Zangetsu was forced to cancel the transformation and returned to the appearance of Kureshima Mitsumi.

Kureshima Mitsumi, who was lying on the ground, stared at Zangetsu with an indignant expression.

He was very unwilling to do so. He obviously had stronger fighting power, but he lost to his brother.

No matter who it is, facing this situation, I'm afraid they will be very unwilling in their hearts.

Am I really not as good as my brother?

"Guangshi, are you awake now? Don't make the same mistake again and again. You were not like this before!"

Zangetsu is still trying to bring back Kureshima Mitsumi.

But what he did was just doing useless work

With a sneer on his indignant face, Kureshima Mitsumi reluctantly stood up.

Now that he has come this far, he has no intention of retreating.

No matter what, he must rely on his own strength to protect what he values ​​most.

"Shut up! I haven't lost yet! You haven't won either!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mitsumi Kureshima took off the Genesis drive and threw it aside.

Then he immediately took out his Zhanji Driver and the sealed Huangquanhu Lock Seed.

"that is....?!"

When he saw Huangquanhu eating the lock seed, Zangyue's expression suddenly changed.

Of course he knows what it means for Huangquanhu to eat locked seeds.

It was a sealed experimental product, a very terrifying locked species.

Using the lock seed can indeed bring very powerful power, but at the same time, it can also cause unimaginable harm to the user.

In particular, this lock seed will absorb the user's vitality and help the user gain temporary power evolution.

To put it bluntly, it is to exchange life for strong combat power.

"Guangshi! Take action quickly! That thing must not be used. Once used, you may die!"

He couldn't helplessly watch his younger brother use such a fearless lock seed, and hoped that he could stop Kureshima Mitsumi through his words.

"I know! I don't need you to remind me, but... I am fully prepared.

Even if I die, I must stop this! "

His eyes were full of determination, and he directly opened the underworld door to eat the locked seeds.

"Yomi.Yomotsuheguri (Yomi.Yomotsuheguri)!"


"Lock.On! Haii! Yomotsuheguri..Arms! Underworld.Yomi.Yomi.Yomi!"

Kamen Rider Ryugen Huangquan's Toeki form!

After completing the transformation, Long Xuan could feel a power more powerful than the Genesis Drive pouring into his body.

So strong!

However, the next second, the pain of having his life force withdrawn made Long Xuan cry out uncontrollably.

"Ah one by one!!"

The body shook slightly again, and Long Xuan seemed to be in a very bad condition.

Staggering under his feet, Long Xuan fell to his knees and emitted bursts of dark red energy.

It gives people a very bad feeling.

"Mitsuami! If you cancel the transformation and continue, you will die!

Zhan Yue was always worried about his younger brother, and no matter what, he wanted to stop Long Xuan.

However, after Long Xuan resisted the initial pain, he gained great strength.

Without hesitation, Long Xuan took out the Grape Dragon Cannon and pulled the trigger directly at Zangetsu who was walking over.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The Grape Dragon Cannon fired wildly, hitting Zangetsu with purple energy bombs one after another.

Due to the current special move being released, Zangetsu had already thrown out the Honeydew Shield in his hand.

Just now, Zangetsu thought the battle was over, and he didn't pick up the Melon Shield Defender.

With no time to resist, the Grape Dragon Cannon fired accurately at Zangetsu one after another.

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Along with Zangetsu's screams, bursts of sparks bloomed from his body under the attack of purple light bullets.

Seeing Zhan Yue being suppressed by him due to his carelessness, Lu Li shook his head helplessly!

"Facing his own brother, he still can't be cruel, even if this brother once betrayed him."

White smoke billowed out from the armor on his body, and Zangyue fell to the ground in a very embarrassed state.

Long Xuan, who was still preparing to continue the attack, suddenly bursts of dark red energy appeared on his body:

The pain of being sucked out of his life force made him twitch uncontrollably.

The grape dragon cannon in his hand also fell to the ground.

After the pain lasted for a while, Long Xuan endured it forcefully.

Ignoring his own situation, Zangetsu immediately shouted.

"Mitsuami! That lock seed is very dangerous, cancel the transformation as soon as possible! Otherwise you will really die!"

Hearing this, Long Xuan reluctantly stood up and stared at Zhan Yue.

"Even if it costs your own life, there is nothing to regret!"

He immediately picked up the grape dragon cannon that fell on the ground and quickly pushed the knife-shaped push rod device.

"Yomotsuheguri..Squash (Yomotsuheguri eats squeezed juice)!"

"Dragon Shooting"

Raise the grape dragon robe and shoot a large number of green energy bombs

These green energy bombs are much more powerful than the purple energy bombs just now.

Zangetsu didn't have time to dodge, so he quickly put his hands in front of his body and forcefully took one of Ryugen's sure kills.

“Ahhhhhh one by one!

Under the terrifying energy impact, Zhan Yue was instantly blown away.

The transformation was canceled at the same time as he flew out, and Kureshima Takatora fell to the ground with 770 scars all over his body.


I never expected that my brother would go this far.

He originally wanted to stop Wudao Guangshi, but he never thought that he would lose to Long Xuan because of his soft mind.

Lu Li shrugged slightly. He thought that Zhan Yue would win in the end, but he didn't expect that something unexpected would happen.

It was indeed a bit unexpected that Long Xuan had already obtained the Huangquan Huchi Lock Seed.

Using this kind of kryptonian lock seed is completely gambling with your own life.

In order to defeat him, Long Xuan even gambled his life.

Since Long Xuan had already gambled his life with him, it would be a bit unreasonable for Lu Li not to take action.

After dealing with Wudao Guihu, Long Xuan had another burst of dark red energy on his body.

His feet softened and Long Xuan knelt on the ground in pain.


The pain that made him feel very uncomfortable.

But when he thought that he had not yet defeated Lu Li, he could not fall here anyway.

He gritted his teeth and held on, enduring the intense pain, and slowly stood up.

Long Xuan raised his head and stared at Lu Li.

"Now... it's your turn! Lu Li!!"

No matter what, he must hold on and defeat Lu Li.

Otherwise... Gao Siwu will inevitably become the daughter of origin.

He could not agree to this matter no matter what.

Even if he had to pay with his life for it, he must stop this from happening.

Taking two steps forward, Lu Li nodded. He did not refuse Long Xuan's challenge this time.

"Since you want to stop me so much, then... I will give you this opportunity.

If you can defeat me, I can even give you the golden fruit.

That being said, Lu Li never thought that he would lose, and it is impossible for him to lose.

PS: Thank you-

Happy Life Every Day Upward's monthly ticket!

Chapter 652: You can't even turn into a ghost! Hibiki ghosts: Purple Flame and Red Flame!

The difference in strength between the two sides is not at the same level at all.

It is a complete dimensionality reduction attack!

Even if Long Xuan krypton life, the final result will not change because of this

"I don't need that kind of thing! I want... only Sister Wu!"

It sounds like a roar, and Long Xuan's mind is only thinking about Gao Siwu's problem at this time.

Except Gao Siwu, he doesn't care about others.

Hearing this, Lu Li's face suddenly turned cold.

No matter who the target is, since he is coveting his woman, he must pay the price for it.

"If you want to die, then... I will fulfill your wish.

Don't worry, I will not let you even have the chance to turn into a ghost.

As he spoke, Lu Li casually took out a golden tuning fork.

On this golden tuning fork, there was a ghost-like pattern.

He flicked the tuning fork in his hand gently, and the folded corner at the top of the tuning fork unfolded.

He flicked his finger lightly on the corner of the sound, and the tuning fork in his hand made a strange sound, producing a special sound wave.

Lu Li placed the tuning fork in front of his forehead, and this special sound wave gradually spread throughout Lu Li's body.

In the middle of Lu Li's forehead, something similar to the ghost head on the tuning fork appeared.

It was like a ghost symbol.

A special energy was wrapped around his body, causing Lu Li's body to gradually turn red!

However, in just a moment, Lu Li's body, which was emitting a faint red light, actually burned with purple flames.

The purple flames burned fiercely, and a special armor attached to Lu Li's body.

When the purple flames dissipated, a knight in purple armor appeared in the vision of several people.

The armor looked sharp, with red hands and a pair of silver horns on his head.

There is a silver breastplate on the chest, wrapped around the seemingly strong body.

Kamen Rider Hibiki!

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