"Brother Lu Li, this... is the golden fruit you want.

The golden fruit must be bestowed according to the "003" myth of the race, and now is the time for this moment to come.

Taking the golden fruit, Lu Li could feel the complete energy contained in the golden fruit.

Just like before, it did not weaken due to the transformation of Gao Siwu.

This may be the characteristic of the golden fruit.

After biting on the golden fruit, the golden fruit suddenly turned into a pure energy and merged into Lu Li's body.

Feeling this energy merging, Lu Li did not resist at all.

Instead, he silently felt the transformation brought to him by this energy.

After the power of the golden fruit entered his body, Lu Li clearly felt a special energy affecting his body. The body was transformed.

Lu Li, who was already strong enough, automatically resisted the special energy transformation of the golden fruit.

This was unexpected!

He did not expect that even though he had been very restrained, the power of the golden fruit was still so terrifying that it wanted to forcibly transform his physical state.

His physical state had already reached an unimaginable level. It was not wrong to say that he had reached the level of a god, or even surpassed a god.

But in terms of the essence of life, Lu Li could never be considered a god.

The golden fruit, which had been close to Lu Li's body for a long time, seemed to know that it could not transform Lu Li's physical state.

So it improved Lu Li's life essence.

Originally, the transformation of the body and the improvement of the life essence should be carried out simultaneously, but The fruit now simply enhances the essence of life.

A faint green light emanated from his body, and Lu Li's black hair slowly turned golden, and his right eye also turned red.

However, the clothes Lu Li wore did not change.

His body was still the same as before, and he did not become an Overlord because of the power of the golden fruit.

It was just because his own physical strength had exceeded that of an Overlord, and the golden fruit could not continue to strengthen his body.

All the golden light on his body dissipated directly, and Lu Li quickly returned to his original state.

The golden hair turned black again, and the red right eye turned black and white again.

That's right, Lu Li can control whether he wants to be deified.

When the deification is turned on, the hair will change The right eye will turn red and the right eye will turn golden.

Under normal conditions, Lu Li looks exactly the same as before.

This is the appearance, but the biggest change is only felt by Lu Li himself.

After being strengthened by the golden fruit, Lu Li's life essence has been greatly changed.

The power of the golden fruit has finally allowed his life essence to break through the current bottleneck and reach a new stage.


In the past, Lu Li could only call himself a demigod at most.

It was because his life essence was not strong enough to reach the level of a god.

Now, he is a real god.

Moreover, when Lu Li merged the power of the golden fruit, he found that the ability he copied from the giver resonated with the power of the golden fruit and assimilated it.

This also made Lu Li not an ordinary god when he became a god, but a god with the power of destruction and creation.

God of creation!

Of course, since he had just become a god, Lu Li's current strength may not be comparable to that of the giver.

At most, he can only be regarded as an incomplete or juvenile god of creation.

But I believe that as time goes by, Lu Li will gradually become stronger.

By then, it shouldn't be a big problem to be comparable to or even surpass the Giver.

But even an incomplete Creator God is already a terrifying existence.

Before, Lu Li was quite worried whether he would face Oma Zi-O.

As the king who controls time and space, Oma Zi-O is definitely the ceiling of the knight.

But now, Lu Li, who has successfully integrated the power of the Golden Fruit to become a god, and is also the Creator God, is no longer worried about meeting Oma Zi-O.

Although Oma Zi-O is very powerful, he is still a human being after all.

Even if he can control time and space, the threat to Lu Li who has surpassed time and space has been greatly reduced.

At least now, Lu Li doesn't have to worry about losing when facing Oma Zi-O.

Seeing that Lu Li completed the transformation, but turned back to his previous appearance, Gao Siwu's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Brother Lu Li, why did your hair and eyes change back again?"

The sudden voice brought Lu Li back to his senses.

Looking down at Gao Siwu, Lu Li stroked her delicate white face with his hand.

"Because I am stronger than Overlord, the golden fruit can enhance my life essence, but it cannot change my physical state."

Nodding thoughtfully, Gao Siwu did not know much about Lu Li's physical changes.

Grabbing Lu Li's hand, Gao Siwu said impatiently.

"Brother Lu Li, now you have the power of the golden fruit.

Then, can you protect our city and the world from being eroded by the forest?"

She is willing to become the daughter of origin in the hope of saving this city and this world.

Seeing her impatient look, Lu Li smiled and nodded.

"Of course, let's go and let you see if I have such ability now."

With that said, Lu Li directly used space transfer to teleport himself, Gao Siwu, and Minato Yoko who were waiting at the door to the top of the World Tree Tower.

Minato Yoko, who had been waiting at the door just now, felt the scene in front of her change and suddenly became vigilant.

But after seeing Lu Li and Gao Siwu, his vigilance suddenly dropped.

After following Lu Li for so long, she has become accustomed to space transfer.

Gao Siwu had almost never experienced such an ability. Seeing that the surrounding scenery had changed, a look of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, then... let's start cleaning up the world."

As Lu Li's voice fell, he raised his right arm and made a light stroke towards the sky.

A huge hole appeared in the sky.

That huge hole is the huge crack connecting Helheim Forest.

A terrifying force was released from the crack, sucking in all Helheim plants and fruits that did not belong to this world, as well as aliens.

Not long after, a large number of plants appeared in the sky, and they were sucked in without any resistance.

In the city, many people noticed this sudden change.

Armor Team, Ge Ye Hongtai looked at the huge crack in the sky, but sighed helplessly.

You don't need to think about it to know that the golden fruit must have fallen into Lu Li's hands.

The other party is using the power of the golden fruit to purge the city of plant fruits and aliens.

This should have been a good thing, but Kuzuya Hongtai couldn't be happy anyway.

The reason why this kind of thing can be done is entirely because Gao Siwu made a huge sacrifice and turned from a 3.1 ordinary person into a daughter of origin.

Sacrificing himself to save everyone made Kuzuye Hongta feel like the rule he wanted to break before.

A deep sense of powerlessness emerged in my heart.

Why am I not strong enough? Why can't I stop this?

Feeling sorry for himself, Ge Yehongtai became very depressed.

In the city, there is another person who is also watching the changes in the sky.

This person is naturally the expelling pattern Jiedou who has become the overlord of the foreigners.

He finally became the overlord of the alien world, possessing power beyond that of humans.

Now he only needs to get the golden fruit to become the supreme being.

The huge cracks are moving everything belonging to Helheim Forest.

The Expelling Pattern Jiedou, who has become the overlord of the foreigners, is naturally a target of migration.

However, because he possesses considerable power as the Overlord Foreigner, he is quite resistant to the migration of rifts.

He withstood the migration suction of the huge crack and successfully stayed in Pan Nha City.

PS: thanks

Happy life and daily upward reminders!

Chapter 656: Don’t you plan to control the world? Jiedou: I'm ready!

"The golden fruit must be mine!"

Clenching his fists slightly, Qi Wen Jiedou stared closely in the direction of the World Tree Tower.

His eyes gradually became firm and he walked directly over there.

He was certain that the person who could make such a big deal must be Lu Li.

As to why not anyone else.

Among the people Qi Wen Jiedou knew, only Lu Li was so terrifying.

He was going to challenge Lu Li and get the final golden fruit.

But what he didn't know was that the golden fruit was now part of Lu Li's power.

The power of the golden fruit has been integrated into his body.

The movement of Expelling Patterns Jie Dou was still a step too slow.

It didn't take long for the Helheim plant fruits and aliens in the entire city to be sucked into the Helheim Forest.

As everything related to Helheim in this city disappeared (except for the Exorcism Ring Dou), the huge crack slowly closed.

Gao Siwu, who was watching all this, murmured with his mouth slightly raised.

"Is this the end?"

She felt a little incredible that it ended so quickly.

Shouldn't this be a problem plaguing the earth?

Why is it so easy to solve? !

Seeing the confusion in Gao Siwu's eyes, Lu Li smiled.

"Don't be surprised. The power brought by the golden fruit can completely reach this level. It can even be said that it is very easy.

From now on, you no longer have to worry about the city and the earth being eroded by the Helheim Forest. "

Lu Li's goal has been achieved, and naturally it is impossible to let the Helheim Forest erode the earth again.

With Bai Ya's management, the Forest of Helheim will naturally not be able to expand as disorderly as before, let alone invade the astrological planet wantonly.

With Lu Li's guarantee, Gao Siwu finally felt relieved.

With a smile on his face, Gao Siwu felt that he had made some contribution to saving the earth and saving mankind.

Looking down at the clothes he was wearing now, Gao Siwu could feel that he was different now.


In her opinion, relatively speaking, living a happier life as a human being.

Minato Yoko on the side also witnessed everything happening just now, and she was particularly amazed.

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