"That guy is Overlord, the ruler of Helheim Forest hidden deep in the ruins."

When Zangetsu heard this conclusion, he was shocked beyond words.

"What?! How is this possible?!"

He couldn't believe what he heard. There was actually a ruler in this forest.

"In this world, there are guys who have survived the invasion of the forest.

As long as we ask them, we may be able to find a way to save our world!"

When Gaim saw Shinku, he felt that he was one step closer to success.

Chapter 612 United Front! True Brothers! All members are traitors.

"You are such a self-talking guy! You monkeys are not qualified to survive!"

Before he finished speaking, Shinku rushed at the two again.

He is not such an easy person to talk to. No, it should be the Overlord Alien.

The Overlord Aliens who can survive the destruction of Fimsim are all powerful beings.

Although the Genesis Driver has excellent performance, facing the angry Shinku, even if Zangetsu Shin and Gaim join forces, they can only barely fight to a draw.

Shinku, who can control the plants of Helheim at will, does have a huge limitation for them.

Coupled with the special attack method of Shinku, they are beaten to the point of being miserable.

For a while, the two of them were actually at a disadvantage.

Just when Shinku was about to deal with Gaim and Zangetsu Shin, a series of strange sounds suddenly came from his mind.

Then came a feeling of discomfort.

Shinku felt like his head was about to explode.


Kneeling on the ground in pain.

Shinku didn't expect that Bai Ya would suddenly stop him at this time.

The extremely powerful wave of thoughts pressed Shinku so hard that he couldn't stand up.


Gaim and Zangetsu Shin were very surprised to see Shinku suddenly become very uncomfortable.

"What happened to this guy?"

They had no way of feeling Bai Ya's thoughts, so they naturally couldn't feel the splitting headache that Zhen Hong was feeling at this moment.

After being taught a lesson by Bai Ya 21's thoughts, Zhen Hong didn't dare to continue fighting here.

He glared at Gaim and the other two fiercely, and turned into a red mist unwillingly and fled to the distance.

"We can't let him run away!"

The two of them chased after him at the same time.

At the same time, inside the World Tree's laboratory.

Looking at what just happened on the computer screen, Zhan Ji Ling Ma's face was very bad.

He never thought that the Overlord Alien would suddenly attack at this time.

"This is really unexpected. Overlord actually took the initiative to attack.

In addition to Zhan Ji Ling Ma, Cid is also here.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Cid's eyes revealed a dangerous look.

"This is not good. We must not let Gui Hu catch Overlord like this. "

None of them had ever met Overlord, and they didn't know how he existed.

They didn't know whether he knew where the golden fruit was.

But what was certain was that there was only one golden fruit.

Once it was revealed, it was likely that someone else would get there first.

This was definitely not what they wanted.

Standing up slowly, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes became extremely dangerous.

"Forget it, I knew it would turn out like this from the beginning.

It's time for the wounded and exhausted warrior to rest. "

That's right, Sengoku Ryoma had already guessed that things would eventually come to this point.

When he said this, Sengoku Ryoma had already made up his mind.

It was time to say goodbye to Wudao Takatora.

Gaimu and Zangetsu. Shin did not catch up with Shinku, so they could only let it go.

But this time, Wudao Takatora did see a new option other than despair.

He was ecstatic in his heart.

As the executor of the Ark Project, he had already prepared himself to bear the huge sin.

But if he could save more people, it would be the best in his opinion.

Even if there was only a very weak hope, he didn't want to give up.

At the same time, because of this incident, Wudao Takatora finally recognized all the efforts made by Kuzuya Kota before.

The Ark Project has not yet been launched on a large scale , if we can try to find other ways to save more humans.

No matter how difficult it is, it is worth a try.

It is precisely because of this that Kuzuya Kota and Wudao Takatora are standing on the same front.

After returning to the World Tree, Wudao Takatora immediately convened an emergency meeting of project-related personnel.

The people who participated in this meeting were himself, Sengoku Ryoma, Wudao Mitsushi and Cid.

Originally, Minato Yoko should have been here, but now she is with Lu Li, so she will naturally not attend this meeting.

At the meeting, Wudao Takatora looked very different from his previous coldness.

Perhaps because he found an opportunity to save more humans, there was a faint evil smile on his face.

And all this was brought about by Kuzuya Kota's persistence.

Wudao Takatora did not hesitate to praise Kuzuya Kota.

This made Wudao Guangshi, who was already jealous and dissatisfied with Kuzuya Kota, even more dissatisfied.

His eyes revealed danger, and he clenched his hands under the table.

At this time, he just wanted to get rid of Kuzuya Kota as soon as possible.

It was because of this man that everyone around him became so strange.

Soon, Wudao Guihu formulated a battle plan and prepared to go deep into the forest to find the overlord alien.

However, what he didn't know was that this battle plan gave Sengoku Lingma and others an excellent opportunity to take action.

It was not only Sengoku Lingma and Sid who participated in this plan.

Even Wudao Guangshi participated in this plan.

There was only one goal, to get rid of Wudao Guihu.

When they came to the depths of the forest, Sigurd suddenly attacked Zangetsu Shin who was traveling with him.

The sonic arrow slashed on Zangetsu Shin's armor mercilessly, splashing sparks.

Zangetsu Shin, who was suddenly attacked, was hit and staggered.

Then the defense on his body was not low, and it was not affected too much.

"Hey! Sigurd! What are you doing?!"

At this time, Zangetsu. Zhen still didn't understand the situation at all, and didn't understand why Sigurd suddenly attacked him.

Hearing this, Sigurd immediately smiled coldly.

"Haha! What are you doing? I've been annoyed with you for a long time, let me see how strong you are!"

He pounced on Zangetsu. Zhen, waving the sonic arrow in his hand to launch a crazy attack.

Zangetsu. Zhen was at a disadvantage because of the sneak attack before, but this does not mean that Sigurd can really deal with him:

Zangetsu. Zhen, who has extremely rich natural experience, suppressed Sigurd even when he lost the initiative.

After a few rounds, Zangetsu. Zhen directly knocked Sigurd to the ground.

And at this moment, Long Xuan, who should have been in another direction, suddenly rushed in here.

"Mitsumasa, I don't know what's wrong with Sid. He suddenly attacked me.

Remove this guy's driver and escort him back."

At this time, Zangetsu Shin had no idea that even his brother was involved in the plan to encircle him.

Taking advantage of Zangetsu Shin's back, Long Xuan fired a charged Grape Dragon Cannon instantly, aiming directly at Zangetsu Shin's back.


Zangetsu Shin, who was completely unprepared for his brother, instantly felt a terrifying force attacking from behind.

Even if the Genesis Driver has better performance, it will still be injured if it is hit by the Grape Dragon Cannon in such an unprepared situation.


Zangetsu Shin was directly thrown out by the violent explosion and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Zangetsu Shin had not reacted yet at this time.

The main reason was that he had never expected that his brother would help Sid to attack him.

Sigurd, who was knocked to the ground before, suddenly laughed up to the sky.


The crazy laughter showed how happy Sigurd was at that moment.


This scene of brothers turning against each other was really funny.

Who could have thought that Wudao Guihu's brother would actually attack him?

Feeling the pain coming from his back, Zhan Yuezhen looked at Long Xuan with difficulty.

"Mitsumasa, what are you doing?!1

He still couldn't believe that his brother would actually attack him.

At this time, Long Xuan's cold and ruthless voice came.

"Brother, you have been affected by Kuzuya Kota, so let's stop here. "

At this time, Long Xuan exuded a cold aura.

The look he gave his brother was also cold.

As a brother, Zhan Yue Zhen never expected that he would be such a failure, and he couldn't even educate his younger brother well.

He smiled bitterly in his heart.

However, although Long Xuan's attack on him was unexpected, it was not enough to make Zhan Yue Zhen give up.

Since his younger brother was disobedient, he had to educate him well.

Afterwards, Zhan Yue Zhen fought against Sigurd and Long Xuan alone.

Relying on his rich combat experience and strong strength, he successfully blocked the attacks of the two by himself.

However, when the three were fighting so fiercely, the appearance of another figure directly made Zhan Yue Zhen's mood fall to the bottom.

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