He knew that once Lu Li made a deal with this white Overlord, the golden fruit would really be out of reach for him.

Unless... I can catch this so-called princess first!

Use the opponent as a threat to force the white Overlord to hand over the golden fruit.

This is the only last way to obtain the golden fruit.

Although it is dangerous, it is worth a try. As long as the golden fruit is in your hands, no one can take it away.

Zhanji Lingma immediately took out the Genesis Drive, took out the Lemon Lock Seed, and shouted.

"Catch that woman!


After receiving the order, the shadow guards did not doubt him in their hearts and rushed towards the princess one after another.

"Lock.On! Soda! Lemon.Energy.Arms! Fight.Power...Fight.Fight...Fi-Fi-Fi-Fi-Fight!"

After transforming into a duke, he also quickly rushed towards the princess.

As long as you can capture the princess, the golden fruit will be yours.

Bai Ya, who had just reunited with the princess, suddenly became furious when he saw these guys actually wanting to attack the princess.

"You guys...are you looking for death?!"

The words were full of anger.

Bai Ya slowly raised his hand, obviously ready to take action.

At this moment, Lu Li's voice came suddenly.

"Luo Xiu'ao, the deal between us has not been reached yet. I will ensure the safety of the princess, and you don't need to interfere."

As he spoke, Lu Li casually took out the Genesis Drive and the Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed.

The reason why Lu Li took out the Genesis Drive and Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed was because he planned to let the Duke use his last resort.

He didn't believe that the Duke hadn't tampered with the Genesis Drive.

Let the other party seize the opportunity and use the last resort, but when the Duke found that he was not affected at all, his expression must be quite wonderful.

This can be regarded as Lu Li's bad taste.

Let the Duke who thinks he controls everything understand that not everything he can control.

Sure enough, when Lu Li took out the Genesis Drive and the Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed, a flash of ecstasy flashed in the Duke's eyes.

good! !

He was originally worried that Lu Li would not be able to use Genesis to drive it, but now it seemed that he was overly worried.

The opportunity is here!

A button-like device suddenly appeared in the Duke's hand.

Then the Duke was heard laughing crazily.

"Lu Li, don't you know, the Genesis Drive you are carrying was specially made by me.

Don't worry, you can go to hell peacefully.

I will get the golden fruit and become a true god! "

Seeing him raise the control device in his hand, he pressed the button on it without hesitation.

The Genesis driver on Lu Li's waist suddenly began to vibrate, vibrating abnormally.

"Mr. Lu, be careful!"

As soon as Minato Yoshiko finished speaking, he heard a loud noise.

"Hang Yi Yi!!!"

The high-explosive bomb placed in the Genesis Drive exploded instantly.

The terrifying impact of the explosion caused the surrounding forest to begin to tremble, and the leaves rustled.

However, behind the explosion, Minato Yoko and the princess were enveloped by a magical force, and were not affected by the impact of the explosion at all.

Originally, Minato Yoko was prepared to face the impact, but she didn't expect that the situation didn't seem to be what she thought.

From the Duke's perspective, Lu Li was completely engulfed in flames.

Seeing this scene, he felt ecstatic in his heart.


The shadow guards rushing at the front were even blown away by the impact of the explosion.

From this we can see how terrifying the impact of the explosion was, not to mention being at the center of the explosion.

Chapter 644 Are you not a human? ! Who are you scolding? It’s a passing passion!

He didn't believe that a human being could still survive in the face of such a horrific explosion.

Unless...the other party is not a human being!

Bai Ya, who was ready to take action before, was now standing there calmly.

He had no intention of taking action at all, just because of what Lu ~ Li said just now.

If the agreement was not reached, this was Lu Li's business, and there was no need for him to intervene.

What's more, he already knew it in the previous battle.

Lu Li's power was even stronger than his own, so there was nothing to worry about.

Looking at the flames that exploded into the sky, a faint blue light flashed in Bai Ya's eyes.

The scene in the flames completely appeared in Bai Ya's eyes

Lu Li was seen in the flames, standing very calmly and unscathed, even the corners of his clothes were not burned.

Sure enough, it was Lu Li.

Nodding secretly, Bai Ya was not worried that Lu Li would not be able to deal with these people.

Just when the Duke was about to rush towards the princess, he suddenly came to a sudden stop.

He thought of something.

Even the black shadow guards were unable to withstand the powerful impact of the explosion. How could the princess and Minato Yoko withstand it so easily?

has a problem!

As smart as he is, he discovered the abnormal situation immediately.

"Professor, as expected of you, you are quite smart and actually installed a bomb in the Genesis Drive in advance.

And it's not just an ordinary bomb. It seems that you have already expected that sooner or later you will be on the opposite side of me.

At this time, a figure emerged from the deep flames, and a familiar voice sounded in his ears again.

When he heard this familiar voice, the Duke couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"How can it be?!"

The words are full of wonder.

As he stared blankly at the figure gradually coming out of the flames, the Duke even thought he was dazzled.

He was clearly in the flames, but the flames didn't seem to corrode Lu Li at all.

The flames were blocked on Lu Li's body, completely unable to touch his body.

Is this really something that humans can do? !

Such a terrifying high-explosive bomb failed to harm Lu Li.

Is this guy a human or a ghost?

Suddenly, Zhanji Lingma noticed the Genesis Drive and Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed in Lu Li's hand.

He saw that both things had been blown up by him.

Both of these things were actually blown up, which shows that the explosion just now was not completely without any impact.

But Lu Li was not injured at all. For the first time, the Duke had doubts about Lu Li's identity.

It is absolutely impossible for humans to do such a thing!

"Lu Li, who are you?! How can humans withstand my high-explosive bombs?

Could it be that you are not a human being at all? ! "

His words were filled with shock.

I thought I had everything under control, but I didn't expect that the person being taken advantage of was actually me.

When Lu Li heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

He always felt that the Duke was scolding him.

Although according to what the other party said, it sounds correct.

He is indeed not a human being, but the ancestor of mankind.

But I always feel like I've been offended.

"Professor, this is not how you curse someone. Do you think I would be unprepared for someone as scheming as you?

It's just that I didn't expect that you would install high-explosive bombs in the drive. It was indeed a bit beyond my expectation.

It's crazy, I even underestimated you a little bit.

In order to achieve his goal, Zhan Ji Lingma is no different from a lunatic.

Lu Li's relaxed look did not look like he had been hit by a high-explosive bomb at all.

Who can be so relaxed after being blown up by a high-explosive bomb?

It would be nice to still be alive.

At this time, the Duke was very nervous and frightened.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li was not only powerful, but also had some special means.

"Kill him!

With a wave of his hand, the Duke immediately sent the shadow guards around him to surround Lu Li.


The members of this group of shadow guards did not participate in the last battle. Although they heard from other shadow guards, they did not take it seriously.

After all, they now have strength in numbers!

At this time, Lu Li took out the drive of a certain guy who always liked passing by.

That's right, it's the driver of the Imperial Cavalry.

But this is the Imperial Cavalry Driver from the World of Martial Gods, so naturally it cannot be exactly the same as Kadoya Shi's.

After all, there is only one Men Yashi, and the Imperial Cavalry driver in Lu Li's hand can only be regarded as a parallel world driver.

It doesn't even have the ability to open dimensional walls, but the rest is almost indistinguishable from Kadoyaji's drive.

Put the Imperial Cavalry Driver on your waist and the Knight's Belt will automatically extend.

At the same time, a driving card box containing cards appeared on the left side of Lu Li's waist.

He took out a knight card from the card box and opened the imperial knight drive.

He threw the knight card in his hand casually, and it fell into the imperial knight drive very accurately.


"Kamen. Ride! Decade!"

Several phantoms appeared around him. All the phantoms rotated rapidly, and finally they all focused on Lu Li.

A black and white armor appeared on Lu Li's body, and a row of red cards appeared on his head, and then fell on his head one after another.

The armor that was originally supposed to be black and white now had color attached to it.

Crazy..Magenta Kamen Rider!

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