
He never expected that Zhan Ji Lingma would appear here.

You know, Zhan Ji Lingma would never take the initiative to participate in the things in the forest.

Most of the time, he was in the laboratory observing through the screen.

But this time, he came suddenly, and Zhan Yue Zhen's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Hey, Gui Hu, what's wrong? So panicked."

"Lingma? Could it be you too!"

The words were full of shock.

He never expected that Zhan Ji Lingma would also want to get rid of him.

Chapter 613 I... Come in person! What a good brother!

You know, he has always regarded Zhan Ji Lingma as his best friend.

At the same time, he is also a person who can talk about everything.

But he didn't expect that he would be betrayed by the other party one day.

The people around him, even his closest brother, betrayed him.

For a moment, Zhan Yue really couldn't figure out what was going on.

Zhan Ji Lingma carried the Genesis Driver on his waist and took out the lemon energy lock seed at will.



"Lock.On! Soda! Lemon.Energy.Arms! Fight.Power! Fight.Power! Fi-Fi-Fi-Fi-Fight!"

Immediately transformed into the Duke and jumped down.

Immediately launched an attack on Zangetsu.Makoto.


The sonic arrow slashed on the armor on Zangetsu.Makoto's chest, splashing sparks.

Zangetsu.Makoto has rich combat experience and can suppress Sigurd and Long Xuan by himself.

But facing the Duke with more powerful driver performance, he has become a completely disadvantaged party at this moment.

Zhan Ji Lingma installed blocking devices on all Genesis Drivers except his own.

The reason why he did not use it was to prevent Sid and other guys who used Genesis Drivers from suspecting.

After all, everyone has their own ulterior motives, and they all know that the other party is not a good guy.


The sonic arrows collided

Facing his best friend who was so close, Zangetsu Shin asked desperately.

"This is impossible! Why?!"

He never expected that he would end up being deserted by everyone.

Even his most concerned brother would choose to betray him at this time.

Did he... do something wrong?

"It's a pity, it's really a pity, Takatora.

I thought I could work hard for my ideal with you,

but now it seems that this is the end."

Looking at Zangetsu Shin who was unbelievable in front of him, the Duke felt deeply regretful.

At first, he wanted to cultivate Wudao Takatora who admired him into a god of the new world.

But in the end, the other party had no interest in this matter.

I thought the other party could understand him, but I didn't expect that in the end, only he could understand him.

Since the other party had become an obstacle on his way forward, he naturally had no reason to keep the other party.

Under the siege of the three, Zangetsu Shin was completely beaten without the ability to fight back.

"Clang! Clang!"

The endless attacks all poured down on Zangetsu Shin, making him very embarrassed.


The armor on his chest left obvious marks, and white smoke came out from the cracks on the armor.

"Isn't it the Sengoku Driver? This is the result of your and my efforts to save mankind!

Lingma Yiyi! 々! State

Roared vigorously.

Betraying by the person he trusted the most, Zangetsu Shin felt very complicated at this time

He didn't know why he was betrayed, and he still didn't figure it out.

"Takato, you and I... are not the same kind of people."

As he said, the Duke directly took off the lemon energy lock on the driver and always buckled it on the sonic arrow.


Slowly pulling the bowstring, the top of the sonic arrow shone with a yellow light like a delicate.

The terrifying energy gathered crazily on the sonic arrow.

An energy arrow composed of energy, blooming with dazzling light.



A spiral energy arrow shining with lemon color was fired instantly.

Seeing that the Duke was merciless, Zangetsu Shin had no time to think about it at this time,

and quickly put his hands in front of him.

Using the sonic arrow as a shield, he wanted to withstand this fatal blow.

The moment the energy arrow touched the sonic arrow in Zangetsu Shin's hand, it instantly burst out with a terrifying energy.


The violent explosion released waves of terrifying energy tides, causing the surrounding plants to sway constantly.


Zangetsu Shin, who was at the center of the explosion, was blown away by this terrifying force after a scream.

Zangetsu Shin fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner, and the sonic arrow lay beside him.

After enduring a powerful fatal blow, his sonic arrow has now broken into several pieces.

"Oh! You are worthy of being our director. I didn't expect you to withstand it. It really surprised me.

Haha! But even if you withstand it, what?

You can withstand it once, can you... withstand it a second time? "

Sigurd smiled coldly.

He took off the Cherry Energy Lock on the Genesis Driver.

His meaning was very clear, ready to add another fatal blow, and completely get rid of Zangetsu. Zhen here.

Just when Sigurd was about to take action, a hand suddenly stopped him.

Looking at the hand that suddenly blocked him, Sigurd frowned and turned to look at Long Xuan on the side.

"What? Is the young master soft-hearted?

You said you wanted to participate in this plan, now...you won't regret it, right? "

There was a lot of dissatisfaction in his words.

When Sigurd thought of how he was scolded by Wudao Guihu before, how could he not want revenge?

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

It was absolutely impossible for him to let Wudao Guihu go.

Lying on the ground, Zhan Yuezhen, who was in great pain at this time, saw Long Xuan stopping Sigurd and thought that his brother regretted it.

However, the next second, Long Xuan's words directly made his mood fall to the bottom.

"Sigurd, since I came to participate in this plan, it is enough to prove that I have made a choice.

But I hope that the last blow will be left to me to complete, professor, what do you think? "

There was a faint tremor in Long Xuan's tone.

But...he still decided to kill Zangetsu Shin himself.

His brother has always been his idol. Now that his brother is about to end, he, the younger brother, will personally deliver him.

Hearing this, the Duke was a little surprised.

I never expected that Long Xuan would want to kill Zangetsu Shin himself.

"Okay, Sid, let Guang Shi give it to him, give him a chance.

Sigurd, who wanted to take revenge himself, felt very unhappy after hearing the Duke's words.

But he also knew that he couldn't offend the Duke under the current circumstances.

Shrugging indifferently, Sigurd put down the sonic arrow.

"Since the young master wants to do it himself, let you do it.

Let me see if you have the determination, the director's...good brother."

Cid, under the armor, walked aside with a sneer on his face.

This scene of brotherly love and respect made him feel very comfortable.

Director Wu Dao, who is so high up, would end up like this.

It's really funny!

Long Xuan slowly raised his head and looked at Zang Yue Zhen, who could hardly stand up at this time.

He slowly raised his hand and pushed the knife-shaped push rod device on the Zhan Ji driver three times in a row.

"Budon Sparking!"

Raising the Grape Dragon Cannon in his hand, Long Xuan directly aimed it at Zang Yue Zhen.

His hands trembled slightly, and Long Xuan seemed to be under a lot of pressure at this moment.

The muzzle of the Grape Dragon Robe gathered purple energy.

"Brother, why are all of you affected by Kuzuya Tota?!

Why is his influence on you so great?! Why do all people change because of him?!


The voice was full of hysteria.

Long Xuan's eyes were filled with jealousy and hatred.


Zang Yue Zhen at this time had no idea what he should say.

The whole person fell silent.

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