His slap directly accelerated the darkening of Wudao Guangzhen.

And it was a greatly accelerated one.

At the same time,

Kouta Kuzuya had already arrived at the opposite side of the World Tree Headquarters, and he had made up his mind.

He wanted to overturn what Wudao Guihu had said to him before, that making a decision always comes with sacrifice.

That was not the case at all!



"Lock.on! Soiya! Orange.Arms! Flower Road 0n.Stage!"

While transforming, he directly threw out the Dandelion Voyager Lock Vehicle.

After the transformation was completed, he rode on it and rushed to the top of the World Tree at a rapid speed.

He. Destroyed the Sgra system!

The people in this city must not be harmed!

At the World Tree Headquarters.

The monitoring room immediately detected the fast approaching Gaimu and quickly sounded the alarm.

"Woo woo woo~!!"

For a moment, the alarm suddenly sounded in the World Tree Headquarters.

Chapter 602 The last hang-one-one

Victory roar Gaimu! Lu Li: I can make the rules!

Wudao Guihu, who had just finished educating his brother, heard the alarm sound.

The next second, he received a report from the monitoring room.

"Report to the director! A flying object is approaching the headquarters quickly!"

His face changed slightly, and Wudao Guihu immediately turned on the picture from the monitoring room.

In the picture, Gaim was rushing forward to the World Tree Tower.

When he saw that Gaim, who was hit by his words before and should have been extremely confused and lost, attacked again, he really couldn't understand it.

His face suddenly became a little ugly, and Wudao Guihu clenched his fists slightly, and couldn't help but say hatefully.

"What a stupid guy! He has no memory at all!"

I have clearly told him so clearly, why doesn't this guy listen to advice?

Is this guy's brain stubborn?

To save the world, sacrifice is inevitable.

All the sacrifices made are for the continued survival of mankind.

The outer layer of the World Tree Tower has very powerful defense devices.

When Gaim's pilot, Kachidoki, approached, these defense devices immediately attacked him.

Even though Gaim had driven carefully enough, he still couldn't avoid all the attacks.

The luminous bullet hit Kachidoki, and it lost its balance for a moment, so Gaim was forced to throw it away.

Now this height is enough.

As Gaim's body fell rapidly, he immediately took out the latest plug-in given to him by Sagara, the victory roar lock.


"Lock.On! Soiya! Kachi1s! Go out immediately! Ei.Ei.Oh! "

A victory roar armor based on orange, after unfolding, landed directly on Gaim.

Gaimu exuded a faint golden light, and landed directly on the apron at the top of the World Tree Tower.

Kamen Rider Gaim - Victory Roar Form!

Feeling the powerful force emerging from his body, Gaim clenched his fists slightly.

He felt that with his current strength, he was confident that he could destroy the Sgra system.

Even if he faced Zangetsu Shin again, he believed that he would not lose to him again.

Due to Gaim's sudden intrusion, the World Tree naturally could not ignore it.

Immediately dispatched an elite team of black shadow guards, all of whom drove Dandelion Voyagers to the World Tree Tower.

Dozens of black shadow guards received the order to destroy the invaders.

They showed no mercy at all and launched the attack without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang! ! "

Countless bullets poured down from the Dandelion Voyager, as if they would soon drown Gaim.

In this dark night, under the moonlight, the top of the World Tree Tower flickered with fire.

Gaim, who was hit head-on by so many attacks, had countless sparks on his body.

But he still insisted on standing still, not retreating a single step.

Although he felt a slight pain in his body, it did not hurt him.

So strong!

Gaim felt that his current strength had far exceeded his previous self.

But the only thing he wanted to do at this time was to destroy the Sgra system.

He had no time to think about why Sagara could give him such a powerful lock seed.

As a protagonist, he is so simple. After getting the plug-in, he just needs to keep moving forward.

After a terrifying shooting, the shadow guards thought the target had been annihilated, so they stopped firing.

Countless smoke and dust splashed on the top of the World Tree Tower.

Under this intensive attack, the helipad had been reduced to ruins.

"It should have been solved, right? "

I don't know which black shadow guard suddenly said this.

At this moment, the smoke and dust on the apron gradually dissipated.

The tall and resolute figure appeared in front of the black shadow guards again.

The black shadow guards who saw this scene were shocked.

They couldn't believe that Gaim, who was attacked so intensively, was not hurt at all.

What the hell is this?

At this time, Gaim was holding a big gun in his hand.

The exclusive weapon of the victory roar form, the matchlock big orange DJ gun

Raising the matchlock big orange DJ gun in his hand, Gaim put his hand on the turntable above.

Suddenly, a strange DJ rock sound sounded, which was very DJ Xiangle.

It fits his style perfectly!

He fired at the shadow guards in the sky.

You don't need too many bullets at all, one bullet is enough to kill a shadow guard.

To be precise, it's the Dandelion Voyager.

Without the Dandelion Voyager, these shadow guards are not a big threat at all.

"Bang, bang, bang!!"

Several consecutive bullets hit several of the shadow guards directly, and the attacked shadow guards fell directly.

The remaining shadows, the guards did not dare to gather together.

Immediately dispersed and took turns to attack.

But Gaim is not a vegetarian now.

Immediately adjust the output of the matchlock big orange DJ gun to the maximum.

Then, the matchlock big orange DJ gun directly transformed into a one-handed armed Gatling.

Crazy fire snakes were poured out, launching a terrorist attack on the shadow guards in the sky.

"Da Da Da Da Da!!"

It's really like a Gatling gun. The bullets are endless and can be fired continuously.

Facing this extremely oppressive attack method, even if these shadow guards want to block it, they can't block it at all.

It's too scary!

"Boom boom boom!!

The shadow guards that were hit kept falling, and the number of shadow guards in the sky was gradually decreasing.

At this time, Zhan Ji Lingma, who was feeling bored in his laboratory, also adjusted the computer screen to the battle outside.

Anyway, there was nothing to do, just treat it as a bedtime entertainment.

I originally planned to watch a good show.

But when he saw the weapons on Gaim now, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

With his eyes wide open, Zhan Ji Lingma looked at the computer screen as if he had seen a ghost.

Excitedly, he put his hands on the screen, his eyes filled with disbelief.

What the hell?!

Why is there a lock species that I have never seen before?

"What is this? ! Why is there a lock species that I have never seen before? Is it an unknown change form?

No! How is this possible? ! "

The words were full of disbelief

Even the very calm Sengoku Ryoma was at a loss after seeing this power beyond his understanding.

He really couldn't understand how Gaim could have a lock species that he had never seen before.

In Sengoku Ryoma's opinion, lock species should be his own research.

He has done all kinds of research, and it should be impossible for such a variant to appear.

But now, all this happened in front of him, like a loud slap in his face.

How could this happen? !

Scratching his hair hard

In addition to the incredible expression on Sengoku Ryoma's face at this time, there was also a ferocious look.

He absolutely did not allow the existence of species other than those he was researching.

This kind of thing should be destroyed!

And Wudao Mitsumi, who was slapped by Wudao Takatora before.

I had planned to go home, but suddenly heard the alarm.

Then I successfully saw the outside through the computer screen.

When I saw Gaim change into a new form, a strong jealousy flashed in Wudao Mitsumi's eyes.

"Why? ! Why is it always him who gets new powers? ! Why not me? !

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