"Swish, swish, swish!!"

Lu Li had no great interest in Fifteen.

Even if this guy was strong, it was very limited.

His battles with the knights were limited to the normal form, and at most he could only fight with Gaim's Shenghou form.

Obviously, he was not good enough to be Lu Li's opponent.

But President Badan was different.

As a big Bboss, President Badan's fighting power was naturally needless to say.

Although his body was a little bigger, with this opportunity, Lu Li could just try out the power he got from Kamen Rider J.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A large number of purple energy balls exploded around Lu Li, and the flames that rose into the sky immediately enveloped Lu Li.

"Hahaha!! How could a mere Kamen Rider be my opponent? You all will die here!"

President Badan laughed wildly, thinking that he had everything under control.

However, a sudden voice came from behind him.

"Why are you so happy?"

Suddenly turning his head, President Badan saw Lu Li, whose eternal robe was swaying, appear behind him.

"Huh? What?!"

He clearly saw Lu Li being swallowed by his attack, how could he suddenly appear behind him.

"Are you surprised? Next... you will probably be more surprised."

Lu Li directly activated J's special ability, and his body shone with emerald green light.

An extremely terrifying energy was released from the emerald green light.

Facing the dazzling emerald green light, President Badan unconsciously turned his head to the side.

Then, a huge outline could be vaguely seen emerging.

0Seeking flowers...

"That is...?!"

Seeing that the huge outline gradually became clear, even No. 1 was very shocked.

"How could it be?! That's not mine.?!"

The most surprised person was probably J.

For the gigantic form, he naturally had the most say.

Just when the emerald green light appeared, J had already felt the energy of the earth, which was the angry power from nature.

This kind of power should only be possessed by me, but why does the white knight have the same power as me?

"Really?! Are you kidding me! How can Lu Li have the power of J?!"

A big question mark appeared on Decade's head.

While he was surprised, he also felt that his brain was not enough.

So far, Lu Li has shown too much power.

This made Decade really unable to figure out how Lu Li did it.

The eyes of many knights were all focused on the huge figure that gradually emerged.

The white knight finally solidified and appeared in front of everyone.

The eternal robe behind him fluttered in the wind, and his body, which was as high as 40 meters, had narrowed the gap with President Badan.

Masked Rider Yongqi. Giant Form (Miracle Form)!

Standing on the ground, Lu Li could feel that the ground was continuously providing him with energy.

This is the ability he has obtained. As long as he stands on the ground, he doesn't have to worry about not having enough energy.

The yellow eyes were bright, Lu Li clenched his fists tightly, and his strength also increased geometrically.

"Damn Kamen Rider!! Ah!!"

President Badan roared angrily, and his huge body immediately pounced on Lu Li.

Even though Lu Li was 40 meters tall, there was still a little gap compared to President Badan's huge body.

But being big doesn't mean that one can definitely crush a smaller one.

Lu Li took out another black memory that was changed by the power and inserted it into the memory slot on the right side of the belt.

"Skul.Maximum.Drive (Skull Maximum Drive)!"

The power of the skull maximum drive directly acts on Lu Li himself.

It can increase his physical ability to a more terrifying level.

The pure white armor was shining with purple light, and a huge purple skull could be vaguely seen emerging.

With a sudden force on his right foot, Lu Li kicked directly into the huge purple skull in the air.


The whistling of the skull was faintly heard.

The huge skull ran towards President Batan like a football.

Skull vs. Skeleton!

President Batan fired evil purple energy from the black hole on his skull.

However, facing the purple energy, the huge purple skull that Lu Li had just kicked out directly swallowed it up.

Opening the huge skull mouth, the purple skull seemed to be roaring.

It smashed towards President Batan.

"Boom! ! ! "

PS: Thank you

Thank you

for your ticket to Happy Life Everyday Upward!

Chapter 630 Eternal Requiem! Sleep! Knight Lock Seed

A violent explosion sounded, and President Batan was blown away on the spot by the terrifying roaring purple skull.

The incomparably huge body flew out for a distance and slammed into the ground.

"Boom! ! ! "

The movement caused by the huge body directly caused the ground to shake violently.

"How is it possible? ! "

President Bataan found it incredible that he was repelled.

He was repelled inexplicably. What happened?

I will kill you while you are sick!

Without giving him any time to think, Lu Li, whose physical strength had been raised to the extreme, now only wanted to test his own strength.

With a flash, he instantly appeared in front of President Bataan.

Before President Bataan could stand up, a fierce punch hit him on the head.

After this punch, President Bataan was immediately dizzy.

His body was shaking, and it seemed that he would fall down at any time.

Without waiting for him to make any reaction, Lu Li's continuous attacks came.

Facing continuous attacks, under this overwhelming momentum, President Bataan was beaten without any ability to fight back.

In addition to his huge body and terrifying evil energy, President Bataan's combat power was very limited.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

President Bataan, who was beaten very badly, quickly put the dinosaur head that was divided into four petals together.

Then he opened his bloody mouth and bit Lu Li's head.

However, he was greeted by another terrifying blow.


The terrifying force once again welded President Batan to the ground.

Fifteen was shocked to see that Lu Li could suppress President Batan.

"How is it possible?! That guy could suppress President Batan?!"

Taking advantage of Fifteen's shock, Gaim rushed up and slashed him with a knife.


After staggering slightly, Fifteen came back to his senses.

"Hmph! You can't beat me!"

After that, Fifteen no longer cared about Lu Li, but focused on fighting Gaim.

It's not that he didn't want to care about Lu Li, but he couldn't care about him with his current strength.

Facing Fifteen's powerful fighting power, Gaim was once at a disadvantage.

Noticing this situation, No. 1 shouted immediately.

"Gaiwu! Use this, come on!"

As he said, No. 1 threw the Showa Fifteen Knight Lock Seed in his hand.

Catching the lock seed, Gaim quickly replaced the orange lock seed on the Zhanji driver.

"Number One!"

"Lock.On! Soiya! -Arms! Technique -Lets.Go!"

The armor of Knight Number One fell, and Gaim didn't wait for the armor to unfold, and directly pushed the armor to Fifteen.

He jumped up and jumped directly behind Fifteen.

The armor of Number One on his head suddenly opened its jagged mouth and bit Fifteen's head.

"Clang clang clang!"

Sparks flew, and Fifteen was caught off guard.

He clamped Fifteen with his legs and exerted force suddenly.

He threw him away directly, and Gaim landed steadily on the ground, and the armor of Number One on his head finally unfolded.

Kamen Rider Gaim Armor Number One!

Lu Li, who was fighting with President Badan, noticed that Gaim had completed the transformation at this time.

This means that the Showa Fifteen Knight Lock Type and the Heisei Fifteen Knight Lock Type are all complete.

These two things are what Lu Li has set his eyes on.

This guy Gaim was not careful with his attack. By the end of the battle, the Heisei Fifteen Knights would be destroyed by him.

Lu Li would make this happen in front of his eyes.

He looked at President Badan who was standing up with his huge head shaking. It was time to end this battle.

He took out the equally huge Eternal Dagger and removed the T2 Eternal Memory from the Fusion Drive.

He inserted it into the Eternal Dagger and pulled the trigger.

"It's over."

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