Probably...not Lu Li.

As a very hot-tempered Kadashi, it was of course impossible for him to be afraid of Lu Li.

So he strode over and Kado Yashi said with a smile.

"Lu Li, why are you in this world?"

Hearing this, Lu Li turned around slightly and looked at Kadoya Shi, who was walking towards him.

The transformation was released, allowing the Jia Dou Insect Meter and the Beyond Insect Meter to return to different spaces.

Seeing Lu Li's ability to open different spaces at will, Kado Yashi's pupils narrowed unconsciously.

This is no simple ability.

"Wang Menya Shi, why are you in this world?"

Lu Li did not answer his question, but asked instead.

"I...I am the destroyer of the world, I just happened to pass by this world."

There is not a word of truth in this guy's mouth.

"Really? It's not good to pass through any world, but I have to pass through the land of hell.

Why? Living is not good, do you want to die? "

Good guy!

This sentence immediately made Kado Yashi speechless.

Who would despise themselves for living a bad life? !

Of course he had his own purpose in coming to the Land of Underworld.

You can't really just come here to hang out.

He is not a street kid!

What he wants to do this time is to uncover the secrets of the Badan Empire, the Showa Knights who took action, and the child.

When talking to Lu Li, Kado Yashi felt like he couldn't figure out the reason.

But anyway, when he was unconscious, Lu Li should have solved some troublesome people who appeared around him.

No matter how you say it, you can indirectly help yourself solve the problem.

Although he had reason to suspect that Lu Li might be the one who knocked him unconscious, he had no idea what Lu Li's purpose was for knocking him unconscious.

The main reason is that after waking up, he felt that he was not missing any parts, the driver was also there, and the card was not lost.

He really couldn't understand why Lu Li would knock himself unconscious.

"After all, this is the land of hell. It's better not to stay here for too long. There are weird people everywhere."

After saying that, Kado Yashi turned around and left.

He now wants to find the boy who is related to all these things. If he wants to solve all the mysteries, he must find that boy.

The Bataan Empire's next actions will be in the world on the ground, not in the Land of the Underworld.

Lu Li didn't plan to stay here forever.

His main purpose of coming to the Land of Underworld this time has been achieved.

Replicate Kado Yashi and gain the opponent's ability Dimensional Wall.

Now that his goal has been achieved, Lu Li has no reason to stay here.

other side

With Aoi Hiiragi, he successfully left the underground country Kuzuye Hongtao and Gao Siwu, and successfully returned to the underground railway where they were before.

Just as they were leaving towards the ground, a sudden and serious voice sounded.

"You can't take that kid out!"


This sudden sound made Ge Ye Hongtai a little confused.

He looked around with a flashlight, trying to find who made the sound.


There were bursts of footsteps.

Not long after, a very burly looking man appeared in front of him.

He looks very young, but he exudes a strong sense of oppression.

Ge Yehongtai didn't recognize the uncle who suddenly appeared, so he took the initiative to ask.

"Who are you..?"

"I am Hongo Meng! Although I have little power, I am still fighting for human freedom.

You must be Kaiwu. "

Looking down at Kuzuye Hongtae from a high position, Hongo suddenly revealed his identity.

It was obviously the first time they met, but the other party recognized him, and Ge Yehongtai was suddenly surprised.

"how do you know?"

Hongo pointed his finger at Aoi Hiiragi behind Kuzuye Hongtai and said in a deep voice.

"Hand over that child honestly.

"Hiiragi? Who will listen to you and just hand it over!"

Kuzuye Hongtae didn't know the other party at all, so it was certainly impossible for him to hand over Aoi Hiiragi honestly.

Moreover, Kui Ge also looks very scared now. How could he just hand over to him?

"Armored knights and stuff, it's so hilarious! But I won't admit that a kid like you is a knight."

The tone was quite harsh. Hongo Meng, as the first knight, did not recognize Kuzuye Kota.

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, Kuzuye Hongtai saw a group of fighting Roydos holding knives walking towards this side.

When seeing these battles with Roydo, Aoi Hiiragi was immediately frightened and hid behind Kuzuye Kota.

"I was avoiding them before!"

"is that so?"

At this time, Hongo, who was about to take Kuige away just now, jumped down.

The strong body landed smoothly,

PS: thanks

qmzh.’s monthly ticket!

thanks one

Head-scratching funny monthly ticket! .

Chapter 620 The dead stand on the earth! The Dark Knight Fifteen is back!

He directly pushed Ge Ye Hongtai away and urged.

"You go first! Leave this to me.

Before he finished speaking, he strode forward to fight Roydo.

With bare hands, he directly fought Roydo and started the battle.

Seeing such a powerful uncle, Ge Yehongtai didn't think too much.

He immediately turned around and left with Gao Siwu and Kui Hiiragi.

After quickly knocking down several combat Roydos, Hongo suddenly transformed into Number One.

As the number one old gangster in Showa, No. 1's strength is naturally beyond doubt.

Especially when facing such a group of minions.

It's so easy and simple to deal with, no pressure at all.

With his own strength, he successfully blocked these fighting Roydo. After beating them together, he directly sent them on the road with a knight kick.

Taking advantage of this time, Kuzuye Hongtai, Gao Siwu and Aoi Hiiragi successfully escaped from the subway and returned to the ground.

After the three of them hid, Kuzuye Hongtai felt extremely unhappy when he recalled what No. 1 had just said to him.

"What's going on with that guy called Kamen Rider? He doesn't admit that he's a knight or anything, but he sounds so arrogant.

"Don't you know? Kamen Rider is a partner of justice."

As Kuige who once lived in Fengdu, he naturally knew about the existence of Kamen Rider.

After all, there is a Kamen Rider in Fengdu. Although he is only a half-hearted person, most people don't know that this guy is a half-hearted person.

Just as the three of them were discussing why Kuige was being targeted, there was a sudden loud noise from the subway where they had just escaped.


A purple power emerged from the ground.

The three decided to go there to see what happened.

At this time, the exit of the subway is at the location.

I saw a large group of weirdos rushing out from inside

They came from the world of the dead to the surface world.

There is only one purpose, and that is to bring back Aoi Hiiragi.

When he saw this group of weirdos starting to massacre people in the city, Kuzui Hongtai certainly couldn't just sit idly by.

He immediately transformed into a armor and rushed forward to fight these guys.

However, there are too many enemies and it is quite difficult to deal with them.

World Tree naturally also received the news.

But unfortunately, World Tree is no longer the master of Wu Daoguihu.

Mitsuomi Wujima looked at the images transmitted from the computer. Kaiwu faced many weirdos alone and fell into a difficult battle.

Seeing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Kudeye Hongtai, although I don't know where these guys come from.

But this time, please die here.

Your death will be of great benefit to everyone.

Your presence is so annoying. "

At this moment, Kureshima Mitsumi was no longer wearing the casual clothes before.

But a black suit.

Compared with before, Kureshima Mitsuomi's body was a little colder at this time.

Although these guys who suddenly appear will be very troublesome, if Kuzuye Hongtai can be dealt with in advance, this trouble does not seem to be unacceptable.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from the computer.

"Guangshi, there are some strange guys on the subway, please ignore them?"

This voice came from Zhan Ji Lingma.

Hearing this, Kureshima Mitsumi suddenly smiled coldly on his face,

"Professor, let's leave this matter of protecting the city to Kuzuye Kota. Doesn't he want to protect the people in this city from harm?

Then leave it to him, we just need to do our own thing. "

Of course Zhan Ji Lingma understood what Kureshima Mitsuomi meant.

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