Since the World Tree has a tight surveillance on the city, it naturally also captured the scenes of the knights fighting.

Especially at the end, the battle between Lu Li and President Badan, two huge guys, was filmed clearly.

In the laboratory of the World Tree headquarters.

Zhan Ji Lingma looked at the powerful knights in the video, as well as the super-large white knight, and was extremely shocked.

I didn't expect that in addition to the locks and drivers he developed, there are such powerful forces.

However, since these forces are different from the drivers and locks he developed, this did not make Zhan Ji Lingma angry.

However, this also strengthened Zhan Ji Lingma's determination to get the golden fruit.

As long as he has the golden fruit, he can become the supreme god.

When he has the power of the gods, all problems will be solved.

Nothing will be a problem.

However, Zhan Ji Lingma did not see the scene of Lu Li transforming into Yongqi, so he naturally did not know that the huge Yongqi was actually Lu Li.

At the same time, they didn't know that in the previous knight battle, Lu Li also transformed into Shocker O0OO0O.

The people who also paid attention to this kind of battle included Wu Dao Guang Shi and Xi De.

Both of them witnessed this terrifying knight battle.

Unlike Wu Dao Guang Shi, who had a calm face and no words, Xi De's face was gloomy.

Unexpectedly, there are still so many dangerous guys.

He must speed up his plan.

There is only one golden fruit, and it can only belong to him!

No one else can snatch the golden fruit from him.

Glancing at Wu Dao Guang Shi who was motionless next to him, Xi De felt that the time was about right, and it was time to carry out his own plan.

Continuing to drag it out would be more disadvantageous to him.

Seizing the time to implement his own plan, he could exclude the possibility of others obtaining the golden fruit as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Xi De clenched his fists, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.

Having successfully obtained the Heisei 15th Knight Lock and the Showa 15th Knight Lock, Lu Li could not be sure when these two locks would disappear.

The best way is to use these two powers in the shortest possible time.

After leaving the battlefield, Lu Li returned to Fengdu as soon as possible.

This is his base camp and the safest place.

After Lu Li returned to Yuanzaki's house, he heard a scream suddenly.

"Help! Master! Ah Yi Yi!"

The miserable scream was so miserable.

Slightly sideways, Lu Li saw Kivatlllshi being bullied to death by Mick.

Since bringing this guy home, Mick has taken very friendly care of Kivatlllshi.

Just like now.

"You wanted to come out by yourself, why are you suddenly asking for help now?"

Lu Li was speechless.

In any case, Kivatl Chuanshi is at least a member of the bat monster family, and he still has some fighting power.

As a result, now it's good, he was bullied so badly by a cat, which is really unbelievable.

"It's the mistress! The mistress said that Mick always eats and doesn't move, and has gained a lot of weight, so she asked me to exercise with Mick.

As a result, this guy caught me and chased and bit me, which was so uncomfortable!

I didn't dare to hurt this guy, otherwise the mistress would tear me apart!"

Lu Li didn't know who the so-called mistress was in Kivatlll's mouth.

After all, there are many mistresses in this family.

"Then you take your time, I have something else to do."

After saying that, Lu Li didn't care about Kivatl Chuanshi anymore and left directly.

Good guy!

I thought I would have hope after Lu Li came back, but I didn't expect that this hope was the same as no hope.

"No! Master! Come back soon! Ah ah ah!!"

Hysterical screams echoed in the Yuanzaki mansion, but no one cared at all.

Lu Li went directly to the underground space of Yuanzaki's house.

It was quiet enough here, and it was also hidden enough.

Coming to the middle of the underground space, Lu Li first materialized the Yaguru belt.

Then, he took out the Heisei Ten Knight Lock and the Showa Fifteen Knight Lock, one in each hand.

"Heisei Fifteen Rider!"

"Showa Fifteen Rider!"

He opened the two locks directly, and the Yamadam Spirit Stone in the Yaguru Belt on Lu Li's waist seemed to be attracted by the two forces.

The Yamadam Spirit Stone began to flicker, and Lu Li's body gradually floated up under the influence of this force.

The two Knight Locks separated from Lu Li's hands and floated on both sides of him.

A faint golden energy entered the Yamadam Spirit Stone from the locks.

That's right, the Yamadam Spirit Stone is exerting its special ability at this time.

It absorbs the energy in the two locks and converts it into corresponding power.

During Lu Li's transformation, he clearly felt that the Yamadam Spirit Stone was feeding back the power to his body.

The Yamadam Spirit Stone not only strengthened the power of the Yaguru Belt, but also strengthened Lu Li's body.

Even though Lu Li's current body has reached a terrifying level, as long as the energy is good enough, it can also be strengthened accordingly.

Very comfortable!

Lu Li felt a slight numbness in his body, as if electric current was flowing through his body.

How long this conversion process will take is currently unknown.

But Lu Li felt it wouldn't take long.

Although both knight lock species contain quite good power, not all knights' power is included.

As for how powerful Yaguru's belt will be after the absorption and transformation is completed, Lu Li doesn't know.

It’s hard to say, we won’t know until the strengthening is completed.

It depends on this time whether he can develop the ultimate sublimated form or the even more terrifying super-sublimated ultimate form.

The time comes at night.

World Tree Headquarters.

The people at the headquarters have already got off work, and everyone who should leave has already left.

Now there are only some personnel on duty left.

West Germany, with a sneer on his face, suddenly appeared in the seed storage room.

The locked seeds created by World Tree are stored here. In addition to the people in the development project, the black shadow guards must obtain approval if they want to use it. After using it, they must put it away.


There are a large number of lock species and mass-produced battle pole drives placed here.

West Germany is all too familiar with the situation here.

Strolling leisurely to the location of the locking vehicle lock seeds, West Germany looked at the well placed locking vehicle lock seeds.

"Professor, you can't blame me for this. People who don't do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth.

Now that things have reached this point, only one person can obtain the golden fruit, and that person... can only be me. "

PS: thanks

A slight ailment! Monthly pass!

thanks one

A monthly pass and 100 VIP points for a happy life!

thanks one

Monthly pass for stars!

thanks one

A monthly pass with half a piece of paper!


The devil’s monthly ticket!

Chapter 632: Defection and conspiracy! They can all be killed!

As soon as he finished speaking, West Germany directly took out the Genesis Drive and Cherry Energy Lock Seed to transform.



"Lock.On! Soda! Cherry.Energy!"

After completing his transformation, Sigurd immediately used sonic arrows to destroy these locked vehicle locks.

His purpose is simple, that is to prevent the professor and others from entering the Helheim Forest.

Without the obstacles of Zhanji Lingma and the others, it would be easier for him to obtain the golden fruit.

In order to achieve his goal, he doesn't care what means he uses.

"Pila! Pila!"

After destroying all the locked vehicle locks, Sigurd took the time to go to the man-made crack at the bottom of the World Tree.

What he has to do now is to destroy the man-made cracks.

Then he took advantage of the crack to close and entered the crack.

After the rift is closed, no one can freely enter and leave the Helheim Forest except those who still hold the fixed vehicle.

Even if the man-made cracks are reopened, it will take some time to do so.

During this time, he could look for traces of the golden fruit with peace of mind.

Almost no one can stop him, and the probability of the golden fruit falling into his hands will be even greater.

Get here quickly, there are people on duty at all times next to the man-made cracks.

Seeing the sudden arrival of Sigurd, the officer on duty was about to ask what happened, but was punched directly by Sigurd.

No one else is exempt.

Ordinary people face Sigurd as a knight, and they don't even have the power to fight back.

After doing all this, Sigurd turned to look at the equipment in the room and smiled coldly.

This was quickly followed by an attack on the instruments maintaining the artificial cracks.

After being destroyed in three or two strokes, the man-made cracks began to gradually close.

West Germany, who had released his transformation, entered the Helheim Forest with a sneer on his face.

"The golden mine!"

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