After becoming a god, he will have endless life and be able to do more research.

But unfortunately, all this cannot be realized now.

He looked up at Lu Li with difficulty, and Zhan Ji Lingma did not hide the unwillingness in his eyes.

He lost, but he was unwilling to lose like this.

"Professor, your ending has been doomed from the beginning.

As long as you covet the golden fruit, you will fight me sooner or later.

My power is far from what you see. Until now, you have not even seen my true power."

These words made Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes widen.

This is not all the power? !

Suddenly learning this news, Zhan Ji Lingma could not understand where Lu Li's upper limit was.

Is his research so bad?

There is no way to let Lu Li use his full strength on him.

Reluctance, discomfort and other complex emotions filled Zhan Ji Lingma's brain.

Zhan Ji Lingma, who suffered a fatal blow, is still alive now, just holding on to his last breath.

He felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, and his eyelids were getting heavier.

"Is this the end?"

His head fell weakly, and Zhan Ji Lingma also died here.

Seeing Zhan Ji Lingma, who was already dead, Lu Li's hand suddenly passed over him.

A special force attached to Zhan Ji Lingma.

Under the effect of this special force, Zhan Ji Lingma's body gradually dissipated and turned into countless particles.

Zhan Ji Lingma, a very smart scientific researcher, died here.

Looking at Zhan Ji Lingma who turned into particles and disappeared, Lu Li shook his head with regret.

"Professor, if you didn't have such great ambitions and focused on your own research.

Perhaps the ending would not be like this.

Unfortunately, this is just a thought.

If he didn't have ambitions, would he still be Zhan Ji Ling Ma?

The reason why Lu Li shook his head was just a pity for Zhan Ji Ling Ma's smart mind.

If Zhan Ji Ling Ma was really given enough conditions and opportunities, he should be no less than Dan Lidou who possessed the talent of God.

The reason why a person is widely recognized as a talent of God is that he kept resurrecting and getting stronger afterwards.

And Zhan Ji Ling Ma only appeared in Mega Hex. In the theatrical version, he was resurrected only once.

Back to the place just now, at this time, the shadow guards dared not do anything that would cause misunderstanding.

The strong fighting power shown by Lu Li has completely crushed them.

What's more, there is an Overlord who is eyeing them covetously next to them, and they can't afford to offend them.

Many people are very nervous. What if Lu Li comes back later and doesn't let them go?

Noticing the uneasiness in these people's eyes, Minato Yaozi took the initiative to stand up and said.

"Don't be nervous, you are under the command of the professor, and Mr. Lu will not cause trouble for you.

But from now on, I hope you can understand who to listen to, understand? "

Hearing this, all the members of the Black Shadow Guard Team nodded.

They were naturally familiar with Minato Yoko.

Since the other party has already said so, they should just listen carefully, but never do anything that would cause misunderstanding.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of workers who get paid to do things.

There is no need to risk their lives for this, it is not worth it at all.

What's more, Lu Li is an investor of the World Tree, and he is not someone they can afford to offend.

If it weren't for Zhan Ji Ling Ma being their direct superior, they would not want to offend Lu Li.

Lu Li's sudden appearance at this time scared all the Black Shadow Guards.

Turn around and look at these Black Shadow Guards, with a smile on his face.

"Don't be so nervous, from now on, you just need to listen carefully.

By the way, I can tell you clearly that the World Tree will be mine soon.

Don't do anything that makes me unhappy, otherwise you know the consequences. "

At the end of the words, the smile on Lu Li's face suddenly disappeared, and his voice became a little cold.

All the shadow guards trembled slightly, and they hurriedly nodded vigorously.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

If they still can't see the situation clearly and make the right choice at this time, then they are really fools.

As for the world number that Lu Li mentioned will soon be his, the shadow guards don't know what happened to 773.

But since this person has said it, it must be like this.

Don't doubt this person.

"Okay, there is nothing for you to do here, leave the forest, and do what you should do after you go back. "

After receiving Lu Li's order, the shadow guards were relieved and left the ruins.

They didn't dare to disobey Lu Li. Zhan Ji Lingma was gone now. It was obvious that he was probably dead.

Mr. Lu seemed easy to talk to at the time, but he was more ruthless than anyone else when it came to fighting.

As the shadow guards left, everyone who had disturbed the completion of the agreement had disappeared.

Turn his attention back to Bai Ya, and Lu Li said very bluntly.

"Luo Xiu'ao, Princess, I brought it for you. Where is the thing I want?"

Hearing this, Bai Ya did not hesitate at all and spread out her right hand slightly.

The next second, a golden fruit shining with golden light appeared in his hand.

"This is what you want, the golden fruit belonging to humans, now, it is yours."

As he said, Bai Ya gently pushed the golden fruit in his hand.

The golden fruit fell into Lu Li's hands.

Sagara on the side shook his head helplessly, he had no way to stop it.

Even if he really wanted to help Kuzuya Kota and make him a real god.

Unfortunately, the golden fruit had been reserved by Lu Li from the beginning.

Lu Li looked at the fruit shining with golden light in front of him and could feel a special magical power in it.

However, the use of the golden fruit must be granted according to the racial mythology.

Although Lu Li has now obtained the golden fruit, he must find a woman who is willing to become the daughter of origin.

Let the other party become the daughter of origin, and then give himself the golden fruit.

The candidate for this daughter of origin has been decided from the beginning.

Gao Siwu.

And Gao Siwu herself has already promised Lu Li that she is willing to become the daughter of origin.

PS: Thank you for the monthly votes and urging tickets from Happy Life Everyday Upward!

If you have money, please give me some money. The author will be grateful! .

Chapter 647: "Long-term Worker" Bai Ya is here! The last dance, anger!

Putting the golden fruit aside, Lu Li looked at Bai Ya, who was standing with the princess at this time.

"Luo Xiu'ao, I don't know what you promised me before.

Now... does it still count?"

What Lu Li said was naturally to let Bai Ya work as a long-term worker for him and manage this Helheim Forest.

This was also what Bai Ya agreed to after the previous battle between the two.

Hearing this, Bai Ya glanced at the princess beside him and gently held her hand.

"Of course it counts. I will manage this forest for you and will not let this forest mess up again."

This was Bai Ya's sincere answer, not because of the pressure brought by Lu Li.

He had already agreed before, so he would not regret it.

He didn't want to manage the forest before, because the princess was gone, and he was not interested in anything.

And now, the princess is back.

Bai Ya is naturally willing to manage the forest with her.

For Bai Ya, as long as he can be with the princess, anything is fine.

After getting the answer he wanted, Lu Li nodded with satisfaction.

He knew that Bai Ya would not be the kind of person who would go back on his word.

With Bai Ya and the princess in charge, this Helheim Forest will no longer continue to expand wantonly, let alone invade other worlds at will.

"Okay, since there is nothing to do here, let's go first.

Don't worry about the forest, I will do what I say."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ya took the princess and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing that the two had left, Lu Li turned his attention to Xiang Le again.

He said half-jokingly.

"Xiang Le, do you think that the golden fruit falling into my hands like this does not meet your expectations?"

After smiling, Xiang Le shrugged helplessly.

"This is also helpless, after all, your strength has surpassed others by far.

This is a fact, you can get the golden fruit, this is your strength, I can't interfere.

It's just a little bit of a pity that I can't see the result I expected.

Well, since the golden fruit is in your hands, the battle for the golden fruit is over.

It's boring again."

Sagara turned and left, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Minato Yoko looked at Sagara who had left with a puzzled look.

She didn't quite understand why Sagara said it was boring.

"Don't worry, for that guy, this battle for the golden fruit is at best just a game.

After all, he is the forest itself.

Okay, I've got what I want, let's go."


Then, the two also left the Helheim Forest.

On the other side.

Having made a decision, Takashi Mai decided to enjoy the fun of dancing to her heart's content.

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