Feeling the pain on his body, Qi Wen Jiedou couldn't help but gasp.

He felt as if his body was falling apart and was very uncomfortable.

I opened my eyes with difficulty, and what I saw was a steep rock wall~.

There are Helheim plants everywhere.

"here it is.?"

His eyes were full of doubts.

Qi Wen Jiedou obviously didn't know where this place was.

At this time, Qi Wen Jiedou suddenly recalled what happened before.

I... was knocked off the cliff by that Overlord:!

After falling from such a high place, he didn't die? !

Qi Wen Jiedou felt very surprised.

The chances of surviving a fall from such a height are slim to none.

He didn't expect that he was still alive and well.

To be precise, he was not living well. After all, the pain all over his body was not fake.

Sitting up with difficulty, Qi Wen Jiedou noticed that he seemed to have been treated.

But he was in the forest, how could anyone heal him?

Full of doubts in his heart, Qi Wen Jiedou obviously didn't understand what was going on.

"you're awake.

A majestic voice came.

The sudden sound immediately made Qi Wen Jie Dou alert.

Turning his head with difficulty, he saw a white figure standing not far behind him.

"Are you... Overlord?!"

Qi Wen Jie Dou didn't expect that there was an Overlord here.


He looked again at the area where the injuries had been treated.

Connecting all this, could it be that the Overlord in front of me saved him? !

"Did you save me?"

Faced with Qi Wen Jie Dou's doubts, Bai Ya looked very calm.

"Save you? It can't be considered saving you. I'm just curious about what will happen to you."

"What's the meaning?"

Unconsciously frowning, Qi Wen Jiedou looked at Bai Ya with confusion on his face.

He didn't understand what the guy in front of him was talking about.

At this time, Bai Ya waved his hand casually.

A force directly brushed off the thing wrapped around Qi Wen Jie Dou's left arm.

His arm felt slightly cold, and Qi Wen Jiedou looked sideways at his arm.

When he saw his arm clearly, his eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief.

Just because there was an obvious crack on his arm.

And there was green fluorescence inside, as if something was inside.


Qi Wen Jie Dou, who was just about to move, suddenly felt pain coming from his arm, and his body suddenly fell to the ground.

Holding his arms, his body kept shaking and twitching.

After a while, Qi Wen Jiedou felt that the pain on his hand was much weaker.

After enduring the pain, he exhaled a long breath.

He already knew what it was.

The power of Helheim Forest was eroding his body.

With a lingering fear on his face, he returned his gaze to Bai Ya and said with difficulty.

"who are you?"

Seeing that Qi Wen Jiedou didn't mention a word about his injuries and seemed to have no concern at all, Bai Ya always flashed a hint of surprise.

"Shouldn't you be concerned about your current situation?

Based on your current situation, you will gradually be assimilated by the plants in the forest, and you will also become a member of the forest. "

Generally speaking, when you know this situation, you should pay more attention to your own situation.

But Qi Wen Jiedou's focus was not on himself at all.

On the contrary, he was more concerned about who Bai Ya was.

"It's already like this. What else should we pay attention to? The final result is that we will become a foreigner at the worst.

But before that, I need to gain great strength.

As long as we can obtain the power beyond dimensions, I believe this problem is nothing at all. "

Under this situation, Qi Wen Jiedou also remained calm enough and did not panic.

Unexpectedly, it was such an answer. Bai Ya felt that the human being in front of him seemed pretty good.

Although he had been corroded by Helheim, he relied on enough willpower to suppress this corrosive power.

Bai Ya doesn't know exactly how long it can be suppressed. He can only say that it varies from person to person.

"I am the ruler of the forest, the king of the Fimsim clan, Luo Xiu'o.

"Luo Xiu'ao? King?"

He never expected that the person who saved him would be the king of this forest.

The guy before was also an Overlord, and probably a member of the Fimsim clan.

But the opponent's strength is definitely not as good as their king.

This means that the guy in front of him probably has the highest combat power in the entire forest.

Thinking of this, Qi Wen Jiedou forced himself to stand up and looked at Bai Ya with burning eyes.

"Are you the strongest ruler of this forest? In that case, I want to challenge you!

Even though his body was already injured like this, Qi Wen Jie Dou still didn't give up the fight and actually dared to provoke Bai Ya as the king.

However, Bai Ya had only fought against Lu Li once before and had no interest in other opponents.

Although Qi Wen Jiedou has a firm enough will, his own strength is indeed hard to describe.

Using Zhan Ji Drive's Xun Wen Jiedou, even Zhen Hong can brutally torture him.

Not to mention Bai Ya, who is the king.

"Challenge me? Challenging me with your current strength is just suicide.

It's better to think about it. It's more useful to recover your body as soon as possible. The time left for you...is not much."

The time Bai Ya mentioned is naturally the time Helheim takes to erode Qiwen Jiedou.

Relying on strong willpower, it is indeed possible to suppress this erosion.

But this method only treats the symptoms and not the root cause, and it also requires the pain caused by the erosion to continue.

Qiwen Jiedou didn't care so much, and immediately took out the banana lock seed and planned to transform.

But facing the terrifying Bai Ya, Qiwen Jiedou obviously didn't know how terrifying he was facing.

With a casual move, a terrifying telekinesis directly knocked Qiwen Jiedou to the ground.

"Uh ah!"

.0Please give me flowers0.

He didn't expect that he would be knocked to the ground before he even had time to transform.

Qiwen Jiedou, lying on the ground, wanted to stand up, but unfortunately, his strength was not enough to support him to stand up.

The erosion of Helheim on his arm made him feel very uncomfortable, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

As a person with strong willpower since childhood, Qi Wen Jie Dou would never succumb to this little pain.

After calming down for a while, he felt that the pain in his arm had subsided, and the pain in his body had also weakened a lot, so he barely stood up.

The other party did not want to fight with him.

In addition, he was now covered with scars and was not suitable for fighting.

This time, Qi Wen Jie Dou did not choose to attack, but walked to a stone and sat down.

After calming down, Qi Wen Jie Dou asked in a deep voice.

"Who are you...?"

Seeing that he had calmed down, Bai Ya didn't mind chatting with him.

"We are Fimsim, descendants of a race that once had a prosperous civilization in this world."


Looking at the bandaged area on his body, Qi Wen Jie Dou was a little confused.

"Then why did you save me?"

"I just feel that you are pretty good. Although your fighting ability is far inferior to Demxiu, you did not give up fighting and persisted to the end."

When he heard the name Demxiu, the figure of Zhenhong appeared in his mind.

It should be that guy!

Afterwards, Qu Wen Jie Dou learned some more information.

He learned that the guy who saved him was the one chosen by this forest and the owner of the golden fruit.

Xunya City.

When Lu Li returned to the street dance performance, Gao Siwu and the others had just finished their performance today.

At this time, Gao Siwu and the others were busy packing up.

Noticing Lu Li's return, Gao Siwu hurried over and pouted her little mouth with an unhappy look.

"Brother Lu Li, where did you go just now?

Our performance just now was the climax of today. I wanted you to see it, but you were not there."

It looked like she was acting like a spoiled child to Lu Li.

Seeing her like this, Lu Li smiled and rubbed her head.

"Sorry, I was just dealing with something, so I didn't have time.

How about this, as an apology, I'll treat you to some pastries at Sharmon?"

When Gao Siwu heard that Lu Li was going to take her to Sharmon to eat pastries, her eyes lit up.


But Gao Siwu suddenly remembered her companions, and turned her head to look at her companions who were still packing up:

Now that she is the temporary captain, if she leaves and leaves the team members here, wouldn't it be bad?

The rest of the Kaiwu team, who were still discussing the relationship between Gao Siwu and Lu Li, noticed Gao Siwu's gaze.

Chuckyi, who looked more masculine, smiled and said loudly.

"Wu, go on a date quickly, we can do it here."

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