That's right, Lu Li transformed directly into the trinity form as soon as he came up, instead of the simple earth form.

At the same time, he has the speed and jumping power in the storm form, and also has the super sense and wrist strength in the flame form.

Compared with a single form of Yajituo, its combat effectiveness is significantly stronger.

At this time, Kado Yaji, who had also returned to the surface world, was also secretly observing

After all, the things to be solved this time are not that simple.

He needs to pay more attention to what the purpose of the Bataan Empire's actions is.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li completed a new transformation and once again refreshed his knowledge.

"Yajituo?! This guy Lu Li can actually transform into Yajituo? What's going on?!"

Obviously, Kado Yashi didn't understand why Lu Li could transform into Jiado and now Yajituo.

Although he can use the power of other knights, there are preconditions for this.

You must obtain the card corresponding to the knight.

And when he transforms into other knights, he must also use his own imperial knight drive.

This cannot be changed.

But Lu Li was completely different.

Regardless of the previous transformations of Ge Lian, Jia Dou, or the current Yaji Tuo, they all use the corresponding belts of these knights.

This is very strange!

I really don't understand where Lu Li got so many knight belts.

And according to what he knew, to transform into Yajituo, one must possess the power of light.

Now that Lu Li has successfully transformed, does...does he have the power of light in his body?


The power of light is the power given by the White God in the world of Yajituo.

How could Lu Li, who existed in W world, have the power of light in his body?

Kado Yashi, who couldn't figure out the problem, suddenly realized that Lu Li had become even more mysterious.

He even had the idea in his mind to explore why Lu Li had so much power.

As far as I know, he has the power of three knights.

Who knows how much power this guy Lu Li still has?

Maybe he still has more knight power, but he just doesn't know it.

"Eh?! Brother Lu Li has become a different knight again?!"

This was the first time Gao Siwu saw Lu Li transform into Yajituo, and he was immediately surprised.

Kui Hiiragi looked at Lu Li with admiration.

"This brother is also a Kamen Rider!"

Since Kaiwu had been successfully restrained by Shishi at this time, the other weirdos naturally focused on Aoi Hiiragi.

They have not forgotten their purpose, which is to bring Aoi Hiiragi back.

Only with the help of this young man can they have a chance to implement the super flip plan.

Reversing the world of the living and the dead, thereby achieving the purpose of resurrection.

Seeing this, Tiger Roydo and Needle Mouse Roydo immediately led the fighting Roydo to approach quickly.

"Fuck me quickly! You must bring that boy back to me!"

Roy the Needle Mouse touched the hard thorns on his head with an arrogant look on his face.

After getting his order, all the fighting Loido quickly rushed forward, preparing to catch Kuige first.

Seeing the group of miscellaneous fish approaching, Lu Li casually pressed the button on the left side of the transformation ring.

The next second, a naginata-shaped weapon appeared from the Philosopher's Stone in the middle of the transformation circle.

Storm Halberd!

Grab the Halberd and pull it out of the Circle of Change.

The Storm Halberd was originally in a retracted state, but when Lu Li held it completely in his hand, the golden blades on both sides unfolded automatically.

"Since I'm so busy here to die, I just want to use you to test it."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li instantly faced the group of fighting Loidos.

Like a dragon entering the sea, how could Xiao Xiami be Lu Li's opponent?

Lu Li's naginata was very smooth. Wherever it passed, many fighting Roydos fell to the ground.

The terrifying and powerful strength is vividly displayed, as if there is no one in the world...


backhand chop

The storm halberd instantly slashed across the chest of a fighting Loido.


The battle Roydo that was hit exploded on the spot,

Tiger Loido and Needle Mouse Loido wanted to drag the guy in front of them with only their minions, so that they would have time to catch Aoi Hiiragi.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li's fighting prowess was so terrifying.

It was completely beyond their imagination.

Fighting Loido was killed like a melon and a vegetable.

"I'll go! This guy's fighting ability is not that strong. In that case, I will take care of you!"

Roydo, the needle rat, touched the spikes on his head arrogantly.

Then he immediately bent down and directly launched the hedgehog-like spikes on his body.


"Boom boom boom!"

Each spike will explode instantly when it touches something.

The storm halberd in Lu Li's hand spun rapidly.

There is a very small secret stone on the surface of the storm halberd. After receiving the wind power released by Lu Li, through the enhanced release, a storm was directly stirred up.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Strong winds hit, and the smoke and dust caused by the explosion were immediately blown away.

Some of the spikes that were heading straight for Lu Li were forced to change directions and landed in other places under the strong wind.


Seeing that his proud spikes had no effect on Lu Li at all, Needle Rat Loydo was immediately shocked.

Are you so disrespectful?

But Lu Li did not give him another chance to release the spikes, and instantly appeared in front of Needle Rat Loydo.

Holding the Storm Halberd, he aimed at Needle Rat Loydo and chopped violently.



Sparks flew from Needle Rat Loydo's body, and he was beaten back step by step, without any power to fight back.

Tiger Loydo, who was standing by, watched his companion being bullied so badly, and of course he couldn't sit idly by.

09 As the most powerful Loydo in the Badan Empire, his combat power was far higher than that of Needle Rat Loydo.

He immediately aimed the machine guns on his shoulders at Lu Li and Needle Rat Loydo, and launched a ruthless bombardment.

"Bang Bang!!"

Two terrifying shells hit instantly.

Grab the spike on the needle rat Loido's head and push it in front of him.

"Ah! Damn it!!"

"Boom boom!!"

As the needle rat Loido screamed in fear, two shells hit his body accurately and exploded suddenly.

In the flames of the explosion, the needle rat Loido was blown away on the spot by the terrifying impact.

He fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner, and a lot of white smoke came out of his body.

The needle rat Loido lay on the ground, his body trembling slightly, and it seemed that he had temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.


Tiger Loido originally wanted to help the needle rat Loido out.

But now, he knocked down his companion with two shells.

This is so embarrassing!

"Asshole! It's all your fault! "

He blamed Lu Li for everything, and Tiger Loido quickly pounced on Lu Li.

Chapter 622: Terrifying Saber! The much-anticipated Knight Battle, he knows nothing about it!

Lu Li casually pressed the button on the right side of his belt

The changing ring changed again.

A hilt appeared outside the Philosopher's Stone in the middle.

He held the hilt with his right hand and pulled out the second weapon.

Flame Saber!

Between the hilt and the blade, there is a blade tip similar to an overlapping horn.

It can change from two sharp horns to six, just like an overlapping horn that has accumulated power.

The silver blade has a very terrifying cutting power, and its cutting power is very strong. The force and the temperature of the blade increase in proportion.

When the force is injected into the flame saber, the temperature of the blade can rise to 7,000 degrees Celsius, which has a very terrifying destructive power.

Although the blade does not seem to produce any flames, it has an extremely high temperature.

If you pay attention, you can find that the air around the flame saber has even been distorted.

Facing the aggressive Tiger Loydo, Lu Li casually raised the flame saber in his hand and cut it immediately.

Seeing the silver blade coming, Tiger Loydo suddenly felt bad.

He immediately turned his back and used the gun barrel behind him as a shield.


The flame saber with an extremely high temperature now has an extremely terrifying cutting force.

Even though the tiger blaster behind Tiger Loydo was specially made, it could not block it.

The flame golden knife instantly cut off the thickest tiger blaster, and the gun barrel was directly cut in two.

"Dangbu! ! "

The barrel fell to the ground, and Tiger Loido was stunned on the spot.

He never thought that his Tiger Explosive Cannon would be cut off like this.

You know, the Tiger Explosive Cannon equipped on his back has the power to release a shell that can blow up a building fifty kilometers away.

The destructive power is terrifying!

It is also made of special metal and has considerable defensive power.

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