“Qiang Qiang Qiang!!”

The fighting Roydos surrounding here were helpless against the fast armored insect meter.

One by one they fell to the ground in a panic.

A silver knight's belt appeared on Lu Li's waist at some point.

After dealing with these fighting Loidos, the Armored Insect Instrument automatically returned to Lu Li's belt.



The silver armor gradually attached to the whole body from the belt position.

A very thick piece of armor was about to appear on Lu Li.

Kamen Rider Kabuto. Masked Form!

The Battle Loydos who had just been knocked down noticed Lu Li's complete transformation, and they all realized that Lu Li was the Kamen Rider.

They and the Kamen Riders are incompatible.

I held up the knife in my hand and rushed forward again. I wanted to compete with Lu Li with the knife in my hand.

Seeing this, Lu Li took out his kunai gun and switched it to fully automatic shooting mode.

"Bang bang bang!!"

One ion beam after another accurately hit the fighting Loido.

They didn't even have a chance to get close and were directly wiped out.

"Boom boom boom!!"

With bursts of explosions, all the fighting Loidos were directly wiped out.

Fighting Roydo, who was originally in the land of hell and had died long ago, was now killed again, which meant real death.

There are no traces of them left here.

Even if the Super Reversal Plan is successfully executed using the Million Flip Machine, there is no way to revive him.

At this time, in a hidden corner of 350.

The guy who always likes to pass by the world captured this scene with a sexy camera hanging around his neck.

That's right, the person who secretly took the photo was naturally the passing Kamen Rider, Wang Xiaoming.

No, it should be called Kadoya Shi.

"Why did that guy turn into Kato again?!"

The words were quite surprising.

Kadoya Shi still remembered the last time he met Lu Li.

That time, he was the one who led the Fortress of Clesis to W's world.

In the end, Lu Li transformed into Ge Lian's emperor form after dealing with the Ultimate D, which was transformed into a new life form after absorbing the mimetic dopant.

At that time, Lu Li directly crushed Ultimate D with his powerful strength.

But at that time, what Monyaji remembered very clearly was that W reminded him that Lu Li was a very dangerous guy.

But he didn't expect that he would be able to see Lu Li in the Land of Underworld.

The most important thing is that Lu Li actually gained the power of Jia Dou.

What he was very sure of was that the real Jia Dou was not Lu Li.

Kado Yashi was also quite curious as to how Lu Li obtained the power of armor.

Could it be that the other party also has the power to travel through the world, went to other parallel worlds of his own, and obtained the power of Kato from the parallel worlds.

This is the only reasonable explanation!

Apart from this reasonable explanation, Kadoya Shi really couldn't think of any other way for Lu Li to obtain the power of Kaito.

Kado Yashi doesn’t think that Shotaro Zuo is joking with him!

Since even the detective thinks Lu Li is a very dangerous guy, then I'm afraid he is really very dangerous.

Thinking of this, Kado Yashi couldn't help but have an extra thought.

It was better to be careful. He felt a strong threat from Lu Li.

After being baptized in so many worlds, I have also seen all kinds of enemies.

There are few people who can give Kado Yashi such a dangerous feeling.

Chapter 618 Kadoya Shi... got it! Dimensional wall

Since he feels this way now, it is enough to prove that the power Lu Li possesses cannot be underestimated.

Just when Kado Yashi was observing secretly and thought he had not been discovered,

Little did he know that Lu Li had already noticed him.

With strength as high as Lu Li's, he already possesses extremely keen intuition.

If someone is secretly observing me and doesn't notice it, wouldn't it mean that they are too stupid?

Originally, Lu Li wanted to find Men Yashi, but after all, the Country of Underworld is still so big, so it would not be easy to find someone.

Turns out this guy shows up on his own now.

Fortunately, it saved Lu Li a lot of effort.

Although Menya Shi had been discovered, Lu Li deliberately pretended not to notice him.

Just to knock him down directly without alerting Kado Yaji.

Once Lu Li had alerted this guy in advance, it would not be that easy if Lu Li wanted to take action again.

Even though Lu Li was confident enough to deal with Kadoya Shi, it was still very troublesome.

And there may be other troubles afterwards.

When these troubles could be avoided, there was absolutely no need for Lu Li to cause extra trouble for himself.

Pull the big horn of the Jia Dou Insect Meter directly in the other direction.


As a mechanical sound sounded, all the thick armor on Lu Li's body expanded.

Highly compressed oxygen is then ejected from inside.

The next second, countless armor fragments burst out instantly.

A large bright red horn slowly stood up and was pinned accurately in the middle of the facial armor.

"Change. Beetle!"

Kamen Rider Kaito.Knight form!

After transforming into the knight form, Lu Li immediately used the time-up transformation.


Lu Li tapped the side of his belt gently, and he entered the time-up transformation directly.


His body entered the time acceleration state directly, and everything around him seemed to be slowed down countless times.

Without even looking at these fighting Lloyd, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

Kazushi Kazushi, who had been thinking about secretly observing Lu Li, felt very sorry when he saw that Lu Li had disappeared.

He had wanted to take the opportunity to observe Lu Li's situation again, but he didn't expect that he would disappear directly.

Didn't this guy want to fight?

But just when Kazushi Kazushi was thinking about this, suddenly, a fierce threat came from behind.

As a battle-hardened Kamen Rider, Kazushi Kazushi reacted instantly.

There is an enemy behind him!

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck.


He never thought that he would not even have the chance to fight back.

Before he could come to his senses, Kazushi Kazushi rolled his eyes.

He fell straight to the ground.

As he fell, the person standing behind him naturally appeared.

It was Lu Li!

When Lu Li used the Time-Up Transformation just now, he had no intention of using it to deal with those fighting Lloyd.

They were just a group of miscellaneous soldiers, nothing big, Lu Li didn't take it seriously at all.

He used the Time-Up Transformation just to catch Kadoya Shi off guard.

Now, Lu Li's primary goal has been achieved.

Kadoya Shi is in hand!

Looking at Kadoya Shi who was unconscious on the ground, Lu Li nodded with great satisfaction.

The next thing to do was simple, Lu Li directly pressed his hand on Kadoya Shi's head.

The reproduction began!

A faint and enchanting red light flashed on the back of Lu Li's hand.

Even with heavy armor, it did not block the blooming of the red light.

Kadoya Shi himself is a human, and replicating his ability is not complicated.

But what is complicated is Kadoya Shi's ability.

The reproduction time is not short, and after a while, it was finally completed.

In Lu Li's mind, there is a new way to use power.

Dimensional wall!

The dimensional wall that can be freely developed to another world is more convenient than the ability of Lu Li to travel through the world from the sealing stone tablet.

After all, the dimensional wall can be used at will, while the ability to travel through the world obtained by the internal force of the sealing stone tablet needs a year of cooling.

Now with this ability, Lu Li can easily go to the new world.

After doing all this, Lu Li let go of Kazushi Kazushi's head.

The dimensional wall can also be called the Aurora Curtain.

It can travel through different time and space, and also has the ability to move to parallel universes.

In addition, even in battle, it is also useful and can be used to assist in battle.

Even the Aurora Curtain itself has the ability to destroy matter, and you must be careful enough when using it.

With Kazushi Kazushi's ability, Kazushi Kazushi is not the only one who can travel through the world.

Now there is another Lu Li.

The only person who really has the ability to travel through the world is Kazushi Kazushi.

Like other Haidong ladies, Ming/Wu Taki can only travel through the world with the help of external forces or special forces.

There is no way to do what he wants like Kazushi Kazushi.

Having gained a new ability, Lu Li feels that he is in a better state than ever before.

Although replicating Kazushi Kazushi will not bring about an improvement in his own strength, in the long run, this ability is the most outrageous.

With the ability to travel through the world at will, it means that Lu Li can always restore his imprint.

Only imprinting is Lu Li's most fundamental power.

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