I thought this guy couldn't transform because he hadn't fully recovered.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Lu Li originally thought that Guangjin would be very boring, but he didn't expect that this guy could actually transform.

It's a bit interesting!

"Hmph! Don't be too self-righteous! This is the power developed by you humans.

In this case, I will use this power to deal with you first 々‖!"

Mars pulled out the sword guide on the apple reflective shield.

He held the sword in one hand and the shield in the other, and took the lead in launching an attack.

With a slight hook of his fingers, the dragon saber that Lu Li had thrown out before automatically returned to his hand.


The dragon saber and the sword guide collided, splashing sparks.

Just after the contact, Mars immediately felt his arm numb.

A terrifying force came and suppressed him directly.

What a terrifying force!

He didn't expect that he would be completely suppressed just by the collision of power between the two sides.

Without thinking so much, Mars slammed into Lu Li with the apple reflective shield in his hand.

But Lu Li didn't even give him this chance, and pressed on the apple reflective shield.

The powerful force forced Mars to stop the movement of his hand.

"You haven't even fully recovered your strength, how can you have the confidence to fight against me?"

Lu Li said with contempt.

This made Mars furious.

He used to be a big shot in the Helheim Forest.

Where has he been humiliated like this?

He was humiliated by a human being!

"Don't be happy too early! I was just joking just now.

Do you think my power is just like this?!"

Mars' voice suddenly rose a few degrees.


He shouted angrily.

Mars' body instantly turned into countless small locusts, madly attacking Lu Li in front of him.

"Pip, pip, pip, pip!"

When the small locusts passed through Lu Li's armor, sparks burst out.

There were too many locusts, and Lu Li was surrounded by a large number of locusts in an instant.

A large area of ​​black, densely packed, very scary.

Although the armor on his body was splashing with sparks, Lu Li himself was not seriously injured.

It was just some insignificant attacks, which would not have any effect on him.

However... these bugs are really annoying.

Lu Li drew another card.

But this card is different from the previous one.

On this card, a red mechanical dragon is engraved.

Crimson Dragon!

Insert the card directly into the dragon summoner.


Accompanied by a mechanical sound.

A crimson figure suddenly appeared in the glass on the side.

The next second, the huge crimson figure rushed out of the glass.


A terrifying roar was heard, and the crimson dragon descended!

The crimson dragon, who had just come out of the mirror world, saw Lu Li surrounded by many locusts, and suddenly opened his mouth.

Then spewed out terrifying dragon flames.

When the terrifying dragon flame arrived, all the locusts began to retreat as if they had encountered some terrifying enemy.

The dragon flame descended from the sky and dispersed all the locusts.

It finally landed on Lu Li.

However, as a contractor of the Crimson Dragon, Lu Li was not affected even in the dragon flame.

It can be clearly seen that Lu Li, who was bathed in the dragon flame, had no traces of his armor left by the previous locust attack.

Instead, it became brighter.

The frantically fleeing locusts quickly gathered together in the distance after escaping from the dragon flame.


A sound of horses suddenly came.

When Mars reappeared, he had turned into a flaming horse.

The blazing flames looked terrifying.

On the back of the flaming horse was the upper body of Mars.

Mars, who suddenly turned into the strongest form, drove the flaming horse to rush towards Lu Li frantically.

Wherever the Flame Horse passed, a long flame mark was left on the ground.

The surrounding plants were burned and destroyed by the terrifying flames!

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but sneer.

".‖ The gap in strength between us can't be narrowed by turning into a horse."

Lu Li stepped lightly on the ground with his right foot, and his body suddenly flew into the air.

He did a backflip and landed accurately on the back of the Crimson Dragon.

Compared with Mars, who turned into a Flame Horse, the Crimson Dragon under Lu Li's feet was obviously more impressive.


With Lu Li's order, the Crimson Dragon suddenly accelerated.

Rushed straight towards Mars on the opposite side.

The Flame Horse, burning with blazing flames, and the Crimson Dragon, who was covered in crimson, finally approached.


After the two sides collided, they passed each other directly.

They stopped soon.

Lu Li and Mars kept swinging their swords at the same time.


A mournful cry/woo sounded.

The flaming horse that Mars was riding on collapsed and turned into countless locusts.

As for Mars, he fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

There was a very obvious mark on the apple armor on his chest.

This was caused by the collision with Lu Li just now, and there is still wisps of white smoke coming out of it.

(Hao Zhao) The severe pain in the chest made Mars feel very uncomfortable.

The opponent was able to break his powerful defense!

How could it be? !

Although Mars has not yet recovered his full form, he is still quite confident in the defensive power of his armor.

Even when he first collided with Lu Li, his strength was completely inferior to his usual strength:

But in terms of defense, he didn't think he would lose.

Compared with the embarrassed Mars, Lu Li turned around on the Crimson Dragon and looked down at Mars from a high position.

"I've already told you that the gap between us cannot be made up by a horse.

The power of the artificial golden fruit is indeed a little stronger than that of the Overlord Alien, but that's all.

Compared with Luo Xiu'ao, you are still far behind, and you don't even have the qualifications for me to take it seriously.

When he heard the three words Luo Xiu'ao, Mars suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

"You actually fought with Luo Xiu'ao? ! ”

How could he not know about the king of Helheim Forest?

The other party possessed the power of the real golden fruit.

Even if he was unwilling to admit in his heart that his artificial fruit was not as good as the real golden fruit.

But that was an irrefutable fact.

He knew it very well.

Chapter 609: Survival form! Dragoons! Finally coming, the end!

Many years ago, he was able to make the Fimsim tribe kill each other and almost end up being exterminated.

That was because Bai Ya didn't care about him at that time.

After losing his princess, Bai Ya had no interest in anything.

At that time, Bai Ya was depressed and didn't care about the affairs of the Fimsim tribe at all.

It was precisely because of this that Guang Jin had the opportunity to cause a struggle.

If Bai Ya hadn't been depressed at that time, Guang Jin would never have caused such a big trouble.

And the Fimsim tribe might not be like this now.

Seeing Mars so surprised, Lu Li shrugged slightly.

Said shockingly.

"Not only did we fight, but I also won. "

When he heard that Lu Li had defeated Bai Ya, Mars' pupils suddenly shrank.

The shock in his heart could not be any more.

"How is this possible? ! That's Luo Xiu'ao!

Luo Xiu'ao... He has the power of the golden fruit, how could he lose to you? ! "

The words were full of disbelief.

Mars' first feeling was that Lu Li was lying to him.

But in the battle just now, Lu Li completely crushed him, which was enough to show how terrifying the opponent's fighting power was.

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