Soon, Kuzuya Kota came to his senses and shook his head.

"No, no! What could we hide from you? You must have felt it wrong.

By the way, what do you want to eat? I'll treat you today.

He quickly changed the subject, not wanting Takashi Mai to continue to dwell on this matter.

Just as the two were chatting, Bando Seishiro came over with a tablet computer and said in surprise.

"Have you heard about it?"


The two looked at Bando Seishiro in surprise, not understanding what he wanted to say.

Putting the tablet computer on the table, Bando Seishiro said quickly.

"That's it. It is said that there is another world inside the earth."

"Ah? What is this?"

Kuzuya Kota couldn't wait to check the news on the tablet computer, and he was also very curious about what was going on.

"It was discovered by subway workers by accident, but a monster appeared and ate them all. "

When he heard the word monster, Kuzuya Kota's face suddenly froze.

2.3 "The monster you are talking about, could it be an alien?"

Hearing this, Bando Seishiro shrugged helplessly.

"I don't know about this. I haven't seen any relevant reports on TV or in newspapers. I just saw rumors on the Internet."

At this time, Kuzuya Kota suddenly thought of the means of the World Tree.

The World Tree has the network intelligence of Pan Ya City. Maybe it is possible that the World Tree is doing something behind the scenes.

Although he has just reached an agreement with Wudao Guihu, it does not mean that the World Tree can be 100% trusted now.

Just in case, Kuzuya Kota is ready to check.

Thinking of this, Kuzuya Kota took off the apron on his body and ran outside quickly.

"Tongtai, what do you want to do?"

"This is probably a conspiracy of the World Tree. I will investigate it. "

He couldn't rest assured anyway. If the World Tree was doing something again, he had to find out the other party's movements as soon as possible.

"Wait! Fangtai!"

Gao Siwu was also worried and hurriedly followed.

On the way to the scene of the incident, she also called Lu Li to tell him about it!

Chapter 617 The Land of the Underworld! A sudden battle, a street kid who likes to pass by

At this time, Lu Li, who had nothing to do, understood what happened as soon as he learned about what Gao Siwu said.

Showa Knight VS Heisei Knight!

The Land of the Underworld, the Badan Empire!

The country where the dead exist, inside the earth.

President Badan attempted to use the million-turn machine to make the world of the living Reverse the world of the dead.

It's called the Super Reversal Plan.

Revive the dead and let the living die.

The purpose is to revive all the monsters in the Land of the Dead.

Unexpectedly, this plot actually happened.

This means that Lu Li has the opportunity to meet Wang Xiaoming again.

Lu Li, who has recovered his ability to replicate, has long coveted Wang Xiaoming's dimensional wall.

Although the dimension wall did not add to his combat power this time, it is still a very special ability.

Freely shuttle between the world of knights.

For Lu Li, it is simply too useful.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can just take him into our pocket.

As for how to take him into our pocket, Lu Li has already thought about it.

Although Kazushi Kazushi's fighting ability is good, that is only limited to the case of transformation.

Before the transformation, he is always a human.

Taking advantage of the opponent's lack of transformation, just knock him out violently.

Then copy his ability, it's that simple.

After having the idea, Lu Li immediately went to the subway under construction in Pan Ya City.

At this time, the subway under construction.

Due to the sudden disappearance of the workers, the construction of the subway has now stopped 24 hours.

It needs to be observed before the project is reopened.

Takashi Mai and Kuzuya Kota have arrived here.

The two entered the subway with flashlights.

But the two people who were completely unfamiliar with this place almost got lost.

Just as the two continued to move forward, a faint purple light suddenly lit up in front of them.

The next second, a purple crack appeared on the ground.

It was as if something was about to drill out from the ground.

The purple crack broke very quickly.

The two did not even have time to react, and they fell directly into the purple crack.


Accompanied by the two people's screams.

They felt that the whole person was spinning, and there was a dark purple everywhere around them.

However, not long after, the two people slammed to the ground.

"Ah!.. It hurts!"

The two barely supported their bodies.

Grinning and looking around, they found that they were actually back on the ground.

"What the hell.. is going on? We clearly fell down, how did we get back to the ground? "

At this time, Kuzuya Kota just saw something unusual in the sky and said quickly.

"Wu, look up in the sky!"

"Is that... Earth?!"

They actually saw another Earth!

That means they are now on the inner side of the Earth, in another world?!

"The rumor circulating on the Internet is not false, there is really another world on the other side of the Earth!"

"How can it be?


Ge Yehongtai still felt unclear about how such a ridiculous thing could happen.

"Dang Dang Dang one by one!"

At this time, there was a sudden sound of something being knocked down.

The two people looked over immediately, and found a little boy wearing white clothes hiding behind a pillar.

After the little boy was discovered, he didn't have time to think too much and ran away.

"Hey! Wait!"

The two of them didn't think too much and immediately chased after him.

There was no one around, but now there was a little boy.

They wanted to know what was going on here.

Why can we see another Earth?

And why is there almost no one here?

At this time, in the world of the living.

Lu Li has also arrived at the subway.

Lu Li has an extremely keen sense of energy and noticed it immediately.

There is an unusual energy just ahead.

When he came here, the ground was also glowing with purple light.

Suddenly, the internal energy seemed to be aware of Lu Li's presence, and quickly extended cracks and headed straight for Lu Li.

Looking at the rapidly approaching crack, Lu Li naturally knew what it was, the only way to enter the land of underworld.

Lu Li didn't even need to get close to the crack. He jumped directly into the crack.

The spinning feeling did not make Lu Li feel any discomfort.

He has seen another world.

Landing smoothly, Lu Li had passed through the cracked passage and successfully entered the Land of Underworld.

The surrounding area is very quiet and uninhabited

It felt like a dead city.

The fact is also true, this place is originally a kind of dead city.

City of the Dead!

Lu Li could clearly feel the presence of a special energy around him. This was energy that did not exist in the world of the living.

The undead energy wandering in the world of the dead!

Lu Li, who had just arrived in this world, was quite curious about the situation in this world.

But just when Lu Li was about to explore the world, a lot of weird people who looked like minions suddenly appeared.

Wearing a red and black combat uniform with a red mask, he held a knife in his hand.

These guys are the lower-level combat soldiers of the Bataan Empire, fighting Loido.

A large group of Loidos immediately surrounded Lu Li.

They all raised their knives and attacked Lu Li without hesitation.

"Don't you mean to communicate at all?"

Lu Li originally thought that these guys would say harsh words or something like that when they came up.

But I didn't expect that these guys didn't say a word at all and just wanted to fight with me.

They were just a group of mere soldiers. Since they were actively looking for trouble for him, Lu Li had no reason to let them go.


With a snap of fingers, the door to another space opened.

The next second, a red mechanical beetle rushed out from inside.

The Armored Insect Instrument turned into a red light and shuttled quickly, directly repelling the fighting Roydos who were approaching Lu Li.

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