Everything is eliminated!

Long Xuan, who released his strongest ultimate move, was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Why is it completely different from what he thought? !

Why is Lu Li so strong and so terrifying? !

Why. Why? !

There are ten thousand whys in his heart, and Long Xuan's heart is filled with unwillingness and despair.

This situation now makes him powerless.


Not only lost, but also lost completely.

The difference in combat power between the two sides can no longer be described in words.

Just when Long Xuan's eyes were lost, a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lu Li, holding two sound sticks, waved the sound sticks in his hands and hit Long Xuan's chest in a horizontal manner.

When the two sound sticks hit Long Xuan's chest, they suddenly formed the shape of a flame drum.

As the attacked, Long Xuan suddenly felt that his body was bound by some mysterious energy.

Sound strike. Burning true red form!

Lu Li quickly waved the sound strike stick and quickly output directly to the flame drum.

"Bang bang bang~!!"

Along with the sound of drums, Long Xuan could clearly feel the waves of burning energy filling his body.

When Lu Li stopped, everything seemed to have calmed down.

And the flame drum in front of Long Xuan, the moment the beating stopped, the flame on it became more intense.

The next second, a very terrifying flame broke out instantly and engulfed Long Xuan.


A violent explosion sounded.

The flame caused by the explosion also engulfed Lu Li, who was all red.

Waves of burning heat came, and Minato Yaozi quickly blocked the front with her hands.

She had already seen Lu Li's various powers, and she didn't feel any surprise at the final result of this battle.

At this time, Wu Daoguihu, who had just recovered his strength, looked at the raging flames and was speechless.


He didn't know what Wu Daoguangshi's situation was at this time, and he could only pray silently in his heart that Wu Daoguangshi was still alive.

Even if he was betrayed by his younger brother, even if he was almost killed by his younger brother, as a brother, he still hoped that his younger brother could live.

As for whether this wish could be realized, he didn't know.

Maybe... this was just a luxury.

When the heat wave gradually dissipated, a breeze blew, and the flames gradually dissipated.

Lu Li, who was at the center of the explosion, had already lifted his transformation.

The one lying in front of him was naturally Wu Daoguangshi.

"Pah! ! "

The Sengoku Driver and Yomizuchi Lock on Wudao Guangshi's waist were all cracked and destroyed.

At this time, Wudao Guangshi's body was covered with burn marks, and it seemed that there was almost no intact skin.

Looking at Lu Li with angry eyes, Wudao Guangshi said in a hoarse voice.

"It's... not over yet! As long as... as long as I am alive, I will never allow you to... turn Sister Wu into... the daughter of origin!"

Speaking intermittently, there is almost no big difference between him and a useless person.

"Really? Whether you agree or not has no effect on me at all, the final result has long been determined.

As for you... disappear. "

The voice was filled with coldness, and Lu Li's eyes flashed with cold light.

As the cold and cold eyes stared at him, Wu Dao Guangshi suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Before he could continue to say anything, Wu Dao Guangshi suddenly found that he seemed to have lost control of his body.

When he looked at his body, he found that his body was actually disappearing bit by bit.

His pupils suddenly dilated, and he looked at his body gradually disappearing in disbelief.

"My body... How could it be...? !"

He didn't understand why his body became like this.

"Don't worry, you no longer have the opportunity to witness Wu become the daughter of origin.

Let's end it here. "

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li turned around and walked towards Kou Yoko.

"Ah Yi Yi! ! "

Mitsumasa Wudao, whose body was gradually disappearing, roared unwillingly.

However, this could not stop him from disappearing, as everything had become a foregone conclusion.

The reason why Mitsushi Wudao's body gradually disappeared was not because of what Lu Li did.

It was because he used the power of the Yellow Springs Lock too much, and too much life energy was absorbed, and his body could no longer hold on.

Life energy is the energy that maintains the body's activity and allows people to live.

Once too much life energy is lost, people will die.

After releasing his ultimate moves many times and fighting a series of battles, Mitsushi Wudao's body had already reached its limit.

It was just that he was unwilling to admit defeat, and he had persisted until now with his will.

It was a pity that he had to pay a price for persisting for so long.

And this price was his life!

Staggering over, Guihu Wudao looked at Mitsushi Wudao, whose body had almost dissipated by half, and was filled with anxiety.

"Mitsumasa~! "

He didn't know what to do now.

He didn't know what the consequences would be if the Yellow Springs Lock was overused.


Turning his gaze to Kureshima Takatora, Kureshima Mitsumi shouted these two words and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say it.

Perhaps he felt that he had betrayed his brother and was no longer worthy of asking his brother for help.

A moment later, Kureshima Mitsumi completely disappeared, leaving nothing behind.


Reluctantly shouting this name, Wu Dao Takatora's heart was filled with regret and self-blame.

He felt that his brother would become like this because there was something wrong with his teachings.

If it weren't for the problems with his teachings, my brother wouldn't be like this.

After seeing this scene, Minato Yoko asked doubtfully.

"Mr. Lu, why did Mitsuomi Kureshima disappear?"

Hearing this, Lu Li looked back at Wu Dao Guihu who was lying on the ground, and explained calmly.

"That lock species has the ability to absorb life energy and convert it into combat energy. It can help the user become more powerful, but in contrast, the user also needs to pay a price.


Kureshima Hikari mobilized a lot of energy in the battle. To provide this energy, Huangquanhu would naturally need to absorb a lot of life energy.

He will disappear entirely because too much life energy has been sucked away.

Without life energy, it is naturally impossible to maintain its own state. "

Nodding thoughtfully, Minato Yoko felt that Kureshima Mitsuomi was a little crazy, but at the same time, she also felt that he was a temperamental person.

It is also very rare for people to be paranoid to the point of being crazy for the people they like.

"Then he...

Glancing at the sad Wu Dao Takatora, Minato Yoko didn't know what Lu Li would do with him:

"Let him calm down, I believe he will soon figure out that the only person who is at fault in this matter is Mitsuomi Kureshima, and it is not anyone else's problem.

Okay, let's go back first. "

As he spoke, Lu Li waved his hand.

The two disappeared in an instant, leaving only Takatora Kureshima lying on the ground suffering alone.

Wu Dao Guihu, who was in a very uncomfortable mood, did not hate Lu Li for this in his heart.

He knew that the reason why his brother became like this was entirely because of his own teaching problems.

He also heard very clearly just now that the reason Kureshima Mitsumi disappeared was because too much life energy was absorbed by Huang Quanhu's lock seed.

No matter what the reason was, Lu Li could never be blamed for this incident.

Even though Wu Dao Guihu was very sad, he would not push this matter to Lu Li.

Except for Lu Li and the others, no one else knew about the battle that just happened.

As for Kureshima Mitsumi's disappearance, no one knew about it except them.

The other side.

Gao Siwu, who had completed the last dance performance, was already satisfied at this time.

She knew that now was the time to fulfill the agreement between herself and Lu Li.

When the rest of the armor team saw Gao Siwu who was about to leave, they felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.

PS: thanks

Safe monthly pass!


Happy life and daily upward reminders!

Chapter 654 Golden Fruit Fusion! Daughter of a different origin!

Everyone in the Armored Team has been together for such a long time. They are not only good friends, but also regard each other as family members.

Now that Gao Siwu is about to leave, they are more or less sentimental in their hearts.

Feeling that everyone seemed to be very depressed, Gao Siwu comforted them softly with a faint smile on his face.

"Everyone, don't cry in despair! How can I leave with peace of mind when you are like this?

And I'm just leaving for a while, it's not like I will never come back. Why are you so sad?

What I have to do is to protect this city, protect the people here, and at the same time protect the earth. This is a very great thing.

Everyone should be lucky that I have the ability to protect this world, otherwise everyone would be in danger.

Okay, okay, don't cry and look sad.

Under her comfort, although everyone tried their best to put smiles on their faces, they were all very forced smiles.

Ge Yehongtai, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up.

When he came to Gao Siwu, he looked at Gao Siwu seriously.

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