For this reason, she took the initiative to invite Katsura Kota and Kureshima Mitsumi to come together.

She didn't want to leave any regrets before she left, so she took this opportunity to have a good dance.

Of course, Gao Siwu did not tell them the specific reason before notifying them to come.

Just informing the two of them that they must come, no one is allowed to be absent!

After getting the news, Kuzuye Hongtai didn't think too much. He used to be a member of the Armored Forces, so it was okay to dance once in a while.

But Mitsumi Kureshima felt a little hesitant after the news.

He is no longer the person he used to be. Can he really dance happily with everyone like before?

After trying to smile, Kureshima Mitsumi found that his smile now looked so fake and hypocritical.

But for Gao Siwu, he still decided to go.

Even though he was very unhappy with Kuzu Ye Hongtai and even wanted to kill him, he could endure it as long as it was for Gao Siwu.

The stage of the Armored Corps.

This time, everyone will gather here except the dead Yuya Kado.

Although Mitsuomi Kureshima promised to come, he did not arrive for a long time. Everyone did not say anything and just waited patiently.

Not long after, Mitsumi Kureshima finally arrived and changed into the armor uniform again.

However, the aura emanating from Wu Dao Mitsuaki's body now gives people a feeling that strangers should not approach him.

He looked completely different from the previous Kureshima Mitsumi.

Although everyone in the Armor Team noticed his change, they did not take this matter too seriously.

After all, no one can remain static, and changes are normal.

But Gao Siwu, who was attentive and thoughtful, felt that Kureshima Mitsumi had changed a lot.

The others in the armor team quickly ran over and grabbed Kureshima Mitsumi and walked towards the stage.

"Guangshi, you came too late. Everyone is here and you are the only one missing."

"Great! We're all here now!"

"No, Yuya..."

While talking, everyone accidentally got involved in Yuya Kakui.

The internal atmosphere suddenly became slightly solemn.

Kuzu Ye Hongtai's brother Wu Daoguangmi, who knew the truth, did not tell anyone about it.

So what if I talk about this matter, it will only make everyone feel uncomfortable, and it is better to bury the pain deep in my heart.

Noticing the change in the atmosphere, Gao Siwu clapped his hands quickly.

"Okay, okay! Before we dance, I have something to tell you."

Now that the decision has been made, Gao Siwu will naturally not regret it.

She didn't want to hide it from everyone and planned to tell them the truth.

Everyone focused their attention on Gao Siwu, curious about what he was going to say.

At this time, Gao Siwu explained with a faint smile on his face.

"Actually, after dancing this time, I might have to leave.

After hearing these words, the Kaiwu team fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Gao Siwu in disbelief.

They couldn't understand why Gao Siwu, who had always regarded the Armored Team as his own, would say this.


Where are you going after leaving?

"Sister Wu, okay, why do you want to leave so suddenly?"

"Yes, yes! Why are you leaving? Is there something wrong with you?"

"If there is anything you can tell us, we can all discuss it and resolve it together. Why do you want to leave?"

Even though Ge Ye Hongtai was quite nervous, he still felt that something must be wrong with Gao Siwu.

Gao Siwu, who loves dancing and attaches great importance to the armor team, would leave suddenly.

It was just too abrupt.

"Wu, what happened? Just tell everyone if you have anything. Don't make everyone worry."

Wu Daoguangshi on the side did not speak, but his eyes were always on Gao Siwu.

He didn't understand why Gao Siwu wanted to leave suddenly at this time.

Could it be... is it because of Lu Li? !

Suddenly coming to such a conclusion, Kureshima Mitsumi's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The only person he cares about now is Gao Siwu.

For Gao Siwu, even if it requires him to give up the world, he can do it.

Then now, Gao Siwu suddenly said that he wanted to leave. It was obvious that something had happened.

The only one that Kureshima Mitsumi could think of was Lu Li.

Seeing the concerned looks on everyone's faces, Gao Siwu smiled and shook his head.

It was nothing really, just a decision I made.

This decision...could save the world. "

Even though she was mentally prepared, she was still somewhat reluctant to let go.

Gao Siwu would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable when he thought that he might not be able to dance with the Armored Team again in the future.

"Save the world?! Mai, what are you talking about?

What saves the world? What does this mean? "

Ge Yehongtai didn't understand at all and was confused.

“The world, this city is being eroded by that forest right now, and if we’re going to stop this from happening, someone’s got to step up.

I have decided to solve this problem with brother Lu Li. "


When Gao Siwu said the word Lu Li, Kureshima Mitsuomi clenched his fists.

He knew that this matter must be related to Lu Li.

With coldness and (ahem) anger in his eyes, Wu Dao Guangshi would never allow anyone to take Gao Siwu away from him.

Even if this person is the terrifying Lu Li, it is still the same!

When he learned that this matter was related to Lu Li, Ge Ye Hongtai was slightly stunned.

"Lu Li?"

He didn't understand why stopping the invasion of the forest would be related to Lu Li and Gao Siwu.

He felt like he knew nothing and was completely kept in the dark.

"Wu, why is stopping the invasion of the forest related to you and Lu Li? What's going on?"

His face was full of anxiety, and Ge Ye Hongtai now just wanted to figure it all out.

"I.. will become the daughter of origin.

"Daughter of origin? ! "

Everyone obviously didn't understand what the Daughter of Origin was, nor did they know what it meant.

The sharp-minded Wu Dao Guangshi suddenly recalled that a long time ago, Gao Siwu suddenly appeared in white clothes and golden hair.

Could it be... that was the so-called Daughter of Origin?

"The power of the golden fruit can help me become the Daughter of Origin, and what I have to do is to give the golden fruit to Brother Lu Li.

Only in this way can we save the world from being invaded by the forest. ”

PS: Thanks to

Yihu777 for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 648 Determination! The new overlord, Lord Baron!

Gao Siwu's answer stunned Ge Ye Hongtai.

He never expected that it would be like this.

The matter is related to the golden fruit again!

Although he knew about the existence of the golden fruit before, Ge Ye Hongtai didn't know the true situation of the golden fruit.

It was just heard that the golden fruit could bring people god-like power.

Before, he was thinking of relying on the help of Overlord to control the invasion of the forest and protect this city and the world.

But this road is now blocked.

After a moment of silence, Ge Ye Hongtai clenched his fists slightly and whispered.

"This...this...why is it Wu you?

Can't it be someone else?"

Hearing this, Gao Siwu immediately rolled his eyes at Ge Ye Hongtai.

"Hongtai, you know that I like Brother Lu Li, how can you let others do this?

Although it will have a certain impact on me, I volunteered. "

The tone was very firm, and she was really prepared.

This sentence made Ge Ye Hongtai speechless, and he didn't know what to say.

Refute... He couldn't refute it at all!

Compared with Ge Ye Hongtai, Wu Dao Guangshi never spoke.

Angry but very calm at the same time.

He knew that if he wanted to keep Gao Siwu, he had to cross the insurmountable gap of Lu Li.

Seeing that everyone seemed to be in a bad mood, Gao Siwu clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, don't be so sad, I volunteered.

I also want to save this city and save the earth.

This is the best way, and I can be with the person I like, there's nothing wrong with it.

Everyone should be happy for me. According to Brother Lu Li, when I hold the golden fruit, I will undergo a transformation.

Becoming the daughter of origin, that's a goddess!

I'm about to become a god, shouldn't you be happy for me? "

Seeing that Gao Shiwu didn't seem to be forcing a smile, everyone was relieved.

They were mainly worried that Gao Shiwu was forced and didn't want to do it.

But now it seems that she is willing.

Even so, Kuzuya Kota was still very unwilling in his heart. He always felt that Gao Shiwu would lose a lot because of this.

But the problem is that if Gao Shiwu really becomes the so-called daughter of origin, she can save the city and save the earth.

This is a good thing.

He wanted to stop Gao Shiwu in his heart, but also wanted to agree with Gao Shiwu's approach, which was very entangled.

As a saintly man, Kuzuya Kota certainly wants to save the world and save mankind.

Otherwise, he wouldn't do so many things.

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