When he transformed into a tyrant before, Lu Li had already noticed it.

The energy inside the dragon fruit energy lock seed is extremely unstable, more like an experimental product.

As expected, the Duke treated himself as a guinea pig.

He collected enough data from himself, and then perfected the real dragon fruit energy lock seed.

This behavior is very professorial!

"Don't be too happy too early, I haven't used my real ability yet!"


"Lock.On! Soda! Dragon.Energy.Arms!"

The dragon fruit armor fell from above and replaced the lemon energy armor on the Duke.

Kamen Rider Duke (Dragon Fruit Energy Armor)!

The Duke, who used the dragon fruit energy armor, immediately felt that his strength had been improved to a certain extent.

Now he has obviously become stronger than before.

This is the first time he has officially used the power of the dragon fruit energy lock seed, and he is quite satisfied with his own power improvement.

He knows that he can't leave now unless he can defeat Lu Li.

Otherwise... there is no possibility of leaving.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Duke took the lead in launching the attack, and the sonic arrows in his hand were constantly pulled and fired.

The purpose was very clear, that is, he wanted to consume the energy from a distance first.

The energy arrows released by the dragon fruit energy lock seed were indeed more powerful than the energy arrows released by the lemon energy lock seed.

But... would it work?

Lu Li took out a card and inserted it into the driver...

"Attack. Ride! Slash!"

The driving card box gun was switched to the driving card box sword again, and the blade gently passed over the back of the hand, and the blade flashed with cold light.

When these energy arrows approached quickly, Lu Li instantly swung the driving card box sword in his hand.

The extremely fast speed cut out a series of afterimages.

"Clang clang clang...!!"

As expected, all the energy arrows were bounced off, and not even one hit Lu Li.

Seeing this, the Duke's heart twitched fiercely.

Those bounced energy arrows fell and exploded in various places.

One of the energy arrows actually flew towards Bai Ya.

Grabbing the energy arrow in his hand, Bai Ya gently squeezed it, and the energy arrow suddenly turned into nothingness.

In Bai Ya's opinion, Lu Li was more of a playful mentality when fighting this battle.

This guy who wanted to sneak attack the princess didn't understand how terrifying Lu Li was.


Trying to get the power that didn't belong to him, what else is this but stupidity?

At some point, Xiang Le came out from the side.

"The final battle for the golden fruit is completely suspenseful."

At this time, Xiang Le had no other ideas.

Because he knew that Lu Li would never lose to Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

The result of this battle was doomed from the beginning.

"Why, do you still want to convince me?"

With his hands folded in front of his chest, Bai Ya didn't look at Xiang Le.

He didn't know what Xiang Le was thinking at this time, but he would never share the power of the golden fruit.

Shrugging slightly, Xiang Le shook his head.

"I no longer have such thoughts. Lu Li's power is too strong. It is impossible to win. Even you... have lost to him.

What's the use of a small part of the power of the golden fruit? Forget it, let it go."

Although he was dissatisfied with this completely unbalanced battle, with his ability, there was no way to change the outcome of the battle.

Looking at Xiang Le with a little surprise, Bai Ya thought that this guy had not given up.

But now it seems that it is not entirely true.

When seeing Lu Li's unparalleled strength, everyone knows that all cleverness is useless.

Staring at Lu Li closely, the Duke then quickly turned into a red smoke and quickly fled to the distance.

That's right, he chose to escape directly.

If he continued to fight, he would have no chance of winning, and there would be no point in not escaping.

After seeing Lu Li's powerful power, he already understood.

Golden fruit, he had no hope at all, and being able to escape was a blessing in disguise.

"Still want to escape? But I'm sorry, you can't escape."

At this time, Lu Li took out another card.

"Attack. Ride! Clock. Up!"

That's right, Lu Li directly took out the time-up card.

The figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and caught up with him at a faster speed than the red smoke that the Duke turned into:

Al..Attack. Ride! The professor is finished, and the golden fruit is in hand!

A strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart, and the Duke felt goose bumps all over his body.

He still has a trump card that he hasn't used, which is the heavy acceleration ability he got from the mechanical mutant before.

Now is not the time to hide it, he didn't think so much.

In order to survive, all means are now used.

"Heavy acceleration!!"

With the Duke's roar, a special force was released from the Genesis Driver on his waist.

Everything around was paused.

I thought I could escape if I used heavy acceleration, but the Duke still underestimated Lu Li.

Lu Li was now in a state of time-up.

Even heavy acceleration was not enough to slow down Lu Li’s speed.

“Heavy acceleration? Haha! It’s a good power, but unfortunately, it’s useless to me.”

A cold voice came, and Lu Li’s speed did not slow down at all.


Seeing that Lu Li was still faster than him, the Duke was completely stunned.

Lu Li took out the Final Attack Ride Card and threw it into the Decade Driver.

“It’s over! Professor.”

The Duke, who was running away at high speed, vaguely heard a voice that seemed to be urging him to die.


Before the Duke could recover from the shock.

A mechanical and suffocating voice suddenly sounded.

“Final. Attack. Ride! De-De-De-Decade!”

In front of the red smoke, ten holographic card light walls suddenly appeared.

And Lu Li had appeared in front of him without knowing when.

Right behind the ten holographic image light walls.


In just a moment, Lu Li's figure had passed through all the card light walls.

Every time he passed through a card light wall, Lu Li's aura would become more terrifying.


Seeing Lu Li approaching him quickly, the Duke's eyes revealed a look of fear.

He even screamed hysterically.


The terrifying sword blade instantly passed through the red smoke.

The next second, Lu Li appeared directly behind the red smoke.

The red smoke had no tendency to escape at this time, and stayed in place, and then turned into the Duke's figure.

The Duke's feet softened, and he fell straight to the ground.


Then, the Duke, who had taken a powerful ultimate move, suddenly exploded violently.

Slowly retracted the card box sword in his hand and gently brushed it on his arm.

Then, Lu Li took the initiative to cancel the transformation.

The armor on his body turned into a series of shadows and disappeared, and Lu Li stood in place.

He turned his head slightly, and the flames of the explosion had dissipated.

The one lying on the ground was no longer the Duke in the transformed state, but the ragged Zhan Ji Ling Ma.

His Genesis Driver and Dragon Fruit Energy Lock Seed fell to the side.

Zhan Ji Ling Ma looked very embarrassed at this moment.

The long hair that was originally tied behind his back had fallen down and scattered on his shoulders.

There were still some bloodstains on his face, which were obviously left by the battle just now.

At this moment, Zhan Ji Ling Ma still felt very incredible.

He lost inexplicably, not only lost, but also lost very thoroughly.

"Damn it!"

He clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

Obviously, the golden fruit was about to be in his hands, but an unexpected change happened.

He thought he could get the golden fruit first, and as long as he became a god, he would be omnipotent.

But the fact was not as smooth as he thought.

At this moment, he has understood the gap between himself and Lu Li.

This is not something that his scientific level can make up for, and he is extremely desperate.

"Just... just a little bit! Cough... cough cough cough!"

Zhan Ji Lingma still can't let go of the golden fruit in his heart until this moment.

That supreme power can help him become a god.

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