"Wu, tell me, are you really willing?

If you are not willing at all, you must tell me, I will not let you do anything you don't want to do! "

Seeing Ge Ye Hongtai's serious expression, Gao Siwu suddenly laughed.

"Huntai, I have thought about this matter for a long time, and brother Lu Li has never put any pressure on me.

He just asked me to consider whether I should become the Daughter of Origin.

I made this decision after much thought, and it was of my own free will, without any reluctance.

Don't worry, I won't wrong myself, don't worry! "

With that said, Gao Siwu patted Ge Ye Hongtai on the shoulder like an old man.

After opening his mouth, Ge Yehongtai finally chose to remain silent.

Since Gao Siwu himself had already said so, Ge Yehongtai didn't continue to say anything.

After a simple farewell, Gao Siwu left the training base of the Armored Team.

When walking out, Gao Siwu seemed to be still nostalgic, looking back reluctant to look at all the familiar things.

After stopping for a while, Gao Siwu's eyes gradually became firm, and he decisively turned around and left.

Destination, World Tree Tower.

Kuzuye Futa, who stayed in the base, felt that her heart was in chaos.

He didn't know what he should do or what he could do at this moment.

The whole person is like a defeated rooster, depressed.

Not long after, Gao Siwu finally arrived at the World Tree Tower.

Gao Siwu had already made up his mind and strode in without any hesitation.

As soon as she arrived at the lobby, she saw Lu Li standing in the lobby waiting for her.

"Brother Lu Li, how did you know I would come at this time?

With a hint of surprise in his eyes, Gao Siwu didn't understand why Lu Li was waiting for him here in advance.

Hearing this, Lu Li suddenly smiled.

He reached out his hand and gently rubbed Gao Siwu's black hair.

"Of course I have my own methods, Wu. Since you are here now, does that mean you are ready?"

When asked this question, Gao Siwu nodded vigorously without any hesitation.

"I am ready!

Her tone was very firm, as if she was ready for everything.

"Really? Then come with me."

With that said, Lu Li took Gao Siwu's little hand and pulled her inside.

Even though she had had closer contact with Lu Li, Gao Siwu still felt his face getting slightly hot when he looked at his hand being held.

Not long after, Lu Li took Gao Siwu to a certain location in the World Tree Tower.

Minato Yoko is waiting here right now.

"Mr. Lu, the room you want is ready."

With that said, Minato Yoko opened the door next to her.

What came into view was a very spacious room, which was very empty.

Gao Siwu, who was slightly nervous, quickly hugged Lu Li's arm.

She didn't know what would happen next or how to become the Daughter of the Origin.

"Let's go.

Lu Li glanced at Gao Siwu and led her into the spacious room."

After the two entered the room, Minato Yoko carefully closed the door and waited quietly outside.

Arriving at the center of the spacious room, Gao Siwu looked at Lu Li nervously, not knowing what he should do.

"Brother Lu Li, what do you want to do now?"

Gao Siwu couldn't help but blush at the thought of two people, a man and a woman, living together in the same room.

Seeing Gao Siwu's nervousness, Lu Li gently patted her little hand.

"Relax, this is not difficult for you."

Then, Lu Li slightly spread his right hand.

A golden light shone in his hand.

The next second, a golden fruit shining with golden light appeared in his hand.

When the golden fruit appears, the entire room seems to be illuminated by the golden light of the golden fruit.

When Gao Siwu saw the golden fruit for the first time, his first reaction was that it was very beautiful.

"Is this...the golden fruit?"

Gao Siwu's eyes were slightly lost in thought. He had never seen such a beautiful fruit before.

"Wu, what you have to do next is to relax, don't resist, and feel the changes the golden fruit brings to you with your heart."

As he spoke, Lu Li directly placed the golden fruit in his hand on Gao Siwu's chest.

A mysterious power directly integrated the golden fruit into Gao Siwu's body.


Feeling that a foreign object had entered his body, Gao Siwu's first reaction was to feel uncomfortable.

His body trembled slightly, and Gao Siwu frowned unconsciously.

She did not refuse the golden fruit to integrate into her body, and tried her best to restrain her body's discomfort.

The golden light dissipated, and the golden fruit had been completely integrated into her body.

After successfully integrating the golden fruit, Gao Siwu's body suddenly softened and he collapsed in Lu Li's arms.

"how do you feel?"

"It's not good. I feel uncomfortable."

Gao Siwu's breathing was slightly rapid, and she was trying her best to endure the discomfort in her body.

As a treasure of the Helheim Forest, the Golden Fruit has the same ability as the Helheim Fruit, and will eventually turn the holder into an Overlord.

This is inevitable.

....Please give me flowers...

Once you hold the Golden Fruit, your body will begin to gradually change.

It's like a foreign object has entered the body, causing the body's resistance, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Of course, this process will not be completed in an instant.

In this regard, it is different from the Helheim fruit.

The transformation process of the golden fruit also requires Gao Siwu to be willing to accept this power.

If she resists accepting this power in her heart, Gao Siwu will not be able to become the daughter of origin.

And Gao Siwu, who has figured it out, does not refuse to obtain the power of the golden fruit in her heart.

It is precisely because of this that the golden fruit transforms her body very smoothly.

The body exudes a faint golden light, and the golden fruit causes Gao Siwu's body to gradually change.

Feeling the power of the golden fruit, Lu Li can perceive the changes that have taken place in Gao Siwu at this moment.

The only difference from the original drama is that Gao Siwu did not become the daughter of origin in the state of soul, but in the state of flesh.

In the original drama, Gao Siwu was taken out of the golden fruit by Zhan Ji Lingma through surgery, which directly led to the death of the body.

But at that time, Gao Siwu's soul had been tightly integrated with the golden fruit.

Finally, with the power of the golden fruit, a new body was condensed again.

Now, Gao Siwu is accepting the transformation and power of the golden fruit in the form of a physical body, so it will naturally be different.

Suddenly, a trace of pain appeared on Wu's face.

The right eye, which should have been black and white, suddenly turned red.

Except for the hair and clothes, she looked very similar to the daughter of origin.

Noticing that Gao Siwu frowned slightly, as if she was enduring pain, Lu Li gently stroked Gao Siwu's eyebrows with his hand.

A strange power slowly injected into Gao Siwu's body.

The power of creation!

Although the power of creation that Lu Li received from the donor could not completely eliminate the pain of Gao Siwu's transformation, it could at least help relieve it.

As expected, when Lu Li's power of creation was injected, the pain on Gao Siwu's face finally weakened.

The transformation process was very smooth, and there were no unexpected situations.

As time went by, Gao Siwu's black hair gradually dyed golden like the golden fruit.

After the hair was transformed, Gao Siwu's body was almost completely transformed.

Now she can no longer be called a human, but a god.


She was wearing a faint golden light, and her original clothes disappeared, replaced by a strange white costume.

The Daughter of Origin!

At this moment, Gao Siwu finally completed the transformation to the Daughter of Origin.

Lu Li, who was holding her, could feel that Gao Siwu's human breath had disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by an aura similar to that of Overlord.

It just felt more advanced.


Seeing Gao Siwu who had completed the transformation, Lu Li nodded secretly.

PS: Thank you for the urging votes for

Happy Life: Everyday Upward! and

Chapter 655 The Transformation of the Essence of Life! Becoming a God!

Not long after, Gao Siwu, who was lying in Lu Li's arms, slowly opened her eyes.

When she saw Lu Li close at hand, Gao Siwu suddenly found that the Lu Li she saw now seemed to be a little different from before.

Before, she only looked at Lu Li from the perspective of an ordinary person.

Although she knew that Lu Li was excellent, she had no specific concept.

Gao Siwu, who had become a goddess, could clearly feel that Lu Li exuded a terrifying aura that made people's heart palpitate.

"Lu Li...brother."

Even though she felt that Lu Li was different from before, her address did not change because of this.

Helping Gao Siwu to stand up, Lu Li touched Gao Siwu's golden hair that was scattered on her shoulders.

"Wu, you are no longer a human being, but a goddess. I believe you should be able to feel that I am not an ordinary person."

Hearing this, Gao Siwu nodded without hesitation.

No questions were asked, and there was no entanglement.

As agreed before, Gao Siwu took out the golden fruit and handed it to Lu Li.

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