Chapter 638: Crushing strength! Did the person who touched me ask me?

The big sword in his hand swung backhand and collided with the big sword in Kai Wu's hand.

The two sides were at loggerheads for a while.

But the abilities they possess are different.

Faced with this stalemate, Kaiwu had no hands and no way to push the knife-shaped push rod device.

Naturally, there is no way to release the special move.

But Zhenhong was different. The two big horns on his shoulders burst out with bursts of terrifying lightning.

At close range, facing the lightning strike, Kaiwu didn't even have a chance to dodge.



The lightning strike directly hit Kaiwu's body.

Kaiwu, who was in a stalemate, had sparks flying out of his armor.

Kaiwu, who was hit by the lightning strike, could only retreat in embarrassment.

Even facing two people, Zhenhong is still in an absolutely dominant position.

"Stupid monkey! Haven't you realized the gap between us yet?

Want to beat me? It's impossible for you alone! "

Zhen Hong has absolute confidence in his strengthened strength.

He won't lose!

At this time, Zhenhong couldn't help but think of the guy who made her extremely afraid.

He lost twice to that guy, and got a bad lesson each time.

Zhenhong couldn't help but clenched her fists, feeling the surging power in her body.

Now, I should be qualified to compete with the other party.

Although he lost twice, there was already a shadow in his heart.

But this won't make Zhen Hong give up.

Losing is no big deal, but he must find a way to win it back.

For Zhenhong, who has bellicose and violent elements in his heart, he cannot bear to be defeated by humans in any case.

The Queen took advantage of this gap and quickly pulled 470 sonic arrows.

A pink energy arrow suddenly shot towards Zhen Hong.

"call out!!"

But Zhenhong's combat consciousness has now been raised to its peak, and she has already noticed it.

Use your backhand to block directly with your big sword.


The blade even directly counterattacked the pink energy arrow.


The queen, who had no time to resist or dodge, was knocked to the ground by the energy arrows she shot.

"So strong! It's not a level of fighting at all."

Even if she doesn't want to admit this in her heart, the Queen knows very well that this is the fact now.

The combat power in front of me was beyond imagination. red

"If he is here, he should be able to deal with this guy."

Lu Li's figure couldn't help but appear in his mind, and he couldn't help but think so.

The person the Queen referred to as him was, of course, Lu Li.

But in the past two days, Lu Li seemed to have suddenly disappeared, with no movement at all.

She only knew that Lu Li returned to Fengdu, but she didn't know exactly what he was doing.

But since there is no movement, it means it must be something very important.

At this time, Kaiwu, who had just been beaten, was very embarrassed and quickly assembled the Sheng Roar Lock Seed on the Zhanji Drive to the lock Seed Groove of the great sword.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one thousand, one trillion, one trillion, an immeasurable number!"

Holding the big sword tightly with both hands, he saw a terrifying blazing flame burning on the big sword.

Match Rope Big Orange Unparalleled Slash!

He suddenly swung his sword.


A huge flaming blade flew out from the big sword and went straight towards Zhen Hong.

Seeing the menacing huge flame blade, Zhenhong's face did not change at all, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of avoiding it.

He directly held the big sword with both hands and aimed at the huge flame blade and struck it down.

Yes, he wants to be tough!

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Zhenhong roared and chopped down

The big sword in his hand and the huge flaming blade collided immediately.

"Hang Yi Yi!!!"

A violent explosion sounded.

The earth trembles!

Then, the terrifying flame energy spread crazily around.

The Queen, who had just stood up, was knocked back a few steps by this terrifying energy impact.

The queen was secretly surprised when she saw the center of the flame bursting out.

too horrible!

The power of the special moves released by Kaiwu was far more powerful than the special moves released by her.

If this power were to hit her, the queen could be sure that she would never be able to withstand it.

"Powerless! It's so powerless!"

In the flames of the explosion, a cold and ruthless voice suddenly came.

Then there was an even more terrifying energy burst, which directly dispersed the flames!

Terrifying energy attacked Kaiwu.

Kaiwu, who thought his special move would have some effect, never expected that it would have no effect at all.


Under the attack of terrifying energy, Kaiwu was immediately blasted more than ten meters away and fell to the ground in a panic.


Feeling powerless!

Facing Zhenhong at this moment, Kaiwu felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Why is the other party so ridiculously strong?

It was obviously not like this before.

He was barely able to support his body, but Kaiwu had been injured before and was obviously unable to continue fighting at this time.

The flames completely dissipated.

The true red center appeared in front of Kaiwu and the Queen, unscathed.

Not even a trace was left.

Even Zhan Ji Ling Ma, who was observing everything behind the scenes, could feel the huge pressure brought by Zhen Hong.

"Overlord, are you such a difficult guy?"

At this time, Zhan Ji Ling Ma's face was very serious.

He suddenly felt a little tricky.

I didn't expect that even Kuzuya Kota couldn't do anything to Zhen Hong with the lock seed that he had never seen before.

It is indeed a very tricky guy.

It is very difficult to catch Zhen Hong,

But fortunately, the Duke transformed by Zhan Ji Ling Ma has a very strong analytical ability.

It can analyze the situation and then find the best solution.

After the analysis just now, Zhan Ji Ling Ma has almost understood the means that Zhen Hong currently has.

In addition, he is not without a trump card.

The dragon fruit energy lock seed can make him have stronger combat power, which is his biggest trump card.

But at present, he does not want to expose his territory. Although Overlord is a little tricky, the real tricky thing is not only Overlord, but also Lu Li.

From the beginning to the end, in Zhan Ji Ling Ma's view, the biggest obstacle is Lu Li.

Looking at Gaim who had been knocked down by him, and the queen who was also in a bad state, Zhenhong sneered.

"Hehehe! I have told you long ago that you monkeys can't defeat me!

I am no longer the same person as before. After the battle, let me... send you off in person!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge fireball appeared in Zhenhong's hand.

The fireball has an extremely high temperature. Under this high temperature, the surrounding space is vaguely distorted.

"Damn! My body. Can't move!"

Gaim wanted to resist, but his current physical condition did not allow it.

Even if he could barely stand up, how could he resist Zhenhong's attack?


The queen was in a slightly better condition, but she knew very well how big the gap between herself and Zhenhong was.

At this moment, she didn't know what to do.

"Go to hell!"

Just as Zhenhong was about to throw the fireball in his hand, a sudden voice suddenly interrupted his action.

"Although I'm not here, you're touching my people. Don't you think too little of me?"

This familiar voice made the queen, who was originally anxious and didn't know what to do, suddenly brighten up.

"Mr. Lu!"

I thought it had reached the worst point, but I didn't expect there would be a turn.

Suddenly raising her head, the queen saw Lu Li, who was walking towards her leisurely with his hands in his pockets.

"Lu Li?!"

Gaiwu was also very surprised, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect that Lu Li would appear at the critical moment.

Zhenhong, who was about to throw a fireball, suddenly shrank his pupils when he saw Lu Li.

"It's you?!"

The words were full of disbelief.

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