Self-righteous....trash! Accelerate the blackening, Master:

You lied to me!

Walking out from behind the tree slowly, Wu Dao Guangshi looked at Lu Li with a cold face.

This time, he caught such an opportunity, and he would never miss it easily.

"Mr. Lu, although I don't know what happened in this forest, but when Miss Minato wanted to say something just now, she suddenly stopped.

I'm afraid...what happened in the forest has something to do with you.

Since it has something to do with you, please go back with us.

Please explain everything clearly.

His attitude was very tough, and there was no room for maneuver at all.

The reason why he spoke so tough was because he knew that Lu Li would never surrender.

As long as Lu Li didn't surrender, he would have a chance to kill Lu Li.

I don't know where this kid got the courage to talk to him like this.

Seeing him so confident, Lu Li even wanted to laugh.

This The kid really can't remember!

It seems that the previous blow was not big enough.

Since he is so proactive, let him experience firsthand what the power gap is.

But I have to say that Wu Dao Guang Shi is really very sharp.

He actually noticed the abnormality in the forest at the first time, and it was related to himself.

I don't know if he really noticed it, or... deliberately made trouble for himself.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's the same.

Since he is so uneducated, let's teach him a lesson.

Let him understand that the gap in strength cannot be made up by the number of people.

By the way, see if this guy can be blackened faster.

"You... No, you don't think that you can really deal with me by pulling a group of small fish over, right?"

The black shadow using the mass-produced driver is indeed a small fish in Lu Li's eyes.

Their strength can barely deal with primary aliens, and it may be difficult to deal with advanced aliens.

Such a guy, what else is he if not a small fish?

With a cold face, Emo Yaozi, who stood beside Lu Li, threatened.

"Wu Dao Guang Shi, does the director know that you are doing this?

Mr. Lu Li's identity is very special. If the director knew about this, he would definitely not let you do this. "

She wanted to use Wu Daoguihu to pressure Wu Dao Guangshi, so that he would be afraid and dare not act rashly.

But when he heard this, Wu Dao Guangshi's face suddenly turned cold.

He didn't want others to use his brother to oppress him.

His brother is indeed very good, but he believes that he will definitely be better than his brother in the future.

"Enough, I'll give you three seconds to think about it.

If you don't want to surrender, don't blame us for being rude."

From the firmness in his tone, it can be heard that he is determined to deal with Lu Li.


Minato Yaozi was stunned. She didn't expect Wu Dao Guangshi to be so tough this time.

"Yaozi, since he is so confident, there is no need to talk nonsense to him.

He is determined to deal with me. No matter how much you say, it's useless.

If you want to take me away, then show some real skills.

Let me see if you... have the ability. "

Lu Li didn't take Wu Dao Guang Shi and the black shadow guards to heart at all.

It was impossible to expect Wu Dao Guang Shi to give up.

His hatred for himself had obviously reached a very deep level.

He was a very treacherous and sinister person. Wu Dao Guang Shi had chosen to offend him, so he would never give up.

Facing Lu Li's contemptuous tone, Wu Dao Guang Shi clenched his fists with a gloomy face.

"Don't... underestimate me! Come on!

If he dares to resist, he will be killed on the spot.

I will take the responsibility for any problems, and it has nothing to do with you. "

Although the black shadow guards did not dare to offend Lu Li, they dared not offend Wu Dao Guang Shi even more.

Who made the other party their immediate superior now.

In this case, they had no right to choose at all

All the black shadow guards took action and surrounded Lu Li and Minato Yoko.

Not far away, the black shadow guards distributed in other places also gathered here.

This time, the number of shadow guards sent into the forest was about 40 to 50.

It was a strong team, and together they were a pretty good fighting force.

But they were just good. In Lu Li's eyes, they were still not good enough.

Things had come to this point, and Kou Yaozi knew it very well.

It was no use just talking. The other party was determined to deal with Lu Li.

Now that she had chosen to follow Lu Li, she would definitely stand with Lu Li at this time, no matter how difficult it was.

Thinking of this, Kou Yaozi immediately took out the Genesis Driver and the Peach Energy Lock Seed, ready to fight.

Just as Kou Yaozi was about to act, Lu Li pressed her shoulder.

"Yaozi, do you think they...will be my opponent?"

Hearing this, Kou Yaozi couldn't help but recall the previous battle between Lu Li and Bai Ya.

That was simply not something that human power could reach!

This group of people wanted to deal with Lu Li, and they were just committing suicide.

However... they didn't know it yet.

I've never seen anyone rush so fast even if they're going to die!

Shaking her head without hesitation, Minato Yoko decisively took back the Genesis Driver and the Peach Energy Lock Seed.

Then she walked behind Lu Li, ready to witness the tragic defeat of Wu Dao Guang Shi.

Thinking of the last time she promised Kivatl Kawasaki that she could let it stay outside, she was thrown into the other dimension by herself.

I'm afraid this guy is still full of resentment now, so she let him go at this opportunity. Lu Li doesn't mind having a little pet with him.


Accompanied by Lu Li's summons, a passage to the other dimension opened up beside him.

Noticing Lu Li's movements, Wu Dao Guang Shi secretly thought that it was not good, and immediately shouted.

"Go! If he resists, kill him without mercy!"

With his order, all the shadow guards attacked Lu Li without hesitation.

The long spears in their hands stabbed at Lu Li one after another.

Lu Li raised his mouth slightly, but he didn't make any moves, as if he didn't worry about them hurting him at all.

"Master! You really went too far! You clearly promised to release me last time, but you threw me back?!

You lied to me!"

A voice suddenly came from another space.

The next second, a golden figure suddenly jumped out from inside.

With lightning speed, it directly bounced off all the shadow pines that stabbed at it.

The black shadow guards did not expect that someone would suddenly come out to interfere with them.

.0Please give me flowers....

After being repelled, they retreated one after another.

I saw a creature like a golden bat floating beside Lu Li.


Mitsuma Wudao originally thought that Lu Li did not move and was dragging his feet.

Never expected that a golden bat would suddenly appear to interfere with his battle plan.

Looking at Lu Li with a face full of resentment, Kivatllshi could not help complaining.

"Master, we had already agreed last time, but you didn't keep your word. That's too much!"

Obviously, Kivatshi was still upset about Lu Li not doing what he promised him last time.

It's not like another guy who likes to sleep. It's boring to stay in a space.

It feels like nothing happened, and the brain is almost rusty.

In response to Kivatl Chuanshi's complaints, Lu Li just smiled and said calmly.

"Sorry, I promised you last time, but I forgot.

After this battle, you stay outside first."

Kivatl Chuanshi looked at Lu Li with suspicion and muttered.


"Really? Are you trying to fool me again?"

After being fooled last time, it was much more vigilant.

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