Looking at Lu Li, she was very happy.

This was the man she wanted to witness.

Everything he did was indeed extraordinary.

Lu Li, who had eaten the golden fruit, had now become a god.

In the eyes of Minato Yoko, Lu Li had undoubtedly reached the top of the world.

And she... had witnessed it all!

Just as Lu Li was about to take the two down, a familiar breath suddenly appeared.

Lu Li was simply too familiar with this breath.


As expected, Sagara suddenly appeared on the top of the tower in that strange outfit.

He looked at Gao Siwu, who had already transformed, and then moved his eyes to Lu Li, who seemed to have not changed much in appearance.

As the Helheim Forest itself, Sagara could of course feel that Lu Li had completed his transformation.

Although he didn't know why his appearance had not changed, there was no doubt that Lu Li had indeed used the golden fruit.

"Sagara? Why are you here?!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Sagara, Gao Siwu was quite surprised.

Hearing this, Xiang Le shrugged slightly and smiled.

"I just came to witness the birth of the new world god, but I didn't expect it to be the same as I expected.

Lu Li, congratulations on becoming the god of the new world. What are your ideas and plans next?

Do you want to transform this world according to your own ideas, or do you want to let the Helheim Forest devour this world?"

Xiang Le was just a bystander, wanting to observe what Lu Li would do next.


Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li did not want to transform the world according to his own ideas. There was no need for that.

As for letting the forest erode this world, there was even less need for that.

Putting his eyes on Xiang Le, Lu Li looked at him deeply.

"Xiang Le, I need the golden fruit just to let it transform my body.

Now, my life level has successfully entered the god level.

That's enough, I'm not interested in anything else. "

When he heard this answer, Xiang Le was very surprised.

This was slightly different from what he thought.

When a person has supreme power, shouldn't the most important thing he thinks about be to transform the world?

Make it what he wants.

But Lu Li didn't have such an idea at all.

Is he not interested, or does he disdain to do so?

Shaking his head helplessly, Xiang Le smiled.

"You are really a man that people can't see through, but... it's up to you.

You are the one who gets the power of God, and how you want to deal with this power is entirely up to you.

Since you don't want to make changes to this world, and you don't want the Helheim Forest to invade the earth, how do you solve this problem? "

Xiang Le didn't know that there was a special agreement between Bai Ya and Lu Li.

He only knew that if there was no one to manage the province, it would invade any world at will as before.

"I don't need to worry about this. Luo Xiu'ao and the princess will handle the forest.

I believe that with them, the forest will be managed very well. "

His face was slightly stunned. Xiang Le had never expected that Lu Li would actually convince Bai Ya to help him manage the forest.

This man seemed to have planned everything long ago.

At this time, Xiang Le suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

"But... the battle is not over yet. Although you have obtained the golden fruit, someone has not given up yet.

After he said this, Lu Li suddenly felt a familiar but strange breath approaching rapidly.

Then, he saw a figure suddenly rushing up from below and landing accurately on the top of the World Tree Tower.

When he saw the other person's image clearly, Gao Siwu exclaimed.

"Is that Overlord?!"

It shouldn't be!

Just now, Lu Li should have moved everything in Helheim Forest through the cracks.

But why did Overlord appear now?

Compared to the surprised Gao Siwu, when Lu Li saw the person coming from the opposite side, he was only slightly surprised and returned to normal.

I hadn't seen Qiwen Jiedou for a while before, but I didn't expect that this guy would quietly become Lord Baron.

This was a bit beyond Lu Li's expectations.

Originally, Lu Li thought that this guy might have been killed somewhere, but now it seems that he was not.

It was still the same as the previous situation. Qiwen Jiedou suppressed the poison of Helheim Forest with his strong willpower and successfully evolved into a dominant alien.

It must be said that Qiwen Jiedou is indeed a strong man.

He relied on his willpower to resist the erosion of Helheim Forest:

After becoming a dominant alien, he successfully retained his original will.

Qiwen Jiedou, who was squatting, slowly stood up, and when he stood up, he turned back to his original appearance.


Gao Siwu and Minato Yaozi were very surprised.

The two never expected that this suddenly appearing dominant alien would be Qiwen Jiedou.

This sudden situation directly confused the two.

Why can humans become overlords of aliens? So what happened?

Qi Wen Jie Dou set his sights on Gao Si Wu, and he saw that Gao Si Wu was different from before.

This is...the Daughter of Origin.

With a hint of fire in his eyes, Qi Wen Jiedou guessed that the golden fruit should be at Gao Siwu's place.

Unexpectedly, this guy turned into a Overlord Foreigner. No wonder Sagara just said that the battle is not over yet.

"Well, although I can already foresee the outcome of this battle, he will not give up the fight for the golden fruit so easily.

Just let me see the battle between you. "

Xiang Le came here not only to congratulate Lu Li on becoming the new god, but also to observe the final battle.

"Lu Li, now that I am powerful enough, I want to challenge you!

The winner will become the true owner of the golden fruit and become the supreme god! "

There was a strong fighting spirit in Qi Wen Jiedou's eyes, and he couldn't wait to have a good fight with Lu Li.

He was too weak before and was not even qualified to challenge Lu Li.

But it's different now.

Having become the Overlord Foreigner, he is now powerful enough to challenge Lu Li.

"Quit fighting! Don't do this. Stop it. You are no match for Brother Lu Li."

Gao Siwu quickly persuaded Qi Wen Jiedou to give up the battle.

However, once he decides on something, he will definitely do it. He doesn't know what giving up means.

“Women should stop interfering in men’s matters!

This is a battle between me and Lu Li, no one can stop it! "

Qi Wen Jiedou's words were very firm and serious, and he was fully prepared.

Chapter 657 Lord Baron’s persistence and challenge! Enhanced, burning form!

Opening his mouth, Gao Siwu also knew that this guy Qi Wen Jiedou had a stubborn mind.

Although their personalities are completely different from Kuzu Ye Hongtae's, they are very similar in some aspects.

Once you decide on something, you will definitely try your best to complete it.

Even if you know that there will be no good results, you will rush forward regardless of everything.

Lu Li gently patted Gao Siwu's shoulder and walked forward with a smile.

"Exu Wen Jie Dou, I'm afraid you don't know yet. You're a step too late. The power of the golden fruit now belongs to me.

Your challenge is meaningless and will not have the results you expect.

You...can't win, and I...can't lose! "

His words were sonorous and powerful, and his body was full of domineering. Lu Li's confidence was clearly displayed at this moment.

He didn’t think that the Overlord of the Foreign Land, the Expelling Pattern Jiedou, could defeat him:

Even though he has become a powerful overlord of the foreigners, the strength that Expulsion Jiedou possesses is at most slightly better than Zhenhong and the others.

Compared with the Overlord Foreigner of Bai Ya's level, the difference is still too far.

Although Qi Wen Jiedou learned that the golden fruit now belonged to Lu Li, he did not really understand its meaning.

What he thought was that Lu Li had already obtained the golden fruit, but he had not yet obtained the true power of the golden fruit.

His expression did not waver at all, and Qi Wen Jiedou waved his hand.

"No need to say anything! Lu Li, this will be the last battle between us."

The winner will enjoy the golden fruit and also Wu! "

Having said this, Qi Wen Jiedou suddenly spread his hands.

A large number of Helheim plants suddenly emerged from his body and surrounded him.

The next second, these Helheim plants were integrated into his body, and his body shape changed instantly.

Lord Balon!

Minato Yoshiko shook his head slightly when he saw Kukun Jiedou transformed into Lord Baron again.

To her, this seemed like the behavior of a lunatic.

She couldn't understand the idea of ​​voluntarily giving up her identity as a human being and becoming the Overlord Foreigner.

In order to pursue greater power, is it really necessary to do this?

"Lu Li, come on! Let me see your true strength!"

Lord Baron clenched his fist tightly and felt the surge of his own power. He had sufficient confidence.

Seeing that Lord Balon was unwilling to give up, Lu Li didn't mind giving him a ride.

"Are you so impatient? Then I will... make it happen for you.

As he spoke, a circle of change automatically appeared on Lu Li's waist.

After eating the golden fruit, Lu Li gained the power of God and his life essence was improved. In addition to being strengthened in all aspects, the power in his body was also improved.


For example, the power of light.

Whether it is Kuga or Yajita, if you want to become stronger, you need to develop your own power to a certain extent.

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