With the imprint, Lu Li can keep getting stronger.

At this time, a huge poker card suddenly flew up and headed straight for Lu Li.

In order to prevent Kamen Rider from being killed, Lu Li directly grabbed it and threw it far away.

Anyway, this guy is very lucky, so it shouldn't be a big problem to be thrown out.

After throwing Kamen Rider out, Lu Li kicked the flying giant poker card.

The terrifying force directly kicked the giant poker card out.

Spinning rapidly in the sky, the giant poker card finally fell back to the ground.

The giant poker card turned into a person, or more precisely, a monster.

Shadow General!

As a monster that was eliminated before, Shadow General naturally appeared in the Land of Hades.

As Shadow General suddenly appeared, several other monsters appeared beside him.

All of them were some guys who had been killed by Kamen Rider.

"Go! Kill him!"

As the nemesis of Kamen Rider, the enemies were naturally jealous when they met.

Following the order of Shadow General, several powerful monsters rushed to Lu Li at the first time.

These monsters are all powerful guys, and they were all powerful monsters that the Kamen Riders spent a lot of effort to eliminate.

Among them are the Ten-Faced Ghost, the new life form Dras, the Mechanical Marshal, etc.

It's a pity that this is in the leather suit war.

Although they were all very powerful guys before, they only appeared in a few scenes in the leather suit war.

Everyone showed mediocre combat power, probably just a little higher than the combat Roydo of the miscellaneous soldier level.

But this is the real world, and the combat power of these guys should never be underestimated.

Like the Ten-Faced Ghost, this guy has the faces of ten Kamen Riders from Kuuga to Decade engraved on his body.

Possessing a powerful special ability, the Knight counterattacks:

Can light up the face of the corresponding knight according to the corresponding trend of the attack to fight back, or offset the attack.

Or the new life form Dras.

The laser cannon on the right shoulder can release molecular destructive rays that can destroy the iron tower thousands of meters away, and can even radiate the whole body at the same time.

It has extremely terrifying regenerative ability. Even if the body is damaged, it can regenerate by fusing with matter.

The only disadvantage was that it could not leave the biological pool for a long time, but now that it is in the Land of the Underworld, the only disadvantage is gone.

If you want to kill this guy, you must completely destroy it in a very short time.

None of these weirdos are simple guys.

Lu Li has no intention of playing with them, and the space is opened again.

The Transcendence Insect Instrument, which belongs to the same type as the Kabuto Insect Instrument, flew directly out of the space (Nuo Li's) and fell into Lu Li's hands.

That's right, Lu Li is ready to end this battle quickly.

Since we are talking about speed, it happens that Lu Li is now transformed into Kabuto, so naturally he thinks of Hepa Kabuto.

As one of the very buggy forms, the combat power possessed by Hepa Kabuto is naturally unquestionable.

Grab the Transcendent Insect Meter and buckle it directly on the left side of the belt.

Looking at the monsters coming from the opposite side, Lu Li quickly pushed the big horn of the Transcendent Insect Meter.



A powerful energy suddenly emerged from the Transcendent Insect Meter.

This energy quickly spread to Lu Li's whole body.

The bright red horn on the top of his head quickly grew larger, and the knight armor on his body was also completely strengthened.

The blue eyes had turned green at this time, and a powerful and terrifying aura was released from his body.

Kamen Rider Kabuto. Transcendent Form (Hyper Kabuto)!

Lu Li, who had just transformed into Hyper Kabuto, slapped the Transcendent Insect Meter on the left side of his belt with his left hand.


As a mechanical sound sounded, the knight armor on Lu Li's body changed again!

The first r..Kick! Living is not good, do you want to die?

The chest armor slowly unfolded, revealing the golden part in the middle.

The sides of his arms and legs simultaneously spread out golden wings.

The armor behind him, like the back of a beetle, spread out to both sides.

Colorful and brilliant energy was ejected from it, like energy wings like a butterfly.

Haipa Armor. Super Ascension Time Activation State!

A terrifying energy burst out from his body, and Lu Li's body instantly disappeared from the spot.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to stop at this moment.

In the Super Ascension Time State, Lu Li can even transcend time and return to the past.

However, it is obviously not necessary to do this now.

The powerful monsters such as Shadow General and Ten-Faced Ghost, who were just attacking Lu Li, now showed a strange state of stillness.

And Lu Li walked towards them leisurely.

In the Super Ascension Time State, unless they have the power to transcend time.

Otherwise, it is impossible to fight Lu Li in this state.

Take the lead in attacking the Ten-Faced Ghost who is close at hand.

What Lu Li has to do is to eliminate them all in an instant.

These guys are quite troublesome. It is best to get rid of them all at once.

So the first thing to consider is to get them all together.

Afterwards, Lu Li attacked them from different angles.

Let them fly in the same direction.

All the weirdos jumped into the air without any resistance.

They all converge towards the middle position.

Neither the powerful Shadow General nor the new life form Dras and the Ten-faced Ghost could resist Lu Li at this time.

In the normal world, they didn't even notice what was happening.

They just felt a pain in their bodies, and they were all blasted away by a terrifying force.


All powerful monsters collide together.

Now they have noticed that their opponents have very terrifying speed, and they are simply unable to fight against it!

Although they had reacted, they didn't even have a chance to respond.

When Lu Li kicked all the monsters together, he immediately pressed the big horn of the insect monitor next to his belt.


Accompanied by a burst of mechanical and electronic sound effects.

The Beyond Insect Meter directly injects maximum energy into the Jia Dou Insect Meter.

Quickly press the three built-in full-speed switches on the angle and insect meter.

"1! 2! 3!"

Close the large horn of the insect meter, then open it again.


Lu Li's cold and ruthless voice sounded.

The tachyons enhanced by the Transcendent Insect Instrument were crazily focused on the right foot.


Blue lightning wrapped around Lu Li's body and extended to the big red horn above his head.

He jumped up, and energy seemed to be ejected from behind him, which was very gorgeous.

Directly aiming at the location of all the monsters, he performed a sure kill.


The right foot is wrapped with terrifying energy.

In just an instant, the flying kick containing terrifying energy directly hit the gathered weirdos.

"Boom one one!!! Zhou

A violent explosion sounded in the sky.

The flames caused by the explosion suddenly dyed the sky red.

Lu Li, who had just finished performing his special move, fell back to the ground smoothly.



In the mechanical and electronic sound effects, Lu Li's super-time transformation also ended.

The places where the armor originally spread out on his body have returned to their original state.

As for the weirdos hit by the Hypa Knight's kick, all of them were naturally eliminated.

The violent explosion directly woke up Kadoya who was originally in a coma.

Opening his eyes in confusion, Kadashi looked around in surprise.

Then, he immediately recalled what had happened to him.

He seemed to have been attacked by someone, and then passed out.

As for who attacked him, Kado Yashi had no idea at all.

Covering his head, Kado Yashi still couldn't figure out who had attacked him just now.

At this time, Kado Yashi, who had just stood up, noticed Lu Li who had transformed into Haipa Kaito.

"That guy... can actually transform into Haipa Kaito?"

There was a look of deep surprise in his eyes.

Of course he knew very well how terrifying power Haipa Jiadu possessed.

Just the bug/bug ability that transcends time is simply unsolvable.

Although he didn't know what happened when he was unconscious, he was sure that a fight had just occurred.

Suddenly, a strange idea popped into Kado Yashi's mind.

"Could it be that Lu Li knocked him unconscious?!"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Kado Yashi immediately checked it out.

I was secretly relieved when I found that I didn't lack anything.

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