Since Lu Li said that there was something, it would not be a small matter.

Gently stroking the smooth and white back, Lu Li directly told his thoughts to Sonosaki Saeko.

"This matter is not troublesome. I will be able to get the golden fruit smoothly in a short time.

I think it is better for the museum to control the multinational enterprise group, World Tree.

World Tree, which has many channels, is more beneficial to the development of the museum.

What do you think?"

Lu Li lowered his head and bit Sonosaki Saeko's bright red lips.

Leaning on Lu Li's arms, Sonosaki Saeko barely recovered a little strength.

"Dear, World Tree is a very large enterprise with a lot of assets.

Although I have invested in World Tree before, if I want to directly incorporate World Tree into the museum, I am afraid... It is a bit difficult."

As a strong woman, Sonosaki Saeko said that this is not easy, which proves that the difficulty of this matter is indeed a bit difficult.

Of course, the premise of all this is that World Tree develops steadily and everything goes very smoothly.

But the question is, can the World Tree continue to develop steadily?

The answer is of course impossible!

What Lu Li has to do is... take advantage of the situation.

As a member of the World Tree, the Wudao family naturally owns a lot of shares in the World Tree.

Otherwise, why would the Wudao family control the Helheim Forest project, which is the deepest hidden in the World Tree?

Of course, it is because the Wudao family has a pivotal position in the World Tree.

It is not to say that it can completely decide everything, but at least it can lead a certain direction.

As for how to take advantage of the situation, Lu Li has already thought about it.

Otherwise, he would not let Wudao Guangshi go.

Only by keeping this guy alive can the scene of the two brothers being friendly and respectful to each other reappear.

At the same time, it is also to make Wudao Guihu compromise.

Didn't Wudao Guihu always want to save mankind?

First let him be desperate because of his brother's betrayal, and then give him hope to save mankind.

As long as all the shares of the World Tree are handed over, and let him work for him, Lu Li can save the world.

As for the other shares, it is not difficult to get them.

For the museum, they are all small problems.

The World Tree will naturally change its owner at that time.

Very simple and crude!

As for whether Wudao Guangzhen would not betray Wudao Guihu, Lu Li did not even think about it.

The two brothers have completely different personalities.

Wudao Guangzhen, who has a sinister and black-bellied personality, would easily betray his brother in order to achieve his own goals.

He would not feel any guilt in his heart.

"Don't worry about this matter, Saeko, I will notify you to take over the World Tree at that time.

Of course, your focus is still on the museum, and I will find you a helper at that time.

If there are guys who don't listen at that time, then give them a little color to let them know who the real owner of the World Tree is."

Naturally, many people will not accept the sudden change of course.

But for Lu Li, they are all trivial problems

Chapter 605 Destroy... Gaim! Huangquan Huqi,

Exchange life for combat power!

Seeing Lu Li so confident, Sonosaki Saeko had no doubts in her heart.

Having followed Lu Li for so long, she has long been accustomed to Lu Li's confidence.

No matter when, no matter what!

As long as Lu Li says there is no problem, then there is really no problem

"Got it, dear, don't worry, I will deal with all these problems at that time, and the World Tree cannot escape from your palm."

At the same time.

At the World Tree headquarters.

In Zhan Ji Lingma's laboratory.

Because of the Shenghou Lock Seed, Zhan Ji Lingma is in a very bad mood now.

Sitting alone in front of the laboratory table without saying a word or making any movements.

There is a hint of coldness in his eyes, and his face is as heavy as water.


At this time, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened.

And then a figure walked in from outside.

Zhan Ji Lingma, who heard the sound, turned his head slightly.

As a result, he saw Wu Dao Guangshi, who also had a gloomy face, walking in.

"Guangshi? It's so late and you haven't gone back yet, is there anything else?"

He was a little surprised.

He didn't understand why Wu Dao Guangshi suddenly came to him at this time.

Staring at Sengoku Ryoma, Wu Dao Guangshi took a deep breath.

Then, he finally expressed his thoughts.

"Professor, I believe you must have seen that the new form of Kuzuya Kota is a power that has never been seen before.

The strength of this power has threatened the World Tree, and it may even affect the plans that may be launched later.

I think. Kuzuya Kota should be eliminated in advance to prevent him from continuing to interfere with the plan.

Wu Dao Guangshi said for the plan.

But at this time, he forgot what he said before, that he wanted to protect the Gaim Team and preserve those happy times.

He even said in person that he wanted to eliminate Kuzuya Kota.

Of course, Sengoku Ryoma didn't know that Wu Dao Guangshi had said this.

He was just quite surprised that Wu Dao Guangshi actually planned to deal with Kuzuya Kota.

According to what he knew, the relationship between Kuzuya Kota and Wudao Guangshi should be quite good.

Now there is such a big change suddenly, it seems that something must have happened.

He keenly noticed the jealousy and deep hatred hidden in Wudao Guangshi's eyes.

It seems that this kid is very jealous of Kuzuya Kota.

How could he not have any jealousy in his heart after leaving him behind all of a sudden.

Maybe... this kid can be used.

Zhan Ji Lingma now also feels the huge threat brought by Kuzuya Kota.

Especially the lock seed that he doesn't even know, the power is terrifying.

The best way is to eliminate Kuzuya Kota now.

As for who is behind him, we can slowly check.

But at present, we must find a way to get rid of Kuzuya Kota first, which is the top priority.

The threat of this guy is really too great.

Letting him continue to exist will only make the future more unclear and unpredictable.

Shrugging slightly, Zhan Ji Lingma said helplessly.

"Mitsumasa, of course I understand this problem, but you just noticed it.

Even your brother Takatora couldn't defeat Kuzuya Kota.

If you want to defeat that guy, you must use the sealed power."

A sinister look flashed in Sengoku Ryoma's eyes:

Yes, he is inducing Wudao Mitsumasa.

At this time, Wudao Mitsumasa, who was not calm enough, did not notice Sengoku Ryoma's thoughts.

Since Sengoku Ryoma has said this now, will he have the power to deal with Gaim now?

If he really has this power, he may be able to deal with Gaim.

"Professor, is there any way to help me?

My power is not enough to eliminate Kuzuya Kota, I need your help."

At this time, Wudao Mitsumasa's eyes showed a hint of expectation.

When asked this question, Sengoku Ryoma's face suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Mitsumasa, it's not that I don't want to give you power that's not strong enough to deal with Kuzuya Kota.

It's just that the power is too dangerous, especially for the user, and I have sealed it up."

I don't know whether the embarrassment on his face is real or fake.

When he heard that Zhan Ji Ling Ma had a powerful power, Wu Dao Guang Ma's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Too dangerous? Professor, can we care about what is dangerous now?

The existence of Kuzuya Kota is very dangerous now.

We must eliminate him first to prevent him from hindering the plan later!

Please give me the power! I will solve this matter perfectly!"

Zhan Ji Ling Ma's face showed embarrassment

"This...If your brother knows about it, he will definitely not let me go easily.

That thing is too dangerous, no."

Zhan Ji Ling Ma does have dangerous power in his hand

But if he takes the initiative to give this dangerous power to Wu Dao Guang Ma, as his brother, Wu Dao Gui Hu will definitely make trouble for him.

When Wu Dao Guang Ma heard this, his face suddenly sank.

Sometimes he really annoyed his brother.

He always restrained himself without knowing it, which made him very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, professor, I won't tell my brother about this.

He won't know that the things came from you, I will just say that I found it secretly.

There is no time to hesitate so much now.

Professor! The plan must be implemented, and we must not let Kuzuya Kota get in the way again!"

With his hands on the table, Wu Dao Guangshi's eyes were full of determination and ruthlessness.

Since he has decided to take this step, he will naturally not regret it.

In any case, Kuzuya Kota must be dealt with.

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