Seeing Lu Li transform into a knight he didn't recognize again, Long Xuan was not so wary at this time.

He knew that he could not maintain his transformation for too long.

What we have to do is to use every possible means to get rid of Lu Li in the shortest possible time.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Long Xuan quickly switched weapons and took out the weapon used in the kiwi armor form, kiwi strike wheel

Flying towards Lu Li, the extremely sharp Kiwi Strike Wheel in his hand was thrown towards Lu Li the moment he started to act.


The kiwi strike wheel rotates rapidly, as if it can cut off everything, and the lodging attacks.

Seeing this, Lu Li slowly took out Xianggui's exclusive weapon, the Sound Stick Fiery Fire.

Holding the sound stick in his hand, Lu Li directly blasted the Kiwi Strike Wheel, which looked like two large flying blades.

"Dang one one!!"

Only a dull collision sound was heard.

The kiwi fruit hitting wheel suddenly stopped moving forward, but it was still spinning rapidly, causing friction with the sound hitting rod.

Bursts of fire splashed, and the kiwi fruit hitting wheel soon stopped rotating and fell to the ground like two pieces of scrap metal.

At this time, Long Xuan's second wave of attacks had arrived.

He never hoped that one of his attacks would be able to deal with Lu Li.

From the beginning, he was very clear.

That was because there was a big gap in strength between him and Lu Li. Although he had gained great power by relying on Huang Quanhu's lock seed, it didn't last long.

The battle must be ended in the shortest possible time, so it is impossible to prepare only one hand when attacking.

At the moment when the kiwi wheel was shot down, Long Xuan quickly pushed the knife-shaped push rod device on the driver while running.


He jumped up suddenly, and unleashed a fatal flying kick with grape-shaped terrifying energy wrapped around his right foot.

Purple light bloomed on the toes, and the body struck quickly like a sharp arrow.


"Are you so impatient?"

As Lu Li's voice sounded, terrifying high-temperature flames condensed on his right foot.

The blazing high-temperature flames completely confused the surrounding airflow, and the space seemed to be vaguely distorted.

Facing Long Xuan's menacing flying kick, Lu Li also fought back.

Warrior style ghost kick!

The body spins violently

The right foot, burning with high-temperature flames, performed a terrifying killing kick.

In an instant, it suddenly collided with Long Xuan's killing blow.

"Hang Yi Yi!!!"

It's just that the energy collided with the high-temperature flame energy, and a very terrifying energy burst out.

Waves of energy spread crazily around.

The gravel splashed and stirred up countless flying dust.

Minato Yoko watched the battle not far away, feeling the energy shock coming from her, but her expression did not change at all.

From the beginning, she knew what the final outcome of this battle would be.

Just because she had already seen the terrifying power Lu Li used when fighting Bai Ya.

It could be said that Lu Li was not serious at all at this moment.

I have never used this form before, maybe I was just testing my new power with Longxuan.

It sounds very cruel, but it is the truth.

Even if Long Xuan tried his best to catch up, he still couldn't defeat Lu Li.

Takatora Kureshima, who had been released from transformation before, finally stood up

But faced with this terrifying energy impact, he was knocked to the ground again.

He looked so embarrassed that he could not see his previous elegance at all.

“Guangmi, you had no chance of winning from the beginning.

Why. Why do you insist on insisting on this? "

He really couldn't understand why his younger brother was so persistent.

No matter what, as an older brother, he has always been tolerant of his younger brother.

Even if this younger brother betrayed him before and even wanted to kill him, he could forgive him.

He really wanted Lu Li to spare Wu Dao Mitsumi's life, but he knew that he had no qualifications to ask Lu Li for conditions.

Because even his life was saved by Lu Li, so how could he have any qualifications to raise conditions?


At this moment, a scream came from the center of the terrifying energy collision.

The next second, he saw a dark red figure being blown away, and his body hit the ground hard.

The figure flying out was naturally Long Xuan.

Nothing is unexpected, everything is expected.

"Ahhhhh one by one!!"

Long Xuan, who had just landed, suddenly let out another scream.

In addition to the pain caused by the sure-kill hedge just now, there is also the pain of Huang Quanhu eating the lock seed and absorbing the life energy.

Having life energy abruptly taken away is a very painful thing in itself.

It is unbearable for ordinary people to endure such pain, but Long Xuan managed to endure it with his inner persistence.

The ricket body slowly stood up, and Long Xuan didn't look injured at all.

Although he was injured in the fatal hedge just now, Huang Quanhu's lock seed temporarily suppressed his physical pain by absorbing his life energy.

々It’s not over yet! I haven't lost yet! ! "

Like an evil ghost crawling out of hell, Long Xuan's voice was very low.

Seeing that Long Xuan had no intention of admitting defeat, Lu Li didn't mind giving him a ride.

Although he was very smart, he was just a little clever, and Lu Li really looked down on him.

"Didn't you lose? Then...continue!"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Li suddenly became quiet.

But an even more terrifying aura emerged from him.

Red smoke kept coming out of his body, and soon, he saw red flames quickly wrapping around Lu Li's body.

Compared to the previous purple flame, the current red flame has a higher temperature.

This is the second stage transformation of Hibiki!

The sound sticks were crossed and folded, and then unfolded again, and the blazing flames burning on his body dissipated.

Lu Li, who was originally supposed to be wearing purple armor, was now wrapped in flaming red armor.

Kamen Rider Hibiki.Red!

Before, only the arms were red, but now the purple armor on the body has completely turned red.

The facial armor has undergone some subtle changes. The lower part is white, while the upper eyes become black.

"Transformed again?!"

There was a trace of shock in Wu Daoguihu's eyes.

He didn't see Lu Li using any equipment or props, and he actually transformed into a new form.

In the understanding of (Good Li Hao) Wujiao Takahu, if you want to switch to a new form, you need to use at least new equipment and props.

But the power Lu Li currently holds has obviously exceeded his knowledge.

Lu Li, who seemed to have become stronger because of Long Xuan, knew that he might not have much chance of winning.

But he was still unwilling to give up the persistence in his heart, so he had to continue fighting.

He took out the Grape Dragon Cannon again and quickly pushed the knife-shaped push rod device three times.

He focused his last chance on this one-hit kill. If he still couldn't defeat Lu Li, he wouldn't have any chance.


Holding the grape dragon cannon tightly with both hands, he crazily accumulated the energy of Huangquanhu to eat the locked seeds.

"Uh one one!!"

Waves of severe pain were felt throughout his body again.

While Huangquanhu's eating lock seeds provided energy, he was also frantically absorbing the life energy in his body.

This blow is sure to kill, and the energy released is also the life energy extracted from him.

Even though the severe pain coming from his body was unbearable, it was all for Gao Siwu, and Long Xuan endured it forcefully.

PS: Thank you

One LuckSackerE monthly pass!

thanks one

A happy life with daily upward monthly tickets and reminder tickets!

Chapter 653: The scorching red type! Er Wu Zai’s swan song! Drained!

"Go to hell! Lu Li!!"

The voice was hysterical, and Long Xuan pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A huge dark red dragon-shaped beam was fired from the Grape Dragon Cannon.

"Roar one by one!!"

Vaguely, the roar of an angry dragon could be heard.

The huge dark red dragon-shaped beam rushed towards Lu Li.

Facing the menacing special move, Lu Li turned the sound stick in his hand casually.

His hands suddenly clenched.

Ghost Stick Technique Fiery Sword!

Concentrate the flame energy with the ghost stone of the sound rod to form a flaming sword.

The tops of the two sound sticks in his hands, under Lu Li's deliberate control, formed two blazing flaming swords.

Lu Li, who was holding two flaming swords, stared closely at the huge dark red dragon-shaped beam of light heading towards him.

Find the best time to attack and strike suddenly!


The terrifying cutting power of the Fiery Sword seemed to cut through the entire space.

The huge dragon-shaped beam that was roaring just now has completely quieted down.

The huge dragon-shaped beam was cut into several pieces by two flaming swords.

The dark red energy gradually dissipated.

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