And, he could feel it.

From the beginning, Lu Li felt that the battle with himself was just a playful mentality.

In other words, Lu Li was not serious at all.

He just regarded this battle as a pastime.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you will soon be able to experience what it feels like to be completely destroyed.

Don't worry, it will be quick."

Another card was pulled out from the card holder.

This card depicts a golden wing with a pattern of flames burning around it.

Suddenly, the flames behind the wings seemed to be really burning, spinning and burning wildly.

Survival card!

When taking out the survival card, the dragon summoner in Lu Li's hand turned into a flame.

Then it appeared in his left hand.

The flame turned into a pistol-shaped armed summoner that looked like a dragon's head.

Dragon summoner!

The dragon head position opened automatically, and Lu Li put the survival card in his hand into his mouth.

Closing the dragon summoner, a blazing flame instantly enveloped Lu Li.


In the blazing flames, the knight armor on Lu Li's body gradually changed.

Compared to before, the armor on Lu Li's body has changed greatly.

The red armor part turned black, and the black armor part turned red.

The arm armor on both hands and the leg armor on both legs turned gold.

The card holder on the belt also turned from black to red.

There are two red sharp corners on the shoulders, which makes the overall look more textured.

Masked Rider Ryuki - Survival Form!

As Lu Li's form changed, in Lu Li The Crimson Dragon around him also began to change at the same time.

A blazing flame was released from his body, wrapping himself up. The Crimson Dragon gradually stretched his body in the flames, and his body became larger.

When the flames that enveloped the Crimson Dragon dissipated, a red dragon that looked even more ferocious appeared in the original place.


The survival form of the Crimson Dragon possessed even more terrifying power.

When seeing the (bbj) between Lu Li and the Dragon Rider, Mars was shocked beyond words.

He could clearly feel that the man and the dragon in front of him had become more terrifying than before.

"Gulu~! "

Swallowed deeply.

Mars was a little regretful at this moment, why did he provoke Lu Li when there were so many other people to provoke.

If he had known that this guy was so powerful, he should not have provoked him from the beginning.

The main reason was that Mars had never taken humans seriously from the beginning. He believed that humans were a weaker race than Fimsim.

What qualifications did such humans have to be taken seriously by him?

In his opinion, these humans were just tools for his revival.

But he never expected that the first guy in his morning would have such a terrifying power.

The other party even defeated Bai Ya, the overlord with the power of the golden fruit.

At this moment, Mars felt that he was looking for death.

If he had known that things would turn out like this, he would never have taken the initiative to provoke Lu Li.

It is meaningless to mention these things now. Mars is thinking quickly at this time, how can he save his life.

"Okay, Guangjin, there are still people waiting, and it's time to end it.

It will be over soon. "

The slightly relaxed voice made Guangjin feel as if he was falling into an ice cellar, cold and piercing.

He had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that he was about to die.

He had to fight for it, he didn't want to really die here.

"Wait! Wait a minute! I can be used by you, and when I recover, my power will be yours!

Let me go! I can help you do anything you want.

I am the omnipotent golden fruit!

The voice was a little hysterical.

Mars had completely lost his previous high-handed attitude, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

Of course, this was just his expedient measure.

Of course, he couldn't just give in like that.

What he wanted now was to save his life first.

When he fully recovered, he felt that he still had a chance to deal with Lu Li.

What he had to do was to think of a way to gain Lu Li's trust, so that he wouldn't be in a hurry to kill him at this time.

Seeing Mars's funny kneeling and begging for mercy, Lu Li suddenly felt like laughing.

This guy probably doesn't even believe what he said, he just wants to survive.

"Do you think... I need it? The golden fruit belonging to mankind is about to be born, that's what I need.

As for you, a fake, there's not much use in keeping it."

As he said that, Lu Li took out the Final Vent Card and inserted it into the Dragon Summoning Machine.

"Final.Vent (Final Read)!"

Lu Li jumped up and came to the back of the dragon rider again.


The dragon rider roared and rushed into the sky, and then gradually changed in the sky.

The long body folded in a Z shape and gradually evolved into the shape of a motorcycle.

Dragon rider. Motorcycle form!

Landed steadily on the ground and rushed towards Mars at the fastest speed.

"No! Let me go! I can do anything for you! I just ask you to let me go!"

At this time, Mars was still unwilling to give up his last glimmer of hope.

Just now when he heard that Lu Li was about to obtain the golden fruit belonging to human beings, his heart was very broken.

Good guy!

I thought that as long as I surrendered to the other party, I should be able to survive.

But he didn't expect that the other party wouldn't even give him a chance.


The dragoon suddenly raised the front of the car and sprayed a large number of fire bombs from its mouth.

Fire bombs hit Mars accurately one after another and exploded instantly.

"Boom boom boom!!"


Amidst the bursts of explosions and terrifying flames, there were painful wails.

But this is not the end.

The dragoon directly increased to its maximum speed and slammed into the flames.

With blazing flames burning on his body, the dragoon slammed into Mars.

"Hang Yi Yi!!!"

A violent explosion sounded, and flames shot into the sky and engulfed Mars on the spot.

With a beautiful drifting tail, the dragoon stopped.

Lu Li turned his head slightly and looked at the location that was completely engulfed in flames.

In this case, Mars had no chance of surviving.

As a knight with relatively powerful special moves among knights, the possibility of surviving the special moves of a dragon knight in survival form is almost zero.

Just when Lu Li was thinking this, suddenly, Lu Li noticed a very small locust running away quickly.

"Aren't you dead yet? If you want to leave, you have to ask me.

The figure immediately disappeared in place.

When Lu Li appeared again, he was already nearly a hundred meters away from where he was just now.

Lu Li saw a small locust in his hand. This locust was separated from Guangjin before he died.

As long as such a locust exists, give him some time and he will have a chance to recover.

However, such a desperate approach was thought to be foolproof.

But unexpectedly, Lu Li discovered the clues and caught him in his hands.

The pinched locust, Guangjin, was very desperate in his heart.

I have been forced to become like this, just to find a glimmer of life.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li discovered him anyway.

Isn't this fun? !

Just now he thought he could escape with luck, but he didn't expect that this was just what he thought.

"You really dare to think about escaping under my nose."

As he spoke, Lu Li crushed the locust in his hand without hesitation.

Locusts are not real locusts, but a special energy body.

When they were crushed to death, the locusts dissipated directly.

And with the death of this locust, it means that the light gold has completely disappeared, and the artificial gold fruit no longer exists.

Taking out the card box, Lu Li released his transformation.

After taking a look at the mess around him, Lu Li didn't have to worry at all, Yggdrasil would take care of it.

PS: Thank you

11 Ebolt. Star Destroyer’s reminder ticket!

Chapter 610 The lucky Aojiao, erosion! A fearless person...has no fear!

Takatora Kureshima: Thank you so much!

After completely wiping out the light gold, Lu Li went directly back to the street dance arena where Gao Siwu danced before.

It was an appointment made before, and he didn't forget it.

Deep in the Helheim Forest. "


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