The air was filled with a terrifying sense of oppression. Looking at Lu Li at such a close distance, Kaiwu could even feel that he had difficulty breathing.

His body was shaking constantly, as if he had seen some terrifying existence.

"This power... is so... so terrifying! Gulu~!"

After swallowing deeply, Kaiwu had a hint of fear in his eyes.

Just looking at it made his body tremble, even though he wanted to control the trembling in his heart.

But he couldn't hold it back.

Zhanji Lingma, who was watching all this through the screen, had already stood up excitedly.

He placed his hands on the table and stared closely at the golden warrior on the screen.

Even through the screen, he could feel how powerful Lu Li was at this moment.

"This not a power developed by me!"

With strong unwillingness in his eyes, Zhan Ji Lingma didn't expect that Lu Li had such outrageous power.

I thought I had overestimated Lu Li enough.

But when he saw Lu Li who had now completed his transformation, he realized that he had underestimated Lu Li.

Lu Li transformed into the Sublimated Ultimate Dark Eye for the first time. The Queen had never seen this form before, but she could feel her whole body trembling.

So strong!

So powerful that people can’t look directly at it:

Zhenhong, who was blasted away by the terrifying energy, finally stood up again, with the gravel falling from his body.

Looking at Lu Li opposite him who had completed his transformation, Zhen Hong inexplicably recalled the time when he was beaten before, and his body trembled slightly.

Having been taught a lesson twice, a shadow has been left in his heart.


I have become stronger now, there is absolutely no way I can lose to him!

As a militant, Zhen Hong's inner pride did not allow him to admit defeat.

"Demxiu, whoever bullied me must be prepared to pay the price.

You should have stayed in that world honestly, but now you don't have this chance. "

The golden figure disappeared instantly.

Zhenhong was alert, and she immediately clenched the sword in her hand, ready to fight back at any time.

Slashing the sword behind him suddenly was Zhenhong's fighting instinct.


But unfortunately, the sword cut through the air and did not touch any entity.

However, Zhenhong's eyes widened in disbelief.

Just because he watched his sword pass through Lu Li's body smoothly.

That's right, it was worn.

Lu Li was like a bubble, with no physical existence.

How can it be?

Just when Zhen Hong felt incredible, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

I saw Lu Li, who should have been nothing in front of him, punched him several times in the abdomen.

Chapter 640: Arrogance... requires capital! Doesn't he have a limit?

The terrifying power was poured directly into Zhenhong's body.


He was blown away on the spot by this powerful force.

The true red flew out quickly like a fired cannonball.

Before Zhenhong's body could stop, an extremely powerful force hit his back instantly:

At some point, the golden figure appeared behind Zhen Hong.

A gentle kick stopped Zhenhong abruptly.



But Zhenhong still had no intention of stopping at all, and soared into the air again under this power.

The body quickly rose towards the sky.

However, he had just risen tens of meters, and Zhenhong had not yet lost consciousness. He was very aware of his current state.

He wanted to adjust his body, but he had no focus right now.

Faced with this situation, there was nothing he could do.

Suddenly, Zhenhong's eyes lit up.

Originally, there should be blue sky and white clouds in front of me, but a golden figure suddenly appeared.

When seeing this golden figure, a flash of fear flashed unconsciously in Zhenhong's eyes.

He is afraid!

Can you not be afraid?

I thought that after becoming "four or seventy-seven" stronger, I would at least be able to compete with Lu Li.

Maybe he still has a chance to win.

However, reality slapped him hard, making him realize what cruel reality is.

It was true that he had become stronger, but he still underestimated Lu Li's terrifying strength.

The strength gap between the two sides, even if he becomes stronger, is still too big to make up for.

"Demuxiu, you have to pay a price for your skills.

If you don't have the strength, don't be so arrogant. "

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li suddenly slashed down with his sword, accurately hitting Zhenhong's chest.

"Wow, one by one!!"

Along with a burst of screams from Zhenhong, the body that was rising rapidly suddenly stopped.

And the body began to fall rapidly again.

The terrifying power made True Red fall extremely fast.

The friction with the air caused Zhenhong's already red body to turn fiery red.

After just a few seconds, Zhenhong's body finally fell back to the ground.

"Hang Yi Yi!!!"

There was a loud bang, splashing countless flying rocks and dust.

True red. Successful landing.

Having witnessed with his own eyes what happened in just a few seconds, Kaiwu could hardly believe what he saw.

Is this the same Zhenhong who showed off her power in front of her just now?

Is this still the guy who is so powerful that neither he nor the Queen can handle it?

When facing the terrifying Lu Li, Zhen Hong didn't even have the qualifications to fight back and could only passively take the beating.

Falling from such a high place, even if Gaim was wearing the Shenghou armor, he would probably be injured.

Lu Li's danger in Gaim's heart has risen several levels.

Being able to suppress himself and the queen, and Zhen Hong looks effortless.

It is enough to show his terrifying fighting power.

But such a terrifying Zhen Hong is like a little chicken in front of Lu Li, and has no power to fight back.

The gap in strength is so big that it is hard to imagine!

Zhan Ji Lingma, who was hiding behind the scenes and seeing all this, felt his scalp tingling.

I thought Zhen Hong, a powerful Overlord, was already difficult to deal with.

But I didn't expect that Lu Li would show such a terrifying power and completely crush Zhen Hong.

Wouldn't that be even more difficult to deal with?

"This Lu Li...Is there no limit to his strength?!"

Zhan Ji Lingma has always attached great importance to Lu Li.

He has been collecting Lu Li's combat data in order to prevent accidents as much as possible.

But every time he thought that his combat data was enough, he didn't expect that Lu Li would bring him a huge "surprise" every time.

Time and again, Zhan Ji Lingma refreshed his understanding of Lu Li's terrifying combat power.

At this time, Zhan Ji Lingma did not have absolute confidence in his ability to deal with Lu Li.

Even if he had loaded high-explosive bombs into the Genesis Drive Zone, could this really deal with Lu Li?

It is still unknown now.

But Zhan Ji Lingma was obviously not ready to give up.

The golden fruit must be his, and it is impossible to give it to anyone.

Clenching his fists tightly, Zhan Ji Lingma took the time to analyze Lu Li's situation.

The more he analyzed, the clearer he could understand Lu Li's true strength, which would definitely be good for his future dealing with Lu Li.

A very oppressive golden figure appeared at the place where he was just now.

Lu Li seemed to have done something very insignificant, and looked very relaxed.

Looking at the flying dust with his dark eyes, Lu Li said casually.

"Only those with strength are qualified to be arrogant, Zhenhong, obviously you don't have such strength."


The sound of gravel rolling suddenly came from the smoke and dust.

Then, a red figure staggered out.

At this moment, Zhenhong looked much more embarrassed than before.

He supported his body with the big sword in his hand to prevent himself from falling.

"Damn monkey! How dare you!"

Until this time, Zhenhong's mouth was still so foul.

Seeing this, Lu Li knew that the lesson he had just taught was probably too light.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Zhenhong, raised his hand and slapped Zhenhong's face accurately.


Only a crisp sound was heard.

Zhenhong staggered back after being hit by the slap, and quickly used the big sword to stabilize his body.

At this time, Zhenhong's head was buzzing.

A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated!

He never expected that Lu Li would humiliate him like this and slap him in the face.

Kaiwu was stunned watching from the side.

Is he so stupid?

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