Compared to the entangled Geye Kota, Wudao Guangshi obviously had no entanglement.

At this moment, his eyes were full of determination, and there was only one idea in his mind.

He must stop Gao Siwu from becoming the daughter of origin!

It doesn't matter what the people in this world are like, nor does it matter what the earth is like.

As long as Gao Siwu is still alive and well and can dance happily like before, it's enough.

He must protect this point no matter what.

For this, even if he is an enemy of the whole world, he will not hesitate!

To prevent all this from happening, the best way is to stop Lu Li in advance and solve him.

Although he already had an idea in his heart (bbbb), Wudao Guangshi left directly with a cold face.

"Sister Wu, I still have things to deal with, I'm leaving first.

After saying that, Wudao Guangshi left without waiting for Gao Siwu's response.

Now he has to hurry up and stop everything from happening.


Looking at the back of the distant figure, Gao Siwu's eyes flashed with worry.

The dance has to continue.

Due to the martial law of the World Tree before, the whole Pan-Ya City is now in a state of panic, and almost everyone is hiding at home.

Therefore, this dance is just a dance performance within the Armored Team.

At this time, on the other side.

Since he had seen Bai Ya's terrifying power in the forest before, Qi Wen Jie Dou deeply understood.

Relying solely on the power of the Battle Drive is not enough to gain a higher level of power.

According to what he knew, the Fimsim clan survived by changing their own way, and those who stayed were all strong.

If he wanted to gain the power of the golden fruit, he had to become as strong as them.

After returning, Qi Wen Jie Dou had been thinking about this problem.

But he had not made a decision.

However, the pain caused by the erosion of Helheim's toxin on his arm was getting more and more frequent.

Even if the Battle Drive barely suppressed the speed of erosion, it would lose its effect sooner or later as time went by.

A decision must be made as soon as possible, what to do.

On the rooftop, Qi Wen Jie Dou sat alone on a chair, his eyes jumping into the distance.

Suddenly, Ji Wen Jiedou felt a sharp pain.

It started again!

The frequency of the attacks was getting faster and faster.

Although he could still resist the pain, his body would not be able to bear it sooner or later.

After a while, Ji Wen Jiedou's tense muscles finally relaxed.

With cold sweat and a ferocious face, it can be seen that the pain was not as simple as he thought.

"Since those guys can resist the erosion of this power and become Overlord.

Then... I can do it too!"

He knew that he could not continue like this.

So, he made a very crazy decision.

To gain more powerful power, you must have a strong enough will.

Hase Ryoji, who had eaten the Helheim fruit before, eventually became an alien and lost his consciousness.

In his opinion, it was because Hase Ryoji's will was not firm and he could not hold on to the transformation brought about by the power of the Helheim Forest.

But he was different!

It had been a while since he was eroded by the Helheim toxin, and his body had also endured it for so long.

He should have developed a certain resistance to Helheim's poison.

In addition, he has a will that never admits defeat, so perhaps he could really become the same as Overlord.

With the power he has now, the possibility of competing for the golden fruit is almost zero.

He must gain more powerful power to compete for the golden fruit.

With a decision in his mind, Qiwen Jiedou lowered his sleeve to cover the wound on his arm and left the rooftop.

Although this decision was very crazy, it was feasible.

What he had to do now was to find the Helheim fruit!

As the invasion of the forest into this world intensified, the frequency of cracks appeared more frequently, and the plants of the Helheim Forest appeared in more places.

If it weren't for the sudden martial law of the World Tree, many people could only stay at home, otherwise more foreigners would probably be born.

There were almost no people on the streets of the city. At this time, Pan Ya City looked like a deserted dead city.

Not long after, Qiwen Jiedou, who was looking for a target everywhere, finally found the place where the Helheim fruit grew.

There were plants from the forest everywhere.

Looking at the brightly colored Helheim fruit in front of him, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

But soon, the hesitation in his eyes was thrown away.

There was no point in continuing to hesitate, and he had no choice.

He casually took off the Zhan Ji driver worn on his waist, because with this thing, even if he picked the fruit, it would become a lock seed under the influence of the driver's power.

When he took off the Zhan Ji driver, Qi Wen Jie Dou could clearly feel the pain in his arm intensified.

He grabbed a Helheim fruit and pulled it off with all his strength.

"The poison has already flowed through my body. I will die sooner or later if I continue.

In this case, let me... take a gamble!"

As he said that, Qi Wen Jie Dou bit down hard on the Helheim Fruit in his hand, swallowing the pulp into his belly with big mouthfuls.

The power contained in the Helheim Fruit is extremely overbearing and can change the genes of the human body in just an instant.

Turn people into aliens!

Throwing away the empty shell of the fruit in his hand, Qi Wen Jiedou's expression suddenly changed, and he felt a burst of severe pain.

The difference from before was that this severe pain did not come from his arm, but from his body.

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Along with his hysterical screams, a burst of bright green light bloomed from his chest.

Countless Helheim plants spread from his chest and directly wrapped his entire body.

In just a few seconds, Qi Wen Jiedou's body completed the transformation.

The plants on his body disappeared, and what caught his eyes was no longer Qi Wen Jie Dou.

Instead, he looked like a very strong Overlord Foreigner.

There is a pair of black horns on the top of the head, a strong body, black, red and yellow exoskeleton armor and a black and red skirt.

The body exudes an extremely terrifying aura, and this powerful aura even exceeds that of ordinary overlord aliens, such as True Red and Jade.

Overlord of the Foreign Land—Lord Balon!

PS: thanks

A monthly ticket to a happy life and upward progress every day!

Chapter 649: Jie Dou: I rely on myself! Got the World Tree! How is he still alive?

Expelling Patterns Jiedou...successfully completed a higher level of evolution.

The whole person has undergone a transformation!

Transformed from a human into an alien overlord.

Feeling the powerful power emerging from his body, Lord Baron had never felt that he could be so powerful.

Compared with the power he used to use the Zhan Ji Driver before, the two are not even on the same level at all.

He was certain that he could definitely crush his former self now.

Even if he meets a dominant foreigner like Zhenhong, he can still compete with him.

Clenching his fists slightly, Lord Baron was very satisfied with his current strength.

" power has become~ powerful enough!"

He has always longed for great power, and has always been pursuing great power.

Just so that when competing for the golden fruits, they would not be left far behind.

Before, he had been watching Ge Ye Hongtai become stronger, but he had always stood still, and he was naturally very unwilling to do so.

But now, everything has changed.

At this moment, he also has enough power.

With this powerful power, he finally has the qualification to compete for the golden fruit

After releasing the transformation, Expelling Pattern Jiedou looked at his wounds that had been eroded by Helheim's speed.

After he completed his evolution, the wounds on his arms had disappeared.

Unlike Kuzuye Kota who always relies on Sagara's help to become stronger, he relies entirely on himself.

"This is... a higher level of power!"

Just like the original trajectory, Qi Wen Jiedou longed for powerful power and eventually became Lord Baron.

While the process is slightly different, the end result is the same.

Now he has become stronger and finally has the possibility to fight for the golden fruit.

The golden fruit doesn't seem so out of reach for him now!

Here, Lu Li just happened to take Minato Yoko back to the World Tree Tower.

Just after returning, Lu Li received a call from Sono Saki Saeko.

"My dear, I have good news for you. Now... the World Tree is ours."

When Lu Li heard the news, a smile appeared on his lips.

Exactly what he thought.

While the midway may not be too pleasant, the end result is the same.

"I understand, then we can start to bring the World Tree under the rule of the museum."

"Understood, I will arrange for people to start doing it immediately."

Sonosaki Saeko agreed wholeheartedly.

This kind of thing is really not that difficult for Sonosaki Saeko.

As for who will be arranged to go, Sonosaki Kiko already has a candidate in mind:

After a brief chat, Lu Li hung up the phone.

Minato Yaoko on the side heard it clearly and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

She really didn't expect that Lu Li would actually take World Tree under his command.

This is incredible!

World Tree is a multinational group and a very large enterprise.

The people on the board of directors are also very well-known guys from various countries. It can be said that acquiring world data is an unlikely thing.

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