In addition, Lu Li himself has the ability to control time, which can directly speed up the passage of his own time, or pause time.

No matter which one, it is enough to deal with the terrifying speed of the Sky Knight.

The Sky Knight did not expect that when he launched a surprise attack, he was actually dodged by the evil knight.

The body flipped violently and turned to rise into the air.

The Sky Knight who stayed in the sky stared at Lu Li Qian below.

Chapter 625 Chaotic battlefield! There is no king who points to the sky with one hand! Time, I know how to play better!

The extreme evil aura emanating from Lu Li made him feel very uncomfortable.

Dark Knight!

It is a little similar to the aura emanating from the fifteenth body before, but it is deeper and darker, and it gives people the feeling that he is not a good guy.

At this time, Kamen Rider Stronger also came here, staring at Lu Li above with green eyes.

Kabuto, who had just completed the explosion of armor, also jumped down from the building just now and landed on the ground.

The moment he landed, he first exchanged glances with the strong man, and then looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li was not panicked at all when he was being watched by three knights at once.

He was even quite excited in his heart.

After transforming into Shocker, Lu Li had already considered the evil aura emanating from his body, and would definitely be taken seriously by other knights.

Sure enough, it was exactly what Lu Li thought.

However, although Jiadou also noticed the ominous aura emanating from Lu Li, this guy didn't seem to have the intention of fighting Lu Li.

He quickly turned around and rushed directly to the strong man opposite.

He was just punched into the building by the strong man.

This revenge must be avenged!

I thought I was going to fight three people at once, but I didn't expect Jiadou to go straight to the strong man.


The Sky Knight didn't think so much. At the beginning, he had already locked Lu Li.

His body suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Lu Li again.

If a knight cannot accelerate, or if the knight's reaction is not fast enough, it is not easy to deal with the high-speed Sky Knight.

Even if a knight like Kabuto can accelerate, if he does not use the Hyper Form, he cannot catch up with the speed of the Sky Knight.

After all, the fastest speed of the Sky Knight can even reach the speed of light.

Of course, this is only the fastest speed in theory, and it takes a certain amount of time to accelerate.

But even so, the speed of the Sky Knight should not be underestimated.


In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Lu Li.

It has to be said that this speed is ridiculously fast.

But no matter how fast the Sky Knight is, he still can't surpass time.

Time acceleration!

Lu Li directly used time acceleration on himself.

When his own time is accelerated, everything around him will naturally slow down.

This is the same as time-up.

But there is one difference, Lu Li can control the strength of his time acceleration at will.

Lu Li once again avoided the attack of the Sky Knight.

The attack failed.

Seeing that he was so fast, he couldn't hit Lu Li.

Sky Knight's eyes suddenly changed.

This guy... is not easy to deal with!

After silently giving this evaluation in his heart, Sky Knight immediately flew back.

Then he saw Sky Knight's body in a big shape, quickly turning in the sky, rolling up a green whirlwind.

"Sky. Flying. SooSaa!"

Without any hesitation, he directly performed a fatal move.

Sky Knight fell from above like a green tornado and locked Lu Li.

"What a pity. I'm faster!"

The voice came suddenly.

Sky Knight suddenly found that Lu Li, who he had locked just now, had disappeared.

The next second, Sky suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.


I saw two sharp bone spurs on Lu Li's right wrist passing through his chest.

The terrifying speed plus the extremely strong destructive power splashed a lot of sparks.

When Lu Li's figure appeared not far away, the Sky Knight exploded instantly.

Then it turned into a Sky Knight lock seed and fell directly to the Land of the Underworld.

Sky Knight... Taken

Lu Li easily took down the Sky Knight, relying entirely on his ability to control time.

For the Showa old rogue, the terrifying ability to control time is too outrageous.

They do have very strong combat power, but they have no way to deal with this kind of life that can control time.

The strong man who was fighting with Kabuto naturally noticed that the Sky Knight was killed.

"Sky Knight!"

But when the strong man was distracted, Kabuto took this opportunity and kicked him directly in the chest.

The strong man who was attacked retreated again and again.

Fortunately, Showa Knights are generally more resistant to beatings.

This little damage is nothing to the strong man.

The strong man pounced on Kabuto again.

His extremely powerful fighting ability made even Kabuto feel very tricky.

Looking at Jia Dou who was suppressed in the competitive fight, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

After all, it was just Kabuto from a parallel world, not the real King of Force.

After all, the King of Force in Heisei was always so calm and composed.

Even if the enemy he faced was very difficult, it was still the same.

Kabuto, who was beaten back by a punch, immediately pressed the button on the right side of his belt.


Kabuto used the time-up transformation directly.

Facing Kabuto in a super-accelerated state, the strong man's straightforward attack was not threatening at all.

With lightning flashing in his hand, the strong man punched Kabuto even faster.

"Electric Punch!"

When attacking the enemy, a high-voltage current of 10,000 volts is injected into the enemy.

This is one of the strong man's special moves.

If Kabuto was really hit by this punch, he would probably be very uncomfortable.

Kabuto, who obviously felt the threat, used his agility in a super-high-speed movement state to dodge directly, and punched the strong man in the waist and abdomen at the same time.


The strong man's special move failed, and he was knocked to the ground by Kabuto.

Then, Jiadou began to attack at an unreasonable high speed.

His figure turned into invisible afterimages and shuttled quickly.

"Clang clang clang!"

In a short period of time, countless sparks burst out from the strong man's body, and he was beaten very badly.

However, the strong man obviously knew the rhythm of Jiadou's attack and had a way to deal with it in his mind.

His hands overlapped together, flashing dazzling electric light.

"Electro.Fire (Electro.Fire attack)!"

Dou Ran hit the flashing electric hand on the ground, and the terrifying high-voltage current spread directly to the surroundings.

He was approaching Jiadou quickly, so he naturally stepped on the ground injected with high-voltage current.


Under the attack of high-voltage current, Jiadou's body, which was originally moving at high speed, suddenly stopped.

Sparks flew from his armor.

Seizing this opportunity, the strong man jumped up instantly.

He quickly flipped in the sky and then performed his powerful ultimate move.

"Stronger.Den.Kick (Stronger Electric Kick)!"

Kabuto naturally noticed it and quickly pressed the hidden button on the top of Kabuto's insect meter.




When releasing the Knight Kick, Kabuto activated the time-up again.

It accelerated the flow of his own time, causing the speed of the strong man's special move to be very slow in Kabuto's eyes.

Kabuto's insect meter injected superluminal particles into Kabuto's right foot.


Then, in the state of time-up, a fierce roundhouse kick.

Not surprisingly, the Knight Kick hit the strong man directly.



Accompanied by a scream and the explosion of the strong man, another Knight Lock appeared and fell into the country of Hades.

Looking at Kabuto who released the roundhouse kick, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

It was also a roundhouse kick, but unfortunately compared with the roundhouse kick of the real king of force, it lacked a little flavor.

I always feel that it's not cool!

Most importantly, without the action of pointing one finger to the sky, it completely lost the charm of the king.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

I don't know when, Jiadou appeared behind Lu Li.

A sweeping kick went straight to Lu Li's head.

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