Although he doesn't know how to find the golden fruit, now cutting off the possibility of Helheim Forest on the World Tree side is also buying time for himself.

He must find the Overlord within this period of time and learn about the golden fruit from the other party's mouth.

Early the next morning.

The staff who discovered the abnormality immediately notified Kureshima Mitsumi and Senji Reima.

When the two reached the bottom floor, they saw the man-made cracks that had been completely destroyed.

Zhanji Lingma's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Kureshima Mitsumi who was on the side scolded angrily with a cold face.

"What happened?! How could the man-made cracks be destroyed? Who did it?"

Although he is young, his voice is not small at all.

The staff was startled and immediately retrieved the content captured by the surveillance cameras yesterday.

When they saw that it was West Germany that destroyed the artificial cracks, they felt even worse.

Especially Zhanji Lingma.

He didn't expect these guys from West Germany to act so decisively.

Kurejima Takatora had just been killed, and West Germany was already so impatient.

"Sid...! Is this this guy...?"

With a gloomy look in his eyes, Zhanji Lingma thought that even if West Germany knew how to act, he wouldn't be able to do it so quickly.

But now it seems that he still underestimated this guy West Germany.

At this time, members of the Black Shadow Guard Team suddenly ran over and told the two of them about the locked seed storage room.


Zhan Ji Lingma never expected that this guy from West Germany would do something so incredible this time.

Even if the man-made cracks were destroyed, all the locked vehicle locks were destroyed:

It seemed that this guy had already made preparations to prevent them from going to Helheim Forest.

But Zhanji Lingma soon calmed down.

Although West Germany calculated very well, he did not completely calculate it.

World Tree no longer has vehicle-locked seeds, but some people still hold vehicle-locked seeds.

Mitsuomi Kureshima, Kota Kuzuba, and... Lu Li all hold locking vehicle lock species.

Thinking of this, Zhan Ji Lingma looked at Kureshima Mitsumi next to him.

"Mitsuami, currently only you and Kota Kuzuba can enter and exit the Helheim Forest at will.

Although that guy Lu Li also has a fixed vehicle lock species, I don't trust that guy.

You can contact Kuzu Ye Hongtai and find a way to stop West Germany. You must not let that guy get the golden fruit!

If necessary, West Germany can be killed!

This time, Zhanji Lingma could no longer tolerate West Germany.

If he doesn't have any temper after being tricked by the other party, do you really think he is hello.kittyl?


Nodding slightly, Kureshima Mitsuomi certainly knew that the guy from West Germany had to be eliminated.

Although Kureshima Mitsumi didn't have much interest in the golden fruit, he didn't want that guy in West Germany to get it either.

Just when Kureshima Mitsumi was about to leave, Zhan Ji Lingma suddenly thought of something and reminded him.

"That's right, Mitsumi.

The sudden sound made Mitsumi Wujima, who was about to leave, stop and turn around.

"Anything else?

After taking a deep look at the expressionless Kureshima Mitsumi, Zhan Ji Lingma showed a cold smile on his face.

"Guangshi, West Germany can be solved, and you can also handle Kuzuye Hongtai.

They don't matter now, it's up to you. "

The existence of Ge Ye Hongtai now poses a huge threat to Zhanji Lingma.

It would be a good thing if we could seize the opportunity to deal with it.

Without speaking, Kureshima Mitsumi turned around and left.

Although he didn't answer, from the look in his eyes just now, Zhanji Reima already knew Kureshima Mitsumi's answer.

Turning his head to glance at the destroyed instrument, Zhanji Lingma suddenly narrowed his eyes.

There was danger in his eyes.

"Sid, I hope you will die in the forest this time, but never appear in front of me again.

Otherwise...hehehe! "

He kept sneering in his mouth

Although West Germany's Genesis drive is also equipped with a blocking device, the blocking device must be used within a certain range to be effective.

Now that West Germany is in the Helheim Forest, there is no way it will be affected in any way.

But if West Germany still dares to appear in front of Zhan Ji Lingma, he will let West Germany know what regret means.

The other side.

Kureshima Mitsumi pretended to be a good guy and returned to the Armored Corps.

Using other words, he told Kuzuye Hongtai what happened to the World Tree.

Kuzushima Kota, who learned of this situation, never thought that Kureshima Mitsumi was no longer the same Kureshima Mitsumi.

All he wanted in his heart was to stop West Germany.

If a guy like West Germany is allowed to get the golden fruit, then the world may be in chaos.

The two of them lost no time in heading to Helheim Forest.

In order to find West Germany as soon as possible, Kuzuya Kota and Kureshima Mitsumi chose to split up.

In the course of the action, Kuzuye Hongtai happened to meet West Germany, who was looking for Overlord in the declaration.

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

Not far away, Mitsuomi Kureshima silently watched the battle between the two.

At this time, what he wanted in his mind was to let the two of them continue fighting like this.

After both of them were injured, he would attack and take care of both of them together.

It was a good thing for him to get rid of two troublesome guys at once.

After getting rid of these two guys, only Lu Li was left.

But unfortunately, things did not go as planned.

Wu Daoguang's idea of ​​the mantis in front and the oriole behind did not come true.

Just when Gaim and Sigurd were fighting fiercely, Zhenhong suddenly jumped out from nowhere.

And directly launched a fierce attack on the two.


Gaim and Sigurd, who were fighting fiercely, did not expect that Overlord would suddenly join the battle.

In their opinion, as long as they could deal with the Overlord in front of them, they would know where the forbidden fruit was.

As long as they got the forbidden fruit, (good Zhao Zhao) would be able to obtain the power of God naturally.

"Forbidden fruit! It's mine!"

Sigurd had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and of course he would not miss this great opportunity.

He immediately threw away Gaim and attacked Zhenhong.

Hearing that the monkey in front of him actually wanted to obtain the forbidden fruit, Zhenhong sneered.

"Stupid monkey! Do you guys want to get the forbidden fruit? Don't dream!

What awaits you monkeys is only destruction!"

Although the performance of the Genesis Driver used by Sigurd is good, it is still not enough to face the powerful Zhenhong with many special abilities.

The greatsword in his hand kept swinging, and the terrifying power easily suppressed Sigurd.


The greatsword brushed Sigurd's armor and instantly knocked him out.

Sigurd fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner. Sigurd never expected that Overlord's strength would be so terrifying.

Zhenhong, who beat back Sigurd, looked at Gaim on the side again.

The last time he fought with the leader of those monkeys, this guy also came to interfere with him. It is unforgivable!

A huge fireball was released in his hand and hit Gaim.

When throwing the fireball, the body moved along and pounced on Gaim

The trouble brought by the rd! The director would be very moved if he saw it.

At this time, although the combat power of Gaim in the form of Zhenyu Lemon is good, it is still a little worse than that of Shenghou Form.

Facing the fierce attack of Zhenhong, Gaim was also at a disadvantage for a while.


Gaim, whose brain circuit is relatively clear, still wants to avoid fighting with Zhenhong until now.

He just wants to communicate with the other party to solve the current problem.

As long as the communication is clear, perhaps everything is not a problem.

But he has never considered a problem at all.

That is whether Zhenhong itself wants to communicate.

From beginning to end, Zhenhong has never thought about communicating.

After being severely beaten by Lu Li twice, his only thought now is to kill these monkeys.

As for Sigurd, his heart is full of greed

It was not easy to find Overlord, Sigurd naturally couldn't and didn't want to miss this great opportunity.

He stood up and pounced on it again, taking advantage of the fight between Gaim and Zhenhong to launch a sneak attack.

But he obviously underestimated the power of Zhenhong.

Sigurd noticed the sudden sneak attack, and saw that the body of Zhenhong instantly turned into red mist.

It broke away from the entanglement of Gaim and spun quickly, directly covering both of them.

The two in the middle were forced to spin.

After turning many circles, it stopped directly and threw Gaim and Sigurd out.

"Damn! How can the combat power of these Overlords be so terrifying?!"

Sigurd was very unwilling, but his current state was not good.

When he was fighting with Zhenhong, he had to guard against Gaim and could not fight wholeheartedly.

Facing a strong opponent, he could not fight wholeheartedly, which would only put himself in a more difficult situation.

At this time, when Zhenhong was about to continue to launch 763 attacks, a crack suddenly opened slowly behind him.

And on the other side of the crack was Xunya City.

"Oh no!"

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