"That's right! Let's go on a date quickly. We'll leave this place to us."

"Go quickly, come on!"

Others also agreed, which made Gao Siwu very embarrassed.

Chapter 611 Truth and choice! Rampage is so red,

New options!

With the support of his companions, Gao Siwu had a faint look of joy on his face.

"Brother Lu Li, let's go, I haven't been there for a while.

It is said that Charmont has recently launched a new product, so we quickly went to try it. "

After saying that, Gao Siwu couldn't wait to drag Lu Li towards Xia Ermeng's direction.

It was a rare date, so Gao Siwu naturally wanted to seize the time.

Seeing Gao Siwu looking so lively, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

He was thinking about a question before, whether it was necessary to make Gao Siwu the daughter of the origin.

After thinking about it for so long, Lu Li finally decided to choose Gao Siwu.

Of course, Lu Li would give Gao Siwu the right to make this decision on his own.

After arriving at Charmont Pastry Shop.

Huang Lian suddenly became very excited when she saw the elegant magician Lu Li arriving.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, all the recent new products were served.

Watching Gao Siwu taste the delicious pastries, Lu Li decided to tell Gao Siwu about this now.

"Wu, you should know more or less about the situation in Helheim Forest, right?"

Gao Siwu, who was eating cakes, raised his head in surprise.

Under Lu "Qi San San" Li's gaze, he nodded.

"That's right, brother Lu Li, I know a little about the forest.

But I don't know much about the situation there.

Hong Tai and Guang Shi seemed to be hiding it from me, not wanting us to be exposed to these things. "

When this matter was mentioned, Gao Siwu was still quite unhappy.

She didn't like the feeling of being left out and kept in the dark.

Nodding slightly, Lu Li immediately told Gao Siwu the truth.

"Wu, that forest is actually invading the earth. As time goes by, the earth will be assimilated by that forest.

As for the aliens you know, they actually evolved from other creatures.

Without intervention, humans will eventually become like this


When he heard the news, Gao Siwu was stunned.

She never expected that the forest was actually eroding the earth.

The most important thing is that once the earth is invaded, humans... will eventually become aliens.

Later, Lu Li told Gao Siwu some information about the forest and Feimsim's situation.

Gao Siwu, who learned the truth about all this, was the boss with his mouth open.

There was a deep look of shock in his eyes.

She never expected that things would turn out like this.

All of this overturned her understanding, it was too outrageous!

Now, the Earth..is currently in danger!

"Brother Lu Li, do you have any solution to this problem?"

"Yes, but...this method requires your help.

Lu Li looked serious, not like he was joking at all.

Pointing at himself, Gao Siwu's eyes were full of surprise.

"Me? Can I help you?"

Gao Siwu, who has always been an ordinary person, never thought that he would have such an important role.

Gao Siwu himself felt a little incredible that he could help Lu Li on such an important matter.

“As I said before, the only way I can save the earth and humanity is the golden fruit.

The golden fruit is the fruit of wisdom that will be born after the forest invades the earth.

Those who obtain the power of the golden fruit can become the controller of that forest, and naturally have the ability to prevent the forest from invading the earth.

The golden fruit must be given according to the myth of the race. The fruit must be given to the daughter of origin, and then the daughter of origin gives it to me.

In other words, the daughter of origin must be my woman. Can you understand this?

However, after becoming the Daughter of the Origin, she is no longer an ordinary human being, but a god. "

Hearing this, Gao Siwu immediately understood that Lu Li wanted to make himself the daughter of the origin.

I... am I really qualified to be the Daughter of Origin?

I always felt that the Daughter of Origin seemed to be very powerful. Gao Siwu didn't know if he could bear this power.

Seeing Gao Siwu's complex expression, Lu Li could naturally feel the changes in her heart.

I doubt that I am not qualified to be the daughter of the origin, not qualified to be a god.

"I...can I?"

This matter was no small matter, and Lu Li had no intention of asking Gao Siwu to agree immediately.

She must have become the Daughter of the Origin, and she will also undergo transformation, becoming an existence similar to the Overlord Foreigner.

Gao Siwu may not be able to accept this.

After completing the transformation of the Daughter of Origin, although she is Gao Siwu, she is no longer Gao Siwu.

"Wu, this matter is up to you to decide.

If you don't want to do this, I won't force you.

But I can only look for other people to become Daughters of Origin.

You can think about it carefully. The golden fruit is not yet fully mature, so you still have time to think about it. "

When he heard this, Gao Siwu suddenly became a little nervous.

The reason why she was nervous was entirely because of what Lu Li said just now.

If I don't want to be the daughter of origin, Lu Li will find someone else.

Will it be Sister Jing?

Or the woman I saw last time (Inna)? Or Sister Mou?

Lu Li has made it very clear just now.

The golden fruit must be given according to the myth of the race, so there must be a daughter of origin.

And the daughter of origin will obviously end up with Lu Li.

If I can't seize this opportunity, it will be a waste of this opportunity to other people.

But this matter is not a trivial matter after all, Gao Siwu still needs to think carefully.

"Brother Lu Li, give me some time, and when I think it through, I will give you an accurate answer."

Gao Siwu still wants to think about this matter carefully and does not make a hasty decision.

He also understands that Gao Siwu must have concerns, and it is normal to consider it.

"Indeed, you should think about it carefully, after all, this matter is not a trivial matter."

He is not in a hurry for Gao Siwu to make a decision and answer him immediately.

There is no need to be so anxious, there is still time.

Putting this matter aside, Gao Siwu and Lu Li enjoyed a rare leisure time together.

Just when Lu Li felt relaxed, the World Tree was here"

The man-made crack was here.

Zhenhong 0, who was very unhappy and wanted to vent his anger,

took the initiative to attack the World Tree's investigation team.

The black shadow guards were no match for Zhenhong and were almost unilaterally crushed.

Wudao Guihu got the news as soon as possible, saying that there was an invasion by foreigners, and rushed over in a hurry.

Transformed into Zangetsu. Zhen, he fought with Zeng Hong as soon as possible.

"You are the leader of these monkeys, right?"


When he saw Zhenhong holding a weapon and speaking human words, he was shocked.

He had never thought that there were intelligent creatures in this forest.

What is going on?

Why have you never heard of it before? !

The World Tree has been exploring this forest for so long, it should be impossible that it has not noticed any traces of the other party.

There was a battle here, and it happened that Kuzuya Kota was looking for the Overlord Alien in the forest.

He came here just to communicate with the other party and save the earth.

After discovering that a battle had actually occurred here, Kuzuya Kota rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible.

He directly transformed into the Zhenyu Lemon form and forcibly stopped Zhenhong.

"Hey! Calm down! Can we have a good chat?"

Kaimu tightly hugged Zhenhong's hand holding the big sword, trying to calm him down and have a good chat.

In his opinion, as long as the two sides can communicate well, the earth can be spared from a crisis.

However, Kaimu still underestimated the warlike Zhenhong.

After being defeated by Lu Li twice in a row, Zhenhong's heart was already full of anger towards the human race.

It is impossible to get him to sit down and have a good talk!

"Don't even think about it! You monkeys will only perish!

You are not at the same level as us Fimsim!"

Zhenhong simply looks down on such a weak race as humans.

What's more, humans defeated him twice in a row, which made him suffer great humiliation.

He knew that he couldn't beat Lu Li, but it was no problem to beat others.

Just when the two were entangled, Zangetsu Shin suddenly rushed out and slashed Shin Hong's shoulder with a sonic arrow.

Shin Hong, who was suddenly attacked, staggered.

"Kuroba Kota, what's going on? Who is this alien?"

Judging from Gaim's attitude just now, the other party actually knew the identity of this red alien.

Zangetsu Shin now urgently wanted to know the result.

Gaim, who wanted to stop the World Tree from executing the Ark Plan, immediately explained.

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