Lu Li didn't take his harsh words to heart at all.

"Do I need your forgiveness?"

Lu Li does things according to his own ideas.

He does whatever he wants and doesn't need anyone's forgiveness.

The Eternal Dagger bounced off the Yellow Spring Pill, and Lu Li kicked Fifteen in the chest.

The terrifying force directly sent Fifteen out more than ten meters away.

Maybe because his body kept sliding backwards, Fifteen quickly stuck the Yellow Spring Pill into the ground.


Even so, he still slid out several meters.

Feeling the dull pain in his chest, Fifteen's dark eyes were full of fear.

It is precisely because he has the power of fifteen knights that no one can pose a threat to him.

I didn't expect that the guy in front of him was so strong.

Immediately took out the Heisei Fifteen Knights Lock Seed and replaced the Fifteen Lock Seed.

"Let me show you my strongest form!"

"Lock.On! Gaim Arms! Fruit Armor Warrior On.Parade!"

A knight armor appeared above Fifteen's head. Isn't this Gaim Armor?

The final form is just putting Gaim Armor on himself.

Kamen Rider Fifteen. Gaim Armor!

When Lu Li saw Fifteen transformed into this form, he was speechless.

Holding a big orange pill and a musou saber, it becomes the final form?

This final form... is really cheap.

But to be honest, although these forms derived from Fifteen look a little cheap, the power contained is not low.

The power of Gaim is contained in the armor itself, and with the power it possesses, it can be regarded as having good combat power.

Fifteen switched to Gaim Armor and quickly pushed down the knife-shaped push rod device of the Battle Drive twice.

"Gaim Au.Lait!"

He suddenly slashed the big orange pill in his hand, and a terrifying purple slash attacked Lu Li.

Lu Li quickly inserted a red memory into the Eternal Dagger.

"Heat.Maximum.Drive (Heat.Maximum.Drive)!"

A raging fire burned on the Eternal Dagger, and the flames extended out until the Eternal Dagger looked like a flaming long sword.


He slashed casually.

The terrifying flames directly broke away from the restraints of the Eternal Dagger and turned into a flaming sword blade.


The purple energy slash collided with the flaming sword blade and suddenly exploded.

A stream of energy spread out, and a terrifying heat wave swept around.


Even though Aoi Shu was some distance away from the battlefield between the two, he was knocked to the ground by the powerful impact.

Suddenly, the flaming sword blade flew out from the explosion.


Fifteen thought that the two sides were at most evenly matched...

But he didn't expect that the attack released by Lu Li actually broke his own ultimate move.

Without time to think so much, Fifteen quickly pushed the knife-shaped push rod device of the Zhanji driver three times in a row.

"Kaimu Sparking!"

He crossed the Big Orange Maru and the Yellow Spring Maru in front of him for defense!

The flame blade suddenly hit the intersection of the two blades, and the terrifying explosive force that erupted instantly knocked Fifteen back.


His two feet were firmly on the ground, but Fifteen still couldn't stop the terrifying explosion.

"Ah, one by one!"

His arms trembled slightly.

Fifteen tried his best to suppress it, roaring hysterically.

Finally, the explosion of the flames gradually disappeared.

Fifteen barely resisted Lu Li's blazing extreme drive.

Under the burning of the flames, Fifteen exuded bursts of white smoke, and at this moment his armor was already in a high temperature state.

But even so, Fifteen still didn't give up.

The obsession in his heart prevented him from falling down.

No matter what, he must revive his son Aoi Hiiragi

The SS President of Badan! Huge Miracle Form!

Seeing that Fifteen could actually take on the terrifying flames released by the blazing extreme drive, Lu Li was not particularly surprised.

This guy's strongest form is not so useless. He can block a fatal blow, which is considered to be quite powerful.

At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled.

The knights who were fighting with many monsters could naturally feel the sudden vibration.

The next second, the ground split in half.

Waves of evil dark purple light emerged.

Then, a huge skeleton dinosaur was seen coming out of the ground.


The skeleton-like dinosaur was wrapped in purple evil energy and roared.

A burst of evil and dull voice suddenly sounded.

"Damn Kamen Rider! You dare to ruin my plan!

Now... it's finally time for me to appear!"

The huge skeleton dinosaur's head suddenly split into four petals, revealing a huge human-shaped skull in the middle.

But this huge human-shaped skull looks a little different.

That is, there is a black hole on its forehead, which looks like it has three eyes.

It is President Bataan!

The supreme leader of the Yellow Springs Kingdom, and also the final boss of this battle.

Noticing the arrival of President Batan, Lu Li became interested.

Although Fifteen's combat power was not bad, it did not meet Lu Li's requirements at all.

The guy who can make him serious is President Bataan.

I have to say that this huge body does look extremely oppressive.

President Bataan gathered his strength and sprayed evil purple energy balls directly from the three black holes on the skull.


"Boom boom boom!!"

It detonated directly among the knights without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Even the monsters who were fighting were all affected by this terrifying power.

"Ahhhhh one by one!"

Under the attack of this terrifying energy, both knights and weirdos suffered.

One by one, they screamed and were knocked to the ground by the terrifying energy.

Facing the evil energy ball attacking him, Lu Li quickly pulled out a silver memory and inserted it into the memory slot on his belt.

"Metal..Maximum.Drive (Metal Maximum Drive)!"

As the power of the metal memory activated, Lu Li's body burned with silver-grey flames.

The white warrior was enveloped in silver-grey flames.


The purple evil energy ball hit Lu Li and exploded suddenly.

The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed Lu Li, and for a while he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

Fifteen, who had just fought with Lu Li, showed a sneer after seeing Lu Li being swallowed up by the flames.

"Hmph! You overestimate your capabilities! You actually want to withstand President Bataan's attack and ask for trouble!"

In his opinion, Lu Li's behavior just now was tantamount to sending himself to death.

The attack unleashed by a terrifying boss like President Bataan is not so easy to block.

Didn’t you see the other knights, all of whom were knocked off their backs by the explosion?

But before Fifteen's sneer ended, the sound suddenly stopped.


The tone was full of disbelief.

Fifteen stared at the figure coming out of the flames.

Lu Li, whose body was burning with silver-grey flames, walked out of the flames intact:

Being hit by President Bataan's purple energy ball seemed to have no impact on Lu Li at all.

Metal Ultimate Drive can improve its own defense and can ignore enemy attacks:

This is why Lu Li was able to easily withstand President Badan's terrifying energy without being affected at all.

Gently patting the armor on his body, the silver-gray flames on Lu Li's body gradually dissipated.

The pure white armor was spotless, with no trace of any attack at all.

The huge Bataan President naturally noticed Lu Li

I thought he had already easily solved this guy who ruined his plan.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li was safe and sound.

Isn’t this a slap in the face of President Bataan?

I can't bear it!

"Damn Kamen Rider! Die!!"

President Bataan once again released terrifying purple energy from the three black holes on the skull.

But this time, President Bataan had only one target to attack.

That was Lu Li.

If Lu Li hadn't done what he just did, his super flip plan might have been half successful by now.

However, just because of the existence of this white knight, his plan was aborted before it even started.

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