He never expected to meet Lu Li again.

This guy. Why is he still haunting? !

Ignoring Zhenhong completely, Lu Li looked at the queen

"Yaozi, how are you? Are you not injured?"

Seeing that Lu Li took the lead in caring about his own safety and even left this powerful Overlord aside, the queen felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Shaking her head slightly, the queen quickly replied.

"I'm fine."

And Gaim was very kind to remind him at this time.

"Lu Li, be careful, that guy is very strong!"

Even though he didn't like Lu Li very much in his heart, Gaim still knew what was important.

Zhenhong's fighting power was too strong, and he felt it necessary to remind Lu Li to be careful and not to capsize.

"Very strong? Really? Demxiu, you have been defeated by me twice, tell him, who is stronger between the two of us?"

Lu Li didn't take Zhenhong seriously at all.

Even after the strengthening, Zhenhong was just like that in Lu Li's eyes.

At best, it was a little better than the original Zhenhong.

Compared with Bai Ya's level, Zhenhong... he was a derl


When the previous sad things were mentioned, Zhenhong's heart was instantly furious.

He witnessed that the strengthening was completed, but he would not necessarily lose to Lu Li

Chapter 639 The Sublimation of the Ultimate Dark Eyes Appeared! The Terrifying Darkness

Staring at Lu Li, Zhenhong's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Don't think that you can definitely beat me now just because you beat me twice! I... am no longer the same as before!

Go to hell!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhenhong, who had been restless for a long time, threw the fireball in his hand at Lu Li in an instant.

He wanted to prove that he was now stronger and not the one who was easily controlled by Lu Li before:


Like a basketball-sized fireball, it quickly approached Lu Li.

The scorching temperature changed the air flow around!

Facing the fierce scorching fireball, Lu Li stood quietly without any movement.

"Hey! Lu Li! Be careful!"

Seeing that Lu Li was indifferent, Kaiwu hurriedly reminded him.

After all, Lu Li came to help, at least he is a friendly force now.

Be careful?

Is it necessary?

The fireball gradually approached, and Lu Li suddenly turned and kicked

at the scorching fireball.

The scorching fireball did not burn Lu Li's shoes, but was blocked by a special force.

The fireball affected by the extra force was directly hit into the sky.


After flying up dozens of meters, the fireball exploded instantly.

It was like fireworks, very gorgeous.

It's a pity that it was broad daylight, otherwise it would look better.

This outrageous scene directly surprised Kaiwu.

What the hell?

The terrifying fireball was killed with one kick? !

Not sure what he saw, Kaiwu remembered to slap himself.

It really hurts!

It's obvious that this is not a dream, but reality.

At this time, Lu Li became extremely mysterious in Kaiwu's eyes.

Can a person really kick away that terrifying fireball with his physical body?

Absolutely impossible!

Zhan Ji Lingma, who was hiding behind the scenes, narrowed his eyes immediately after seeing Lu Li's method.

He was also very shocked in his heart.

At this time, he had a strong curiosity about Lu Li's body.

What kind of body can do such a terrifying and outrageous thing?

"Lu Li, how many secrets do you have? I am really getting more and more curious about you.

I can't wait to dissect you.

While talking nonsense seriously, Zhan Ji Lingma was indeed very curious about Lu Li.

Just because he did something that humans could never do, it was completely beyond comprehension.

Back to Lu Li.

After kicking away the fireball, Lu Li turned his attention back to Zhen Hong and shook his head slightly.

"Demshu, you are still only like this after being strengthened. You are too bad, aren't you?"

The sarcastic words immediately made Zhen Hong furious.

"Shut up! Don't think that I will be scared just because you beat me once or twice! Now... I will let you see my true strength!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhen Hong used instant teleportation to appear in front of Lu Li.

The big sword in his hand slashed down without hesitation, heading straight for Lu Li's head.

"Be careful! "

Seeing this, Gaim shouted hurriedly

It must be said that as a saintly Gaim, it is impossible for him to watch someone die in front of him.

Just as the sword blade approached Lu Li quickly, a golden light flashed in Lu Li's eyes.

A golden and silver Aguru belt appeared around his waist, and the Amadam spirit stone in the middle was black.

Suddenly, Zhenhong felt an extremely terrifying repulsive force coming.

Holding the sword tightly with both hands, he was stopped by this terrifying repulsive force.

"What? !"

Zhenhong didn't see Lu Li make any moves at all, but his attack had no effect at all.

Not only Zhenhong, Gaim and Zhan Ji Lingma behind the scenes were also dumbfounded.

"How could it be? !"


In the previous battle, Zhenhong had already shown enough power.

But now, this powerful force seemed to be non-existent in front of Lu Li.

Zhan Ji Lingma came back to his senses and immediately began to analyze the situation in front of him.

After his analysis, he came to a conclusion that there was an invisible force beside Lu Li that blocked Overlord's attack.

This invisible force formed a powerful defense that was enough to offset Zhenhong's attack.

Staring closely at Lu Li on the screen, Zhan Ji Lingma's face was very gloomy.

"How much power does this guy Lu Li have?!"

The more he understood Lu Li, the more he felt that Lu Li was unfathomable.

Such an enemy is the most difficult to deal with!

Compared to the three who were surprised, the queen obviously knew what kind of means Lu Li had.

Seeing this scene, even if she was a little surprised, she would not be too surprised.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the man she chose, and he will definitely reach the top and become the supreme existence.

"Zhenhong, didn't you eat anything? Do you want me to give you some more fruit? Eat more and then fight."

The relaxed words made Zhenhong furious.

I've seen people who look down on others, but I've never seen people who look down on others like this.

"Don't be happy too early!!"

After saying that, the big horns above Zhenhong's two eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling lightning.

The terrifying lightning instantly struck Lu Li who was close at hand.

"I've already said it, it's useless."

Facing the lightning, Lu Li looked relaxed.

Then, a brilliant golden light burst out from his body.

But there was a hint of deep darkness in this golden light.

When it came into contact with the golden light, the lightning suddenly disappeared.

"How could it be?!"

Zhenhong was still very confident in the lightning he released.

But he didn't expect that it was useless.

Before Zhenhong came to his senses, a terrifying energy burst out instantly.

"Boom! !

Golden light flashed!

Under this horrifying energy explosion, Shinhong was blasted back like a cannonball.

The body kept retreating, and even when it fell to the ground, it kept sliding backwards.

A long drag mark was left on the ground, extending for dozens of meters.

All eyes were focused on the dazzling golden light. They all wanted to know what kind of existence was in it.

The golden light with deep darkness gradually dissipated, and a burly figure appeared in front of everyone.

The first thing that caught the eye was the pair of dark and deep eyes, like an abyss, choosing people to devour.

.........Seeking flowers

The golden horns with jagged spots on the top of the head were like a golden crown.

The golden armor and black lines on the body overlapped, looking very domineering and majestic.

The black was mainly concentrated on the upper and lower sides of the belt, and the gold was mainly concentrated on the armor on the limbs and chest.

A strong dark breath was released from the body, emitting waves of ominous energy fluctuations.

Kamen Rider Kuuga. Sublimation Ultimate Dark Eye Form!

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