The movement is very fast, and ordinary knights may not be able to reverse it.

Lu Li, who was also in a state of time acceleration, naturally noticed Jiado's little movement just now.

He pinched Jia Dou's ankle and suddenly exerted force on his arm. Lu Li slammed Jia Dou to the ground.

The terrifying power was beyond what Jiado could bear.

"Hang Yiyi!!"

It hit the ground hard, causing a loud noise.

At the same time, under this powerful 4.2 force, Jiado's body kept sliding backwards, knocking off all the stone bricks on the ground.

After rowing for dozens of meters, Jiado reluctantly stopped.

Fortunately, the armor on his body has strong defensive power and will not make Jiato lose his fighting ability.

Although this blow failed to make Jiato lose his fighting ability, the situation was not much better.

Jiado stood up staggeringly, and there were some scratches on the armor on his body.

So fast!

He had obviously used Time Up, but he didn't expect that the other party was faster than him.

Insight into his actions occurred in an instant.

"I can play with the power of time faster than you can."

A sudden voice came from behind.

Only then did Jiado realize that at some point, Lu Li had appeared behind him.

Kato punched him backwards.


The powerful fist was easily held in Lu Li's hand.

No matter how hard Jia Dou tried, he couldn't break through Lu Li's defense.

"it's over!"

Just as Lu Li's voice fell, six terrifying blade tentacles shot out behind him.

PS: Thanks to Yiyiyiyiheitongo0yu for your monthly votes! .

Chapter 626 Is this the attitude of asking for help? third party forces

When Kaito noticed these six sharp blade tentacles with claws and fangs, his first reaction was to use his other hand to cover his head.

But can it be stopped with just one hand?

In knight form, Kaito's own defense is much weaker, so how could he possibly be able to block it.


Six sharp-edged tentacles merged into one place.

Like a golden drill, it hit Jiato's chest fiercely.


An extremely terrifying impact struck.

Jiado groaned and kept retreating.

Then it was enveloped in the flames of the explosion.


In the flames of the explosion, Jiado turned into a knight lock seed just like the Sky Knight and Strong Man before.

at the same time.

While the knight battle was going on, a purple beam of light suddenly rushed out from the ground.

Kuzu Ye Hongtai was surprised when he saw the purple audience suddenly rising from the sky not far away.

"what is that?"

Next to him is Kado Yaji who looks quite embarrassed.

In the previous battle with Fifteen, he was given a good lesson by the other party.

"Bataan. Finally started to take action! In this case...

When he learned that it was Badain who started the action, Ge Yehongtai's face suddenly became serious.

"Even if there are only two of us, we will crush Badan's ambition!"

"No. It's three people!"

The sudden sound interrupted the conversation between the two, and they saw Qian Qiao walking towards them.


When he saw the other party, Kado Yashi suddenly felt surprised.

Ming01Mingming didn't agree to fight with them before, but he didn't expect to come now.

"What? Are you willing to fight for the boy's little wish now?"

"Even if that is the wish of the dead boy, and... I really want to know the real reason why the Showa Knights became enemies."

Qian Qiao had fought against Knight X before, and he also knew what kind of person he was.

He always felt that this knight battle was awkward, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Then, the three of them approached the location of the light pillar together.

But when they moved towards the light pillar, they encountered the remaining Showa Knights.

You don't need to think about it to know that the other party must be here to defeat them.

"Are the Showa Knights and the Pinghei Knights destined to fight against each other in the end?"

It is not easy for the three of them to fight against the remaining Showa Knights with just their strength.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"We can also help you."

The three of them turned around and saw several Heisei knights appearing behind them.

Ace, OOO, Wuqi and Kiva!


"Fight for the client, this is also the message left by the deceased uncle."

Ace always remembers the teachings his uncle once gave him.

Wu Qi looked at the only remaining knight and said in a deep voice.

"These are the only knights gathered."

"That's enough!"

There are seven Heisei knights left, and only seven Showa knights left.

Kuzu Ye Hongtai stared at the Showa Knight opposite and asked.

"Why are you getting in our way?!"

No. 1 took the initiative to stand up.

"I already said, Bataan is up to us to defeat."

"Stop interfering."

Number 2 was on the sidelines helping.

While the two sides were having a conversation, Lu Li also arrived.

However, Lu Li did not stand on either side, but was an independent third party.

"Land from?!"

Of course it was impossible for Ace to forget Lu Li.

Every time he looked at Lu Li, the fear in his heart would make him feel very uncomfortable.

He had not planned to use the Lost Drive to transform into an ace, but Philip had something to do, so he could only transform into an ace.

Facing Lu Li, without Philip to help him, the fear in his heart began to spread again.

Wu Qi and Oz also knew Lu Li.

"Li. Is he okay now?"

When he saw Lu Li, Wu Qi was naturally very unhappy.

He even wanted to beat Lu Li, but he knew that he could not defeat Lu Li with his own strength.

Moreover, compared to the battle, he was more concerned about the situation of Di Muli.

Lu Li smiled lightly.

"Haha! Don't worry, Li lives very well with me, and every day is very fulfilling.

She is very attached to me, and I will protect her well.

These words are simply heartbreaking.

Wu Qi clenched his fists slightly, feeling extremely unhappy.

But at this moment he did not rush over impulsively.

Then, Lu Li looked at Oz and said in surprise,

"Yang Si, long time no see, why don't you see Anku?

Aren't you inseparable from him? Why did you separate?"

When asked about Anku suddenly, Oz scratched his head with his hand.

"That guy was eating a popsicle, so he only gave me three coins and asked me to come alone. "

Why does this sound so aggrieved?

I can only say that this is very Anku, no matter how much you care, eating popsicles is the most important thing in life.

Seeing that Lu Li started chatting about trivial matters, it seemed that he did not notice the serious situation.

Knowing that Lu Li has a strong fighting power, Kazushi Kazuya naturally did not want to let such a powerful guy help at this time.

If Lu Li joins, there is no doubt that this battle will have a greater chance of winning.

"Hey! Lu Li, no matter what, you can be regarded as a Heisei Knight. In this situation, won't you help us?"

Look, is this the attitude of asking for help?

As expected of Brother Decade, the attitude of asking for help is so tough.

Facing Kazushi Kazuya's request for help, Lu Li shrugged slightly.

"From where I am standing now, can't you see it?

You can fight if you want, don't worry about me, don't worry, I won't help anyone."

Knowing that Lu Li was not here to help, Kuzuya Kota's face suddenly became angry.

"Lu Li, you guy..! "

He really didn't know what to say. He thought he had finally found a powerful helper, but it turned out that the other party was not here to help.

No. 1 and the others obviously didn't know Lu Li, and now was not the time to discuss these things.

The plan must go on, otherwise Badan will not have enough time.

"No need to say more, let's fight!"

Kouye Kota, Kadoya Shi and Qian Qiao also knew that this battle was inevitable, and they transformed immediately.


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