So, Zhan Ji Ling Ma, who was in a difficult situation, did not immediately agree to Wu Dao Guang Shi, but hesitated for a long time.

Finally, he sighed helplessly, got up and walked towards the corner of the laboratory.

Not long after, Zhan Ji Ling Ma came back with a lock seed in his hand.

Finally, Wu Dao Guang Shi saw the lock seed, which was slightly similar to the grape lock seed in his hand.

It was just that the color was different, and it gave her a bad feeling.

The middle of the lock seed was dark red, and the surrounding was golden.

Wu Dao Guang Shi was surprised to see the lock seed that he had never seen before.

.. Ask for flowers

"What is this.?"

Zhan Ji Ling Ma put the lock seed in his hand on the table, sat back in the chair and said.

"Yellow Spring House Lock Seed, this is a very dangerous and sealed work.

It has very powerful power, but this power comes at a price.

It absorbs the user's vitality at the cost of exerting a very terrifying power.

Using this power, I think even Lu Li may not be his opponent."

The last sentence was deliberately added by Zhan Ji Ling Ma, in order to let Wu Dao Guang Shi accept this lock seed.

He really hopes that Wu Dao Guang Shi can get rid of Kuzuya Kota.

But it's not just Kuzuya Kota, there is also Lu Li.

Although Lu Li has shown very powerful power before, Zhan Ji Ling Ma doesn't think that power is invincible.

Yellow Spring House Lock Seed, exerts terrifying power at the cost of absorbing vitality.

In short, it is to use life to exert stronger combat power.

In theory, this power is very terrifying and has a high upper limit.

The only disadvantage is that it may make the user die quickly.


If Wu Dao Guangshi can use this power to get rid of Lu Li and Ge Ye Hongtai, then the biggest obstacle for Zhan Ji Lingma will be completely cleared.

Without this biggest obstacle, wouldn't the final ownership of the golden fruit be very clear?

As for whether Wu Dao Guangshi will accept it, Zhan Ji Lingma is not worried at all.

Wu Dao Guangshi, who is eager to gain power, has reached a very high level of desire for power in his heart.

Even if he has to pay his vitality in exchange for powerful power, he will definitely not be able to help it.

The shadow left by Lu Li in Wu Dao Guangshi's mirror is too deep, and he needs power to break through this shadow.

A very simple conspiracy.

"Exchange power at the cost of vitality?!"

Looking at the Huangquanhuchi lock seed on the table, Wu Dao Guangshi was also shocked in his heart.

He didn't expect that there would be such an evil lock seed that would exert power at the cost of vitality.

It's really terrifying!

Just now, when Zhan Ji Ling Ma said that this power could even suppress Lu Li, Wu Dao Guang Shi had a very strong desire for this power.

Such a powerful power, even if it costs life force, is not incomprehensible.

He... is moved!

Wu Dao Guang Shi knows very well.

Even if his brother Wu Dao Gui Hu transformed into Zang Yue. Zhen, he may not be Lu Li's opponent.

Even if he has the Genesis Driver and Energy Lock Seed, the final outcome is probably the same.

For this, he needs a stronger power, and this opportunity is right in front of him.

Danger and opportunity coexist!

Struggling in his heart, Wu Dao Guang Shi looked at Huang Quan Hu Chi Lock Seed with a strong desire in his eyes.

But consuming life force makes him feel afraid.

No one is not afraid of death, even Wu Dao Guang Shi, the same is true.

Soon, Wu Dao Guang Shi finally made a decision and immediately picked up Huang Quan Hu Chi Lock Seed on the table.

"Professor, you have no idea about what happened today. I stole the lock by myself."

After leaving this sentence, Wu Dao Guang Shi quickly left the laboratory.

Chapter 606 Ace! The Revenge of Zhen Hong! Light Gold Attack!

Looking at Wu Dao Guang Shi who had disappeared at the door of the laboratory, Zhan Ji Ling Ma showed a long-lost smile on his face.

"Haha! Huang Quan Hu Qi, it is indeed very powerful.

No one knows whether you can control it. I hope you can play a little value before you die.

Ge Ye Fang Tai, it depends on whether you can deal with it. The first one is you.

The next one is Lu Li!"

He had already loaded a high-explosive bomb on the Genesis Drive before, but that was only the last resort after all.

When all the means were exhausted, if Lu Li still could not be solved, he would use this last resort.

Once the last resort is gone, it means that he really has no hope at all.

In any case, this kind of thing must never happen.

Huangquanhuchi Suozune and Wudao Guangshi can also be regarded as another trump card of Zhan Ji Lingma.

In order to deal with Lu Li's... an ace!

After a short rest, Qiwen Jiedou finally found the vague red figure he saw in the picture before.

Overlord Alien Zhenhong!

Both of them are guys with similar personalities.

When they meet in this situation, what kind of "one, two, three" chain reaction will happen is completely foreseeable.

Zhenhong had been severely punished by Lu Li before.

And it was not the first time, so he naturally had no good feelings towards humans, only malice.

Therefore, when he saw Qiwen Jiedou, he attacked without hesitation.

Jiedou, who had decided to challenge the strong man in the forest, naturally transformed into Baron to fight.

As soon as they made contact, a very fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

It's just that Balon, who currently uses the Zhanji Drive, has only that kind of combat effectiveness.

Without the Sagara plug-in, he obviously couldn't be a real opponent.

It can even be said that the strength gap between the two sides is very large.

True Red almost unilaterally crushed Balon.

And this time, Yoko Minato won't come to the rescue like in the original drama.

Baron suddenly faced a great crisis.

It was clear that he was completely inferior to his opponent in terms of combat effectiveness, but Balon had no intention of retreating at all.

In his opinion, choosing to retreat when facing a strong battle is undoubtedly a very cowardly behavior.

Only a weak person would do such a thing.

Although he is a weakling, he has a heart that wants to challenge the strong.

Absolutely no retreat!

Through this team that was almost unilaterally crushed, Balon was directly pushed to the edge of the cliff.

"You're just a human monkey! Only destruction awaits you!"

A real red voice sounded.

Hearing the human language, Baron suddenly looked at Zhenhong in surprise.

The other party...why does he speak human language? !

Could it be that the dictionary I gave them had an effect?

Or is it that the other party has learned it before?

Regarding this question, Balon obviously has no way to get the answer at present.

Then, Zhenhong launched a new round of attacks.

Balon had already been scarred a long time ago. Faced with Zhenhong, who was now full of fighting spirit, he couldn't even fight back.

"go to hell!"

Zhenhong condensed a huge fireball in his hand and threw it at Baron without hesitation.


At such a close range, Balon could not avoid it.

"Hang Yiyi!!


Amid the violent explosions, Baron's screams could still be vaguely heard.

In the flames of the explosion, Baron's figure flew out in a very embarrassed manner and fell down the cliff.

If you fall from such a high place, even if you are still alive, you will definitely be seriously injured.


Seeing Baron who had fallen off the cliff and lost his figure, Zhenhong snorted heavily.

Obviously, he was still not satisfied in his heart at this moment.

Before he could fully vent his anger, the guy was knocked off the cliff by him.

"Weak monkey!"

Zhenhong, who had fought with Lu Li twice, was very afraid of Lu Li's terrifying strength.

I thought that the guy I met this time was also very strong, but I didn't expect that Baron's performance would be so awkward.

Really red is very dissatisfied.

But now that the battle is over, Zhenhong is too lazy to look for this guy who fell off the cliff. Let's wait and see if he can survive.

Zhen Hong was very unhappy inside and just wanted to vent at this moment.

The battle just now obviously made him dissatisfied, so the only people he could vent to were other people in this forest.

world Tree!

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Zhen Hong rushed directly towards the artificial crack in the World Tree.

He wanted these ignorant monkeys to know what would happen if they offended him!

The reason why Zhenhong was angry was entirely because he had been crushed by Lu Li twice before.

Coupled with the sudden intrusion of Qi Wen Jie Dou, Zhen Hong was completely angered.

This led to his outburst.

Lu Li didn't know that Zhenhong could no longer contain his anger and was preparing to take revenge on humans.

Even if he knew, Lu Li probably wouldn't care at all.

At this time, Lu Li was under the stage of the Armored Team, watching them dance hip-hop.

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