It's nothing more than wanting to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then reap the benefits

"Guangshi, you are really black-hearted. You clearly said before that you would protect everything you value.

Now it seems that it is not entirely true.

This is like mocking Wu Dao Guangshi, saying that he is just saying nice things.

Now Wu Dao Guangshi, who is quite sophisticated, is not angry because of this sentence.

Hanging up the call casually, Wu Dao Guangshi turned his head to look out the window and muttered.

"The only person I want to protect is... Sister Wu. "

After successfully obtaining the dimensional wall, Lu Li left the Netherworld directly.

He returned to the ground.

Although the Netherworld felt like another world, it was actually in the same parallel universe as the world Lu Li was in.

Therefore, even if Lu Li used up the seal that he had restored in the Martial God World before, he did not restore it.

When Lu Li returned to the ground, he found that the surroundings were a complete mess.

There were monsters everywhere, and Gaim was fighting hard.

Facing so many monsters alone, there were some powerful guys among them, and Gaim was beaten Quite weak.

To be precise, it was completely at a disadvantage.

Gao Siwu, who was hiding with Aoi Shu, was delighted when she noticed Lu Li who suddenly appeared.

She was still worried just now, how could Gaim alone deal with so many monsters.

And Lu Li's sudden appearance gave Gao Siwu hope.

Gao Siwu had seen the powerful strength that Lu Li had shown before!

She believed that with Lu Li here, it should not be a problem to deal with these monsters that suddenly appeared.

So she hurriedly ran over with Aoi Shu and shouted loudly.

"Brother Lu Li! "

Lu Li looked at Gao Siwu and nodded, then turned his gaze to Aoi Shu.

This kid has a very special power, and Badan wants to use this kid's special power to implement the Super Flip Plan.

Although this kid's power is quite special, Lu Li is not particularly interested in his power.

If you want to reverse life and death and flip the world of the living and the dead, you must use a million flip machine, which doesn't make much sense.

Just Aoi himself can only flip a little thing at most.

It's really a bit useless!

At this time, Gaim was still fighting hard.

Suddenly, a man in black clothes rushed out and punched Gaim in the face.

Gaim, who was suddenly attacked, staggered and hurriedly stepped back.

When he saw the man in black, Lu Li already knew who he was.

Aoi Lian!

Aoi Ge's father, and also Kamen Rider Fifteen (Fifteen)!

........Please give flowers.....

Due to Aoi Shu's obsession, coupled with the Heisei Knights' mourning for the dead, The Dark Knight was born.

He has the power of the 15th Kamen Riders of the Heisei Era, a guy with good strength.

He was able to use the power of the 15th Kamen Riders of the Heisei Era, and once crushed all the knights.

Of course, the premise of all this is that each of them did not actually use their final form, all of them were in the ordinary form.

But even so, it is already quite good.

Lu Li is quite interested in the 15th Kamen Riders Lock Seed in his hand.

Of course, there is also the 15th Kamen Riders Lock Seed of the Showa Era that Gaim obtained later, which Lu Li is also interested in.

It’s not that Lu Li wants to use all the power to obtain their knight armor transformation, but he is just curious whether the power of this lock seed will improve himself.

However, this kind of power should be difficult to preserve, otherwise why Gaim never used it in the end.

It should not be that he doesn’t want to use it, but that he can’t use it at all.

Seeing the black-clothed man who suddenly appeared, Gaim was also very nervous at this time.


"Who are you?"

Facing Gaim’s questioning, Aoi Lian looked cold and pretentious.

"The Kamen Rider who hides the power of the 15th."

As he said, Aoi Lian took out the Sengoku Driver directly.

The Sengoku Driver in his hand naturally did not come from the World Tree, but from Badan.

The Badan Empire copied the Sengoku Driver and upgraded it.

Wearing the Sengoku Driver on his waist, a belt like a bone spur extended out and wrapped around Aoiren's waist.

He took out a strange-looking lock seed, which exuded a faint evil power.


He didn't need to buckle the lock seed on the Sengoku Driver at all, but the lock seed was automatically buckled on, which looked very cool.

At this time, above Aoiren's head, an armor like a skeleton appeared.

With a sneer on his face, Aoiren whispered.



The skeleton armor on the top of the head suddenly unfolded, and a huge skull directly covered Aoiren.

Countless bones like ribs unfolded, wrapped around Aoiren, and exuded waves of evil power.

Then the skull and bones gradually changed

and finally turned into a suit of armor.

Kamen Rider Fifteen (Fifteen)!

A strong dark aura emanates from his body.

"Give Ge back!"

The purpose of his coming here is to take Aoi Hiiragi away.

In order to complete Badan's super flip plan, Aoi Ge's power is indispensable.

"Don't even think about it! There's no way I can give Hiiragi to you!"


With a cold snort, Fifteen was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, and rushed directly to Kaiwu to fight in a melee.

Directly use a pair of fists to beat Kaiwu's big orange pill and unparalleled saber.

“Qiang Qiang Qiang!!”

The blade struck the armor on his arm, sending out bursts of sparks.

But even so, it was not enough to repel Fifteen.

Seizing an opening, Shishi hit Kaiwu on the chest without hesitation.

PS: thanks

-sai12.’s monthly pass! eight.

Chapter 621: What’s wrong with stealing someone’s future wife and doing a favor? Shine, Trinity!

Vaguely, a huge purple skeletal hand could be seen, penetrating the armor of the armor.


He clutched his chest with a painful look on his face.

Kaiwu could feel the severe pain coming from his chest.

So strong!

Just one palm almost made him lose his fighting power.

Fifteen put his hand on his chest, and a purple-black energy spread out.

Then a weapon appeared in his hand.

A long black knife with a strange shape!


Fifteen holding the Huangquan Pill is more powerful than him with bare hands.

He quickly launched a violent attack like a violent storm.

Facing Shi Shi, who was very aggressive in attacking, Kaiwu had almost no power to fight back, and was beaten back steadily.

Seeing this, Gao Siwu quickly pulled Lu Li's hand and begged.

"Brother Lu Li, hurry up and help Hong Tai!"

In any case, she and Geye Hongtai were friends who grew up together.

Naturally, it was impossible to watch Ge Ye Hongtai die here like this.

Judging from the battle situation, it is obvious that Kaiwu cannot be Fifteen's opponent.

If you continue to fight, Kaiwu will definitely lose.

"980" looked at the begging in Gao Siwu's eyes, and Lu Li also knew that his arrival had disrupted many situations.

Kaiwu doesn't even have a helper now.

If this guy really hangs here, wouldn't there be no plot behind it?

After all, the Showa Fifteenth Knight Lock Seed hasn’t appeared yet.

"Wu, since you said so, I will help him a little."

After all, you stole someone's future wife, so what's wrong with doing a favor?

Then, a strange belt automatically appeared around Lu Li's waist.

Circle of change!

A transformation belt that the holder of the power of light only possesses after completing his awakening.

Putting his hands on his waist, the Philosopher's Stone in the middle of the transformation circle suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

It illuminates the front like a high beam, very dazzling.


The change ring released the power of change and quickly enveloped Lu Li's body.

Armor gradually formed on the surface of his body.

Under the dazzling golden light, Lu Li finally completed his transformation.

However, the Yajituo that Lu Li transformed into was not the original earth form.

His right arm is red like a flame, and his left arm is blue like a storm.

The body is golden in the shape of the earth.

Kamen Rider Akita - Trinity Form!

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