Why? Why? Why...

While he was muttering, the resentment and hatred in Wudao Guangshi's heart became deeper and deeper.


Before, Wudao Guangshi could still tolerate Kuzuya Kota 780 in his heart.

But now, there is no place for Kuzuya Kota in his heart.

At this time, what Wudao Guangshi thought in his heart was to destroy Kuzuya Kota together.

Such a disobedient guy should be destroyed!

There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Wudao Guangshi didn't know that his heart had become darker and darker at this time.

The battle on the top of the World Tree Tower was still very fierce.

Gaim showed off alone on the top of the tower and destroyed many black shadow guards.

Of course, Gaim controlled the output appropriately.

Mainly in the case of full output, these black shadow guards would probably have been dead long ago.

On a tall building far away in the world.

Lu Li and Xiang Le were at the fence at the moment, watching the battle on the top of the World Tree Tower in the distance.

"It seems that he has made up his mind to break the rules, break the shackles, and find other ways to save the world."

With a relieved smile, Xiang Le felt that he had not misjudged Kuzuya Kota.

It's a pity that there is only one owner of the golden fruit.

Otherwise, Kuzuya Kota would be a very good choice.

"For a person who lives within the rules, it is not an easy thing to break the rules.

I am different from him. I don't need to break the rules, but... make the rules."

This is not Lu Li's arrogance, but the fact.

His power is indeed strong enough to make rules.

It's just that he has never done so, and there is no need.

"The help I can give him ends here. I am very curious, is there any possibility that Kuzuya Kota will threaten you in the future?"

As he said, Xiang Le turned his head slightly to look at Lu Li.

The greatest help he can give has been given, and Kuzuya Kota has now reached a subversion of strength.

Will there be a possibility of threatening Lu Li in the future?

It’s hard to say now

Chapter 603 How much do you look down on me? Successful breakthrough! Determination!

After hearing this, Lu Li just smiled faintly.

"Threat me? How much do you look down on me, or do you think too highly of him.

Humans are always human, and the upper limit of growth is there.

The possibility that he can threaten me... is zero.

But after saying this, Lu Li silently added a sentence in his heart.

Except for a certain ceiling-level old demon king.

Although he is still a human, he possesses unimaginable power.

It can only be said that he is an alternative.

There are too few such extremely rare existences to be counted

If it weren’t for the help of external plug-ins along the way, this guy might have been killed long ago.

"Then... let's wait and see. "

Sago shrugged and did not refute.

Because he knew that this was a very cruel fact.

It was just that there was still a little expectation in his heart.

He mainly wanted to see what kind of different ending Kuzuya Kota could bring to this world.

It was a pity that he was destined not to see this ending.

The ending of this world would only be decided by Lu Li.

At this moment, a faint golden light quickly rushed over.

The next second, a golden bat appeared on Lu Li's shoulder.

Noticing the bat on Lu Li's shoulder, Saago knew what it was at the first time.

There was a battle in the forest, and Lu Li transformed into Moon Rider and Demon Emperor Moon Rider. Saago knew it all:

He recognized the bat at a glance. It was the special driver that could make Lu Li turn into that form.

A living driver!

"Master, I flew around the city. I didn't expect it to be quite interesting. ”

Before, Lu Li had promised Kivatlll that he could stay outside and not return to the alien space.

He kept his promise, so that Kivatl Chuanshi would not grumble behind his back.

After leaving the boring Helheim Forest, Kivatl Chuanshi was full of curiosity about this world, so he went out to wander around alone.

It took him so long to come back, this guy played quite crazy.

"Have you had enough fun?"

"Yeah! Almost done."

Lu Li would not go back on his word, and did not throw Kivatl Chuanshi back to the alien space.

"Since you are back, then accompany me to see it, the guy who tried to break the rules."

"Break the rules? Who? It sounds like a bit powerful! "

Kivatlll, who had just arrived, was very curious when he heard that someone was going to break the rules.

Anyone who can break the rules is undoubtedly very powerful.

Only weak people will be complacent and have no idea of ​​breaking the rules.

On the top of the World Tree Tower.

The battle is still going on fiercely.

Soon, Gaim, who turned into the Victory Roar form, defeated all the shadow guards who were driving the Dandelion Voyager.

Since the Dandelion Voyager itself is a relatively rare lock species, it has been destroyed now, so it is naturally impossible to continue to attack from the air.

The shadow guards can only choose to land on the tarmac.

At the same time, another part of the black shadow guards rushed up from the World Tree Tower.

All the black shadow guards rushed forward directly, without any courtesy.

Gaim quickly took off the victory roar flag on his shoulders and started a fierce battle with these black shadow guards.

At this time, there were not many black shadow guards who could still fight, only about ten people in total.

Facing the powerful Gaim, these black shadow guards had no power to resist at all.

Not long after, the remaining black shadow guards were easily solved by Gaim.

At this time, Wudao Guihu transformed into Zangetsu Shin and finally rushed up and collided with Gaim.

"How dare you come back? You lost the meaning of your own battle!"

In his opinion, Gaim is the kind of person who has an unsteady will to fight.

As long as he is slightly guided by others, he may lose the will to fight.

In his opinion, such a person is unlikely to achieve great things!

"No! Thanks to you, I understand who I should fight with."

Gaim, who has already made a decision, naturally cannot be confused at this time.

"Are you still being stubborn? You saved your life by sacrificing your friend.

Zangetsu Shin brought up this matter again, trying to use it to dampen Gaim's morale.

The reason why Gaim lost his will to fight before was not because he killed Yuya, but because he felt that his behavior was very similar to that of the world.

That's why he was confused.

Now that he knows the meaning of his own battle, such words naturally cannot shake him anymore.

"I did make a mistake, so... I can't ignore people who made the same mistake!"

Gaimu, who transformed into the Shenghou form, is indeed stronger than Zangetsu Shin in terms of real combat power.

But Zangetsu Shin has more combat experience, and he really crushes Gaim in this regard.

A slightly charged energy arrow was suddenly fired and hit Gaim head-on.

Gaimu was directly blown away by the powerful impact and fell to the bottom of the World Tree Tower.

I thought the battle was over, but in the next second, Zangetsu Shin saw Gaim flying up on the Dandelion Voyager.

"What? ! ”

Although it was not fully charged, the energy arrows released by the sonic arrows should not be so easily offset.

The Shenghou armor does have excellent defensive properties, and Gaim did not seem to be injured at all.

“I will not give up! If there must be sacrifices, then we must fight the world that has sacrifices!

Before he finished speaking, Gaim, holding the matchlock orange DJ gun, drove the Dandelion Voyager directly towards the Sgla system outside the World Tree Tower.

When Zangetsu. Zhen reacted, it was obviously too late.

Even if the defense system is good, it is not very useful in the face of the powerful defense of Gaim at this time.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bursts of explosions came, making Zangetsu Zhen look very ugly.

The Sgla system was directly destroyed in a few seconds, and Gaim flew back again.

“Now you have no way to destroy the evidence.

If you want to hide everything, then fight the aliens with all your strength! "

Before he finished speaking, Gaim flew away on Dandelion Voyager.

His goal had been achieved, and there was no need to continue to fight Zangetsu.

Looking at the figure that was gradually going away, Zangetsu was very angry in his heart, but he could not do anything to the other party.


You must know that everything the World Tree did was to eventually save one seventh of the human race.

But now, all of this has been destroyed.

This also means that the forest and the aliens will be in great trouble.

Once a crack appears in a crowded place and an alien comes out, if this matter is exposed, it will really be impossible to hide it.

Before, the alien game could be used to cover it up to a certain extent.

But now, the alien game has stopped, and it was the World Tree itself that promoted it.

Troubles may ensue, and Zangetsu is feeling a headache now.

Inside the laboratory.

Staring closely at Gaim who had disappeared in the camera, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes were still filled with disbelief and a hint of indifference and madness.

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