It has green eyes and a purple indicator crystal in the middle of its forehead, which is different from the orange indicator crystal used in the Imperial Cavalry's transformation.

That's right, Lu Li was immediately passionate from the moment he came up.

Kamen Rider Imperial Rider (Passionate State)!

Once again seeing Lu Li use a power he had never seen before, the Duke's mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

This means that the data he collected before has no effect at all in this battle.


Why does Lu Li have so many powers that he doesn't know about? !

At this time, the shadow guards had arrived, surrounded Lu Li, and quickly launched an attack.

Just when Lu Li was fighting with the shadow guards, the Duke saw Lu Li crushing the night guards sent out, and he already knew in his heart that this was inevitable.

But his purpose was just to hold Lu Li back. As long as he could catch the princess and obtain the golden fruit, everything would be no problem.

.....Please give me flowers.

Just as the Duke was approaching the princess, Lu Li casually took off the control cartridge and switched to gun mode.

Before the Duke could get close to the Princess, Lu Li aimed a series of rapid fire at him.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Bullet after bullet hit the Duke, sparks flying out.

The sudden attack forced the Duke to stop.

Looking at Lu Li, who was now surrounded by black shadow guards, the Duke's eyes were full of sternness.

They are already surrounded, but they still have the thoughts to control their own actions. This guy is so self-righteous!

However, the Duke has obviously understood that it is definitely not easy for him to get close to the princess.

Facing so many shadow guards, Lu Li still had time to take care of himself. The power this guy possessed really surprised him.

The Duke, who was not very confident about how he could deal with Lu Li, hesitated for a moment, then immediately pulled the sonic arrow, shrinking it crazily to gather energy.

The power of the Lemon Energy Lock Seed condenses into an energy arrow that shines with yellow light.

"call out!!"

Charge up and shoot!

The energy arrows that had locked onto Lu Li were coming at him quickly.

Lu Li, who had already noticed it, had a sneer on his lips.

Switch the control card box gun in your hand to the control card box sword.

The sharp blade swiped across his hand, and Lu Li didn't even look back, just slashed it casually.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the energy arrow shining with yellow light was shot away.

A shadow guard was unable to dodge and was immediately hit by an energy arrow.


Only a loud bang was heard.

The shadow guard who was hit directly by the energy arrow disappeared completely in the violent explosion.


The Duke originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to make a sneak attack, so Lu Li probably wouldn't have time to dodge his charged attack.

However, he didn't expect that Lu Li didn't even have the slightest intention to dodge, and just backhanded him with a sword.

The most important thing is that the energy arrow did not explode due to the collision, but was bounced away.

"Professor, you are really good at sneak attacks, but sneak attacks are meaningless to me."

There was a hint of coldness in the emerald green eyes, which made the Duke suddenly feel shuddering.

Suddenly, Lu Li pulled out another kind of card from the driving card box and put it into the Imperial Cavalry driver.

"Attack.Ride! Illusion! (Attack Ride! Illusion!)"

The next second, Lu Li was divided into six parts.

Six imperial knights appeared directly on the scene.

Seeing so many imperial knights appearing, the Duke's first thought was that they must have the same ability as his own clone.

But what happened next completely overturned the Duke's thoughts.

Six imperial knights actually attacked the black shadow guards at the same time.

Not only that, but everyone's attack methods are not exactly the same.

Good guy!

It’s really divided into six!

Originally, the Duke thought that Lu Li was just a clone created by a holographic image. Like himself, although he could clone to disrupt the enemy, he could not launch attacks.


Chapter 645: If you have a grudge... take revenge in person! Duke. Dragon fruit! Can you escape?

"How could it be possible?! All of them can be attacked?! Aren't they fake clones?"

The Duke stared at this scene blankly, feeling numb all over.

Why is Lu Li's clone completely different from his own?

The six Imperial Cavalry Shadow Guards were killing each other, and their powerful combat power directly crushed the Shadow Guards.

Not long after, bursts of screams were heard.

The encirclement formed by the shadow guards was directly penetrated by Lu Li.

One by one, they were lying on the ground, either almost losing their fighting ability, or being beaten to the point where they were released from transformation.


The Duke suddenly felt fuzzy in his heart and had goosebumps all over his body.


At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind.

That is retreat.

The golden fruit can be planned later.

But if I confess here, everything will be over.

No matter what, I must leave here as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, the Duke immediately deployed optical camouflage.

This is a special feature that the Duke added to his drive.

Cover your entire body with protective color to blend in with the environment and not be discovered.

As long as you are a little more careful, "460" can escape successfully.

After the optical camouflage was deployed, the Duke disappeared directly on the spot.

After taking a deep look at the princess, the Duke was very tempted at this time.

But the problem is that he can't move even though he is tempted.

Turning around without hesitation, the Duke was ready to leave first.

However, is it really that easy?

Although Lu Li was not affected by the explosion, no matter what, the Duke had always tricked him.

Lu Li has never been the kind of person who would swallow his anger after suffering a loss.

If there is a grudge... take revenge in person!

The black shadow guards are all a group of miscellaneous soldiers, and it is too easy for Lu Li's clone to deal with them!

At this time, there were only waves of wailing on the ground.

All the black shadow guards were dealt with, and Lu Li didn't think about killing all of them.

They are all people of the World Tree, and the World Tree will soon be his own.

Killing them all will also require a large amount of compensation.

There is no need for this.

There's nothing wrong with keeping these guys and using them as gatekeepers in the future.

After dealing with all the shadow guards, all the clones around Lu Li disappeared.

The Duke thought that his optical camouflage was very powerful, and it could indeed deceive the enemy visually.

But Lu Li didn't need vision to find the target, he could rely on his strong perception.

After discovering the Duke who was leaving, Lu Li directly took out another card from the driving card box.

Switch the driving card box sword in his hand back to pistol mode.

"Attack. Ride! Blast (bombing)!"

A faint white light flashed on the driving card box gun, and the gun body was strengthened by the power of the card.

Then, Lu Li directly pulled the trigger, and countless light bullets poured out.

The place where the light bullets poured out seemed empty.

However, Lu Li and Bai Ya, who was observing the battle, could feel that there was someone there.


The Duke, who was retreating quietly, never thought that his optical camouflage was actually seen through.

Why is this happening? !

Facing the light bullets coming towards him, the Duke couldn't care less at this time.

Immediately pulled the sonic arrow and charged it to the extreme.

Then he aimed upward and shot it quickly.

It was vaguely seen that the lemon energy arrows made of energy exploded in the sky, scattering countless energy arrows falling downward.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!...

The energy arrows collided with the light bullets and exploded instantly.

Bursts of explosions echoed in the forest

But the Duke didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and the light bullets that were not blocked bombarded him directly.

"Uh ah! ! "

Several consecutive light bullets exploded on him, and the Duke fell to the ground in a very embarrassing manner.

White smoke came out of the lemon armor on his body, looking very embarrassed:

He had never been so embarrassed in battle before.

After all, he was a very scheming person, and he had always strengthened his driver to the extreme.

But now, he was still beaten so badly.

He was a scientist himself, and he was indeed a little worse in combat, relying on the powerful driver performance.

Now that he was crushed, the Duke was very unhappy.

Standing up slowly, the Duke took out the dragon fruit energy lock seed that was tailored for him.

The dragon fruit energy lock seed has more powerful power.

Seeing that the Duke still had the dragon fruit energy lock seed in his hand, Lu Li was not surprised at all.

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