I don't want to be fooled again.

"Once a word is spoken, it can't be taken back!"

Seeing Lu Li's affirmation, Kivatl Chuanshi finally put aside his doubts.

"Okay, then I'll trust you again, Master. Don't lie to me again."

The two of them chatted as if no one was around, which made Wu Dao Guangshi's face gloomy.

This was a complete disregard for him, and he couldn't stand it.

He immediately took out the Zhan Ji driver and the grape lock seed.



"Lock.On! Hai! Budou.Arms! Dragon.Cannon.HaHaHa!"

After transforming into Long Xuan, he immediately gave orders to the black shadow guards.

"What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and kill him!"

Kvatl Chuanshi was afraid of the black shadow guards who suddenly appeared, so he didn't dare to hesitate and rushed up again.

Encircle and kill Lu Li!

Seeing that these black shadow guards dared to attack their master, Kivatl Chuanshi curled his lips in disdain.

"If you want to threaten the master, you have to get through me first!"

Kivatl Chuanshi flew quickly into Lu Li's hands.

"Master, don't forget what you promised me just now. I'll trust you again."

It was still very persistent about the previous things.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled slightly and pinched Kivat Chuanshi to his side.


As the power of the Demon King was injected, special marks appeared on Lu Li's neck and cheeks.

A silver chain was wrapped around Lu Li's waist and instantly turned into a red belt.


He casually put Kivatlllshi upside down on the belt.

Kivatl Chuanshi's eyes burst into a dazzling red light, and his body was wrapped in a special power.

In a flash, the handsome armor attached to Lu Li.

Kamen Rider Kiva!

Seeing that Lu Li had transformed into a knight he didn't know, Long Xuan's heart sank.

But now that things have come to this point, he didn't hesitate at all.

Chapter 591 Blood Orange Long Xuan! The Demon King form is the foundation!

Long Xuan immediately raised the grape dragon cannon and shot at Lu Li.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Purple energy bombs came one after another.

Enemies were everywhere, but Lu Li remained calm.

It was as if it was true.

These black shadow guards and Long Xuan together were just a bunch of small fish.

Is it necessary to worry about a bunch of small fish?

There is absolutely no need!

He grabbed a shadow pine that was stabbing at him, and with a little force, the black shadow guard couldn't hold it at all, and Lu Li immediately snatched the weapon away.

He quickly turned the shadow pine and directly blocked all the purple energy bombs that were flying.

The purple energy bomb didn't even splash a little water, and disappeared without a trace.

Realizing that there were three black shadow guards attacking him from behind, Lu Li waved his hand without any care!

There were only bursts of explosions in the air, and the black shadow guard who was about to attack was swept away by the shadow pine on the spot.

The power was completely suppressed.

It can be said that the two sides are not opponents of the same level at all.

However, after the three shadow guards fell, someone quickly filled their positions.

All the shadow guards stared at Lu Li with a covetous look.

Holding the two ends of the shadow pine with his hands, with a little force, the shadow pine was bent to a nearly 90-degree angle.

The corner of his mouth raised, and the next second, Lu Li directly released the shadow pine.


The shadow pine, which had been compressed to the extreme, bounced up instantly.

Then, at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, it flew towards the shadow guard in front.

"Ah! Ah! ..

A burst of screams was heard.

The several shadow guards who were blocking the front were directly knocked to the ground by the popped-out shadow pine.

Even with armor protection, they felt as if their chests were about to explode.

In just a moment, several shadow guards were knocked to the ground.

Even Long Xuan was shocked by this situation.

The fighting power of these black shadow guards was not weak, but they were completely helpless against Lu Li.

They couldn't even get close to him.

Were these black shadow guards just trash as the other party said?

But what Long Xuan didn't know was that the trash Lu Li mentioned was not only the black shadow guards, but also him.

Since things had come to this point, Long Xuan didn't care about that.

He had to find a way to get rid of Lu Li, otherwise it would be more troublesome later.

He had no way out.

At this time, the black shadow guards who were originally in other places also rushed over.

Although Lu Li had already reached some black shadow guards just now, it did not affect the remaining black shadow guards to get close.

The number was actually more than before.

Long Xuan didn't have time to think so much, he had to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Lu Li.

Thinking of this, Long Xuan immediately took out a lock seed that he had never used before.

Blood orange lock seed!

That’s right, it was the Blood Orange Lock Seed that Lu Li gave to Gao Siwu before.

Before that, it had already fallen into Long Xuan’s hands.

When in the Martial God World, Long Xuan had already witnessed the powerful strength of the Martial God Armor.

In his opinion, the reason why the Martial God Armor is so powerful is because of the Blood Orange Lock Seed in his hand.

If he were to use it, he had reason to believe that he could also gain powerful strength.


Immediately switch the grape lock on the Zhan Ji driver to the blood orange lock.

"Lock.On! Haii! Blood.Orange.Arms! Evil Way.On.Stsge!"

The blood orange armor fell from above, and Long Xuan changed into a new form that he had never used before.

Kamen Rider Long Xuan - Blood Orange Form!

When he transformed into the blood orange form, he suddenly felt a powerful force in his body, which was surging out crazily.


Much stronger than before!

As he guessed, the power brought by the blood orange lock was indeed very powerful.

Slightly clenching his fists, Long Xuan inexplicably had a feeling in his heart.

That is, with his current strength, he has a chance to deal with Lu Li.

He didn't know whether this was an illusion after his power expanded or something else.

But Long Xuan's power was really improved.

Lu Li was quite surprised to notice that Long Xuan actually had the blood orange lock seed in his hand.

He had given the blood orange lock seed to Gao Siwu at that time, but he didn't expect that it was in Long Xuan's hands now.

I don't know whether Gao Siwu gave it voluntarily or Long Xuan took it away secretly.

Of course, none of this matters now.

Lu Li had no interest in the blood orange lock seed anyway.

Although the power was good, it was just so-so.

However, this thing was not suitable to stay in Long Xuan's hands.

After all, the blood orange lock seed had the ability to open up a passage to the world of martial gods, so it was better to destroy it.

Since Long Xuan had already taken out a new form, Lu Li didn't mind having a good time with him.

Then, Lu Li took out something.

This was a whistle made of gold and red.


He put the whistle in Kivat Chuanshi's mouth and blew it with the sound of the whistle.


A passage leading to another space suddenly appeared beside Lu Li.

The next second, a golden figure suddenly jumped out from inside.

The one who flew out from the space was Tatsulot, who was used to remove the seal of Kiva..

"Oh! I have been sleeping for a long time, ha~!"

The prop that looks like a dragon is Tatsulot..

Like Kivatlll, Tatsulot also has consciousness.

After all, it was transformed from a small dragon.

"Then... it's my turn now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tatsuloti quickly flew around Lu Li.

"Clang clang clang!"

Tatsulot quickly hit the silver-white armor on Lu Li's shoulders.

As if breaking through the shackles of the chain, the silver-white armor suddenly slowly spread out to both sides.

Then a dazzling golden light burst out.

Not long after, a pair of golden bat wings appeared behind Lu Li.

From the bat wings emitting dazzling golden light, a large number of golden bats appeared.

Raise your left hand, and Tatsulot will automatically buckle on your left forearm.

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