This Overlord is even more powerful than the Overlord who invaded Shiya City before.

He brought so many black shadow guards with him, but he might not be able to suppress the other party.

But in order to get the golden fruit, Zhan Ji Lingma really had to take a risk this time.

It has to work, and it has to work.

"Keep going!"

Throwing the destroyed Genesis Driver aside, Zhan Ji Lingma continued to move forward with the black shadow guards.

Not long after he dealt with Sid, Bai Ya returned to his previous throne and waited quietly.

He was waiting for Lu Li to come.

Although he had a very powerful thought wave, the thought wave could not travel through the world, so naturally there was no way to actively communicate with Lu Li.

But he believed that Lu Li would come to him soon to fulfill the agreement between the two.

It won't be long before he can see the princess.

Suddenly, Bai Ya's fingers that were tapping the armrest paused slightly.

He felt a group of humans entering the depths of the ruins.

"Another group of humans? It seems... they are here for the golden fruit again.

It's easy to know that this group of guys can come here mostly because of the information left by the previous people.

For Bai Ya, who has very strong strength, no matter how many people come, they will not pose any threat to him.

The ending is the same.

The gap in strength between humans and him is an insurmountable gap.

After all, he is not only the king of the Fimsim tribe, but also a god.

It's a pity that his horse-slaying sword has been destroyed by Lu Li in the previous battle.

Now even if Bai Ya fights, he can only fight the target with bare hands.

But even without weapons, Bai Ya is still ridiculously powerful.

Slowly standing up, Bai Ya was about to meet this group of humans, but suddenly he had an extremely familiar feeling.

",‖This is...she's back? !

The words were full of incredibleness.

The so-called "she" in Bai Ya's mouth was naturally the princess.

I was still wondering when Lu Li would bring the princess back, but I didn't expect that she would come back now.

The heart that had been silent for many years and extremely lonely suddenly became extremely excited.

It has been a long time since I felt this way, looking forward to it!

At this moment, Bai Ya was looking forward to meeting the princess.

After so many years, he was finally able to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

Coming back to his senses, Bai Ya immediately used teleportation to leave here.

Not long after Zhan Ji Lingma entered the depths of the ruins, Lu Li and the others had also arrived at the depths of the ruins.

Lu Li, who was already very familiar with the environment here, naturally knew where Bai Ya was and went straight to the destination.

The result was very obvious.

Not long after entering the depths of the ruins, the two parties met.

The shadow guards surrounded Lu Li and the other two with their weapons.

Zhan Ji Lingma never expected that he would meet Lu Li here at this time.


He thought Lu Li didn't know about the golden fruit yet, so he just wanted to make a time difference and get the golden fruit in advance.

As long as he could get the golden fruit, he could become the supreme god and have the power to dominate everything.

At that time, even if it was Lu Li, he would only be defeated by himself.

But he didn't expect that when he was so close to success, Lu Li suddenly appeared again.

This messed up his plan and layout.

In the previous battle, he did analyze Lu Li's fighting form and obtained a lot of useful data.

But to this day, Zhan Ji Lingma still has no confidence that he can defeat Lu Li with 100% certainty.

For Zhan Ji Lingma, who likes to control everything behind the scenes, he doesn't want to show up to fight without absolute certainty.

But now, the golden fruit is in sight, and even if he doesn't want to participate in this battle, he has to participate in it.

Because he knows very well in his heart that once the golden fruit falls into Lu Li's hands, Lu Li, who is already very terrifying, will become even more powerful.

The possibility of his winning may be even slimmer.

Chapter 643 It doesn't matter if you know it, you can't get out of the forest anyway! Bad taste and ecstasy!

Seeing Zhan Ji Lingma here, Lu Li was a little surprised.

He couldn't help but wonder.

"Professor Lingma, I didn't expect that you would come here by chance."

In the original plot, Zhan Ji Lingma didn't know where the golden fruit was.

But now he appeared in the depths of the ruins, and led so many shadow guards.

Obviously, he already had a definite goal.

He already knew that the golden fruit was in Bai Ya's hands, so his purpose was self-evident, to snatch the golden fruit.

When he came to this conclusion, Lu Li suddenly felt like laughing.

Bai Ya was still alive and well, and he had no intention of dying.

How could Bai Ya, who had the top combat power in the entire Helheim Forest and could be said to be the ceiling of combat power, lose to Zhan Ji Lingma.

The power of technology is sometimes indeed very strong, but the power of the golden fruit has obviously surpassed the power of technology.

Both sides are not even at the same level of power.

Becoming a god is not just talk!

Seeing Lu Li greet him, Zhan Ji Lingma barely suppressed his displeasure and said with a fake smile.

"No, it's just that I didn't expect Mr. Lu to move so quickly.

I just arrived, and I didn't expect you to come.

Zhan Ji Lingma is now under great pressure.

He is calculating whether he can deal with Lu Li.

As long as Lu Li uses the Genesis Driver, Zhan Ji Lingma believes that he has at least a 50% chance of killing Lu Li.

The Genesis Driver is equipped with a high-explosive bomb. Under such a close-range explosion, it is impossible for humans to survive.

In order to be able to make this Genesis Driver with a high-explosive bomb, Zhan Ji Lingma took great pains.

At this time, Zhan Ji Lingma cast his eyes on the princess beside Lu Li.

The strange clothes, pure white hair and one black and one red eyes, it is obvious that she is not an ordinary person.

The first time he saw the princess, Zhan Ji Lingma was not sure who this woman was.

"Mr. Lu, this is.? "

Zhan Ji Lingma was quite curious, when did Lu Li have another woman he didn't know.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled slightly and took the initiative to introduce her generously.

"Professor Lingma, let me introduce you. The one next to me is the princess of the Fimsim clan.

That is what you think... the princess of Overlord. "

Breaking news!

When he heard this answer, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes were slightly absent-minded.

He never expected that this strange woman in front of him would be the princess of the Overlord clan.

But what he didn't expect was that Lu Li actually knew the princess.

What is going on?!

The development of things seems to be a little out of his own situation.

Zhan Ji Lingma didn't like this feeling very much.

What he wanted was to hold everything firmly in his own hands.

Noticing the doubts and uneasiness in Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes, Lu Li certainly understood why he had such a change.

"Professor, you must be wondering why the princess is here with me, right?

In fact, it doesn't matter to tell you that the princess was resurrected by me.

And my condition is... Golden Fruit. "

Hearing this, Zhan Ji Lingma, who was confused just now, suddenly had his brain buzzing.

His mind was buzzing.


Golden Fruit?!

I only saw the Golden Fruit in Bai Ya's hands through the video of Cid being killed before.

He knew too little about Overlord, and there was not much planning at all.

But Lu Li actually resurrected the princess directly. I'm afraid he made a deal with the king of Overlord, the white guy in the video.

Exchange the resurrected princess for the golden fruit!

With his brain working fast, Zhan Ji Lingma came to this conclusion in the first place.

He never thought that Lu Li was so far ahead of him!

The reason why Lu Li said that it was okay to tell Zhan Ji Lingma was because he knew that Zhan Ji Lingma couldn't get out today. The forest.

Zhan Ji Ling Ma, who had always been behind the scenes, suddenly came to the forest, and must have come to snatch the golden fruit.

Although Zhan Ji Ling Ma had very good talents, such talents were not important to Lu Li.

As a replica of Philip, Lu Li was definitely one of the smartest people in the world, and his talents were naturally the same.

It just depended on whether he wanted to develop in this direction.

The ambitious Zhan Ji Ling Ma, this guy had no concerns or ties.

If you keep him by your side, he would definitely cause trouble.

Lu Li was not very interested in this kind of ambitious guy with his own ideas.

At this moment, a white figure suddenly appeared, it was Bai Ya.

When she saw Bai Ya, the princess' eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

"Luo Xiu'ao! "

Hearing this familiar call, Bai Ya, who had just appeared, froze in place.

Looking up with an unbelievable look on his face, he saw the princess staring at him.

Bai Ya, who had been aloof for a long time, choked up at this moment.

He couldn't say a word.

He had always imagined the scene of their reunion, but he didn't expect that this moment would finally come.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Ji Lingma's face suddenly darkened.


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