Of course, I came here mainly to find Gao Siwu.

It was just that I happened to see them performing, so Lu Li didn't bother them.

I don't know if it was because Wu Daoguang suffered a skin injury yesterday, or because of some other reason, he is not here now.

As for Kuzuya Kota, this guy is now focused on finding Overlord..

He has no interest in other things at all.

After all, finding Overlord, in his opinion, may be able to save the world, and World Tree will not need to implement the Ark Plan.

You know, that means killing 6 billion people!

This kind of thing is really too inhumane!

Even if this is to save mankind, Kuzuya Kota does not agree with such a thing.

He believes that finding Overlord is still the best way to save the entire earth.

As long as they can reach an agreement with each other, then everything is not a problem.

After the song ended, the dance of the Gaim team finally ended.

Gao Siwu ran towards Lu Li happily.

Seeing this, the other members of the team showed ambiguous smiles.

How could they not see that Gao Siwu fell in love with Lu Li.

Before, Gao Siwu specifically consulted them about this issue.....

The unanimous conclusion was that Gao Siwu was in love!

"Brother Lu Li! Why didn't you inform me in advance when you came?"

She had seen Lu Li when she was dancing just now, and felt a little embarrassed to let Lu Li wait for her for so long.

Hearing this, Lu Li waved his hand casually.

"I just came to see it. You dance very well and are full of youthful vitality."

Gao Siwu, who was praised like this, showed a look of joy on her face instantly.

Women dress to please themselves!

Gao Siwu usually doesn't have any special hobbies, but she really likes dancing.

It was like this before, and it is still the same now.

Just when the two were chatting happily, a locust that didn't look big rushed towards Lu Li at a fast speed.

If you don't pay attention, you may not be able to find the existence of this thing.

However, Lu Li obviously couldn't fail to notice it.

At the moment when the locust was about to fall on him, a special force directly bounced the locust away.

The locust that fell to the ground was about to struggle, but was easily crushed to death by Lu Li.

The crushed locust did not turn into a corpse, but disappeared directly.

When he saw the locust, Lu Li already knew who was behind it.

Guang Jin!

This guy did escape to the real world as Xiang Le said.

In order to be able to revive, this guy has set his sights on the Kamen Rider in Pan Ya City.

He plans to use the hatred and fighting spirit between Kamen Riders to help himself recover.

The reason why he targeted Lu Li was completely coincidental. In order to find all the information about the knights, he directly possessed a World Tree employee.

With the help of the other party's body, he sneaked into the world number and learned about the relevant information of the Kamen Rider.

Among them was Lu Li's information.

Therefore, Guang Jin naturally regarded Lu Li as one of his targets.

However, what Guang Jin didn't know was that the first target he found was the person he should not offend the most.

"Brother Lu Li, was that a locust?"

Gao Siwu had obviously noticed it, but Lu Li moved too fast and she didn't see it clearly.

Standing up, Lu Li gently patted Gao Siwu's shoulder.

"Wu, you go and dance first. I have something to deal with. Don't worry, it won't take too long.

After I'm done, I'll come back to find you later."

Although she didn't know what Lu Li was going to do, Gao Siwu didn't ask much and nodded.

"Okay, then Brother Lu Li, you go first and be careful.

Then Lu Li turned and walked in one direction.

Through the locust just now, Lu Li had already locked onto Guangjin.

If it were someone else, they might not be able to do this, but Lu Li could do it easily.

At this time, Guangjin didn't know that he had been discovered.

Even Lu Li was walking towards him.

He was now busy selecting the next target:

"With the hatred and fighting spirit of these Kamen Riders, I should be able to restore all my strength.

By that time, I will be the god of the new world!

Everyone will submit to me! "

Guangjin was still fantasizing about becoming a god at this time

Chapter 607 Looking for trouble? Then die! Mirror World - Dragon Rider!

Suddenly, Guangjin felt a strange breath approaching quickly.

He turned around suddenly.

When he turned around, he saw Lu Li standing not far away.

When he saw Lu Li, Guangjin's pupils shrank slightly.

"It's him? !"

He was quite surprised.

Mainly, he couldn't figure out why Lu Li suddenly appeared here.

And he could feel that Lu Li was coming for him.

He was not friendly!

When Lu Li saw Guangjin, the corners of his mouth rose slightly

"Guangjin, why do you want to target me when you can't target anyone else.

You say... can I still tolerate you?"

Lu Li didn't care about Guangjin's coming to Pan Ya City before, anyway, this guy hadn't recovered his strength.

Lu Li was only slightly interested in Guang Jin after he regained his strength.

He was only slightly interested.

But he didn't expect that this guy would come to him on his own initiative.

Since he was already here, Lu Li naturally had no reason to let Guang Jin go.

"Who are you?!"

Seeing that Lu Li actually revealed his name, Guang Jin was a little panicked.

You know, he has only been in this world for a short time. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for anyone to know him.

But why did this guy in front of him see through his identity at a glance.

Who is he?

Although he saw Lu Li's information, he didn't think so much, and he never thought that Lu Li would know his identity.

Guang Jin was quite nervous, and he always felt that the man in front of him was not simple.

"It doesn't matter who I am, Guang Jin, what do you think we should do with you?

Should we kill you or should we kill you."

The tone was grim, and Guang Jin felt a bad feeling in his heart.

The fully recovered Guangjin is only slightly stronger than the ordinary Overlord Alien.

Otherwise, he would not have been sealed long ago.

Artificial golden fruits are always artificial.

The upper limit is there.

Feeling an inexplicable sense of oppression coming from his body, Guangjin's heart suddenly tightened.

He didn't want to be killed before his strength was fully restored.

Then all his previous plans would fail.

Thinking of this, Guangjin couldn't care so much at this time.

Gritting his teeth, Guangjin immediately spread his hands.

Directly summoned a large group of blue locusts to pounce on Lu Li.

He knew that his current strength had not been restored, and he didn't dare to stay here.

He could only delay Lu Li in this way to buy time for himself.

However, Guangjin obviously overestimated his strength.

These locusts are part of Guangjin's body. Attaching to those fighting people can enhance their hatred and fighting spirit.

When it reaches a certain level, it can directly absorb the opponent's power and pass it to Guangjin.

Facing a large group of blue locusts that suddenly appeared, Lu Li just smiled faintly and waved his hand.

An invisible force directly hit these blue locusts.

All the blue locusts were knocked out and forced to merge into one.

Then it turned into a blue and black locust monster.

The locust monster fell to the ground, and Guang Jin was a little overwhelmed.

Good guy!

He had just summoned the locust monster, but he was beaten back.

The most important thing was that Guang Jin noticed that Lu Li had not even transformed at this time.

Who is this guy?

Is he really just a knight?

But why does a knight have such a terrifying power?

He didn't even need to transform to knock his locusts out.

For a while, Guang Jin was quite nervous.

He suddenly realized that this world didn't seem to be much safer than Helheim Forest.

Although there were not so many overlord aliens, there were also very dangerous guys.


I thought that as long as I was careful, I would not be discovered.

But judging from the current situation, he was not only discovered, but also in big trouble.

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