But it didn't even have the slightest use.

However, such a terrifying Tiger Explosive Cannon was cut off by Lu Li before even one shot was released.

After cutting off the Tiger Explosive Cannon, Lu Li was not idle at all.

Taking advantage of the moment when Tiger Roydo was distracted, the flame saber struck again and fell on him mercilessly.

"Ahhh one by one!!"

There were bursts of screams, and Tiger Roydo was chopped to the ground.

Fifteen, who was bullying Kaiwu, saw that all Roydo on his side had been eliminated.

The thought of continuing to play with Kaiwu suddenly disappeared.

Huang Quanwan slashed Kaiwu's chest with his knife again, forcing him back.

Then Fifteen took out the Heisei Fifteen Knight Lock Seed and quickly switched off the Fifteen Lock Seed on his waist.

"Lock.On! Wizard.Arms! Shabadobie.Show.Time!"

The armor of the witch knight appeared above his head and fell on Fifteen's head.

After unfolding, it directly turned into a witch cavalry armor.

A dark purple magic circle passed through Fifteen and directly switched to a new form.

Kamen Rider Fifteen-One Witch Rider Armor!

After switching forms, a dark purple magic circle appeared on Fifteen's right hand.

He reached in with his right hand and took out the weapon belonging to the witch knight, the magician sword and gun.

Inject energy into the magician's sword and gun, and a dark purple energy wraps around the blade

Aiming at Lu Li, he slashed with his sword, and a purple magic sword made of energy was instantly forced towards Lu Li.

Facing the sudden attack, Lu Li didn't panic at all.

The flame saber slashed casually.

An energy blade made of flames collided with the dark purple magic sword.

"Hang Yiyi!!"

The collision of the two energies directly triggered a violent explosion.

The intense energy burst released waves of energy tides, attacking the surroundings.

There were some fighting Roydos who had not been killed, who were relatively close to the center of the energy explosion, and were directly knocked away by this terrifying energy explosion.

It was smashed to pieces, so embarrassing.

Kaiwu finally had a chance to breathe at this time.

He didn't expect that the dark knight who called himself Fifteen would be so powerful in combat.

Just when Kaiwu was about to transform into the feather lemon form, a roar/whining of a motorcycle suddenly came.

Then, Kaiwu saw three old Showa hooligans riding motorcycles arriving.

"You were just...

As soon as he came up, No. 1 said to himself.

"You still don't understand what chivalry is."

Number 2 was on the sidelines to help.

"We will defeat Bataan!"

V3 waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

"From now on, don't interfere anymore."

Then, the three people immediately rushed towards Fifteen.

Fifteen was now entangled by three people, and was forced to give up the idea of ​​fighting Lu Li.

Lu Li, who originally planned to fight with Shi Shi, didn't expect these three old gangsters to arrive so quickly.

Since there were people helping to deal with them, Lu Li didn't have much interest in continuing the fight with them.

The reason why we took action just now was just because of Gao Siwu's request.

After releasing the transformation, Lu Li returned to Gao Siwu.

"Wu, let's go first. If we continue to stay here, we will only get entangled with those guys."

Although so many combat Roydos have been eliminated, there are more than just these guys.

It won't be long before more fighting Roydos emerge from the underground world.

Gao Siwu glanced at Kaiwu.

He felt relieved when he found that there were three other knights on his side helping him.

He nodded quickly and left here with Aoi Hiiragi.

The two cadres Tiger Loido and Needle Rat Loido were knocked to the ground by Lu Li, leaving only some ordinary fighting Loido and Fifteen.

Now that they are entangled by the knights, there is naturally no time to stop them.

"Ge Ye, I'll leave these guys to you first, and Xiao Wu and I will leave first.

With these words, Lu Li took Gao Siwu and Kui Hiira away directly.

He didn't want to engage in such an unintentional battle.

Next, what will be interesting will be the upcoming knight war.

Of course, although this knight war was just a show played by the old Showa hooligans, it did happen.

After noticing Lu Li and Gao Siwu leaving, although Kaiwu was not too worried about Lu Li, it was better than letting Gao Siwu be caught by these guys from the underground.

However, I always feel a little uncomfortable!

It was as if something important had disappeared in front of him.

Kadoya Shi noticed that Aoi Hiiragi had been taken away and had no intention of staying here.

He didn't expect to join this battle immediately. The most important thing was to figure out the situation now.


Looking for a good place to go for the time being, Gao Siwu chose to bring Aoi Hiiragi here first.

Mainly, this child doesn't seem to have much memory, so he doesn't know where his home is.

Some time ago, Kui Ge drew a painting, and what was drawn on the paper was a tower-like thing.

But he himself didn't know where it was.

Not long after Lu Li and the others came here, Kadoya Shi followed closely and walked in together.

Bando Kiyoshiro said quickly when he saw a guest coming.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Make me a parfait that looks similar to this card."

With that said, Kado Yashi directly handed his transformation card to Bando Kiyoshiro.

Good guy!

Lu Li was talking about how in the drama, that guy Kado Yaji was holding a huge cup of parfait, which looked like an imperial knight.

Unexpectedly, this guy made it directly from his own card, which is an ordinary six!

Bando Kiyoshiro, who took the card, simply looked at the card and knew what to do.

"No problem, please wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

After making parfaits for so many years, he knows at a glance what ingredients should be used to make what the customers want.

Lu Li didn't feel surprised at all that Men Yashi could appear here.

"You are obviously the destroyer of the world, but you still have to deal with some troublesome things in various worlds. Don't you find it troublesome?"

Gao Siwu on the side heard what Lu Li said, and a strong surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Destroyer of the world? Brother Lu Li, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Kado Yashi took the initiative to come over and shrugged helplessly.

"I don't really want to meddle in other people's business, but this time, I feel that this matter has something to do with me, and I can't just sit back and ignore it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kadashi turned his attention to Kuige.

"You must be Hiiragi.

Gao Siwu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that Kado Yashi suddenly called out Aoi Hiiragi's name.

"Excuse me, do you know about Hiiragi?"

Before Menya Shi could answer, Lu Li jumped in and said:

"He knows shit, he just didn't know that's why he came here."

Men Yashi looked at Lu Li speechlessly.

“Indeed, as he said, I don’t know.

But I feel that Ge should have a deep relationship with this series of events.

In another world, Badan appeared on the ground, and No. 1 and the others started to act. All these things have something to do with Ge. "

He only knew so much, and it was because he didn't know that he had to contact Aoi Hiiragi to find the answer.

Turning his attention back to Kuige, Kadashi continued.

"Unraveling these mysteries is what I want to do now."

When he heard the words "things to be done", Gao Siwu recalled that he had just put Kui on the other side and said that there was something to be done.

PS: Thank you

One by one sai12. monthly pass!


A monthly pass of 15890.! .

Chapter 623 He is a troublesome street kid! final decision

Perhaps this is the key to this matter.

His eyes suddenly lit up, Gao Siwu couldn't wait to ask

"Before, Ge also said that there was something that had to be done. Do you know what it was?"

As long as we can figure out what Hiiragi wants to do, we can solve many problems.

At this time, Bando Kiyoshiro had already walked out with a large parfait that looked very similar to the big-faced plate of Emperor Qi.

“Guest, this is the parfait you wanted.

When he saw such a big parfait and such a handsome face, Kado Yashi's face lit up.

Then, I eagerly picked up my fork and started eating.

"I don't know either, but since there is something to do, let's do it, even if it involves the destruction of the world."

When he heard the words "destroy the world", Gao Siwu frowned slightly.

"What do you mean? And who are you?"

Lu Li responded casually.

"He is just a street kid, and he is a very troublesome street kid. Trouble will follow him wherever he goes."

When Lu Li said this, Kado Yashi felt speechless.

Isn’t it shameful that you don’t want it?

He was a destroyer of the dignified world, yet he was called a street kid by Lu Li.

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