Unlike the knight who uses equipment to transform into his ultimate form, he still needs to become stronger or realize it.

Lu Li had only used the power of light to develop the trinity form before, but had not developed the more advanced "gate, crab" burning form, or the final shining form.

But after fusing the power of the golden fruit, Lu Li's power of light was also strengthened to a considerable extent.


The Philosopher's Stone in the middle of the circle of transformation burst into dazzling light, directly covering Lu Li.

At the same time, the Circle of Change itself changes.

The Philosopher's Stone has changed from gold to purple, and the dragon's claws extend from the circle of change, clasping the Philosopher's Stone in the middle.

In the dazzling light, Lu Li's body burned with blazing flames.

The extremely strong body appears in the flames, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

A pair of yellow eyes shined brightly, and the light penetrated the flames.

An arm with a sharp blade suddenly came out of the flames, and with a sweep in the air, the flames gradually dissipated.

The figure in the flames finally appeared in front of everyone.

Yellow-orange eyes, red overlapping horns on the head have expanded into hexagons

The red armor on the upper body has high bulges, and it looks like there are cracks like meridians.

Vaguely, you can still see flames surging between the cracks.

The overall first impression is that he is very strong.

There was a very hot aura exuding from his body, as if it was going to burn everything.

Kamen Rider Agita. Burning Form!

Among all the known forms of Yajituo, it has the strongest strength and defense.

Of course, its weaknesses are also obvious, and its flexibility is the lowest among all forms.

It is called the first final form of Yajita!

He is a super-strength warrior who bursts with the power of anger, and has a strong body that can rebound enemy attacks.

Just standing next to Lu Li, Gao Siwu and Minato Yoko could clearly feel that the air seemed to have become much hotter.

Once again seeing Lu Li transform into a new form that he had never seen before, Xiang Le felt speechless.

What's going on with this guy?

So far, Xiangle has seen Lu Li in many forms, and each time will be different.

That’s too much!

This is no different from cheating.

The most important thing is that every transformation form of Lu Li seems to be very powerful.

That strong body actually says it all.

The overlapping horns on the head of Yajituo's burning form are always open, which is entirely due to the excess energy in the body.

Seeing the terrifying aura released from Lu Li after completing his transformation, a solemn look suddenly flashed in Lord Baron's eyes.

But at the same time, a strong fighting spirit also emerged from his body.

A strong opponent made him excited.

Sure enough, in the end, the only person who could compete with him for the power of the golden fruit was Lu Li.

"Lu Li, let me see if there is still such a big gap in strength between us!

Who among us will the golden fruit fall into? "

As soon as he finished speaking, a big sword, Guro Barissa, appeared in Lord Baron's hand.

It looks like a sword-type weapon very similar to the one used by True Red.

Lord Balon, holding a big sword, rushed towards Lu Li.

His body suddenly transformed into a dark red flowing gas state, and he quickly approached Lu Li.


When he was close enough to Lu Li, Lord Baron suddenly transformed into a physical entity and slashed down with his sword.

Facing the menacing Lord Balon, Lu Li did not make any unnecessary moves.


Gao Siwu was worried that Lu Li would be injured and quickly reminded him.

But Lu Li still didn't make any move and just gave her a reassuring look.


The big sword slashed hard at Lu Li's right shoulder.

The sharp blade scratched across the armor, sending out bursts of sparks.

bingo? !

Lord Balon could clearly feel that he had indeed hit Lu Li.

In his eyes, Lu Li never moved from the beginning to the end and stood still.

He actually relied on his body to carry his own sword? !

The most important thing is that Lord Balon suddenly realized that even if his sword hit Lu Li, it didn't seem to have any impact on him.

There were no traces left on the strong red armor.

The blow hit, but there was no result. Lord Baron's heart suddenly tightened.

How can it be?

There was no time to think so much, and he was ready to fly back.

But just when he was about to retreat, Lu Li suddenly moved.

A hand that seemed to be burning with flames suddenly grasped the sword in Lord Baron's hand.

Just one hand actually restrained the movement of Lord Baron from behind.

"Aren't you going to attack? What's the point of retreating now?

The calm voice came, causing Lord Baron to become extremely alert.

The next second, a sandbag-sized fist suddenly appeared in Lord Baron's field of vision.


Lord Baron was punched hard in the face, and a terrifying force struck him.

This terrifying force actually blasted him away.

The body is like a kite with its string broken.

Lord Balon (Zhao Zhao) felt that his mind was dizzy, as if he had been hit by a train at full speed.

However, fortunately, his current physical strength is good and he can barely withstand this blow.

He fell to the ground in a very embarrassed state, and Lord Baron rolled several times before stopping.

Gao Siwu and the other three were dumbfounded.

So strong! !

Fortunately for Minato Yoshiko and Xiangraku, they both knew what the battle between Lu Li and the Overlord Foreigners was like.

But Gao Siwu didn't know.

Anyway, she only felt that Lord Baron seemed very strong just now.

Unexpectedly, he was knocked over with one punch.

Although Xiang Le had already determined that Lu Li would never lose, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

After gaining the power of the golden fruit, Lu Li became even more powerful, surpassing Wo.

Lord Balon chose to challenge Lu Li at this time, which was no different from rushing to kill him.

The strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all, and there is no suspense about the outcome of this battle.


The embarrassed Lord Balon used his arms to support his body and barely stood up.

His body was swaying, and it looked like the punch just now wasn't that good.

He shook his head vigorously, as if trying to wake himself up.

Chapter 658 Lord Baron ended, and finally... lost!

Lord Balon finally realized that what Lu Li just said to him was not a joke.

Even though he has become the Overlord Foreigner and gained very powerful power.

But there is still a huge gap between him and Lu Li that is difficult to bridge.

But...that wasn't enough to make him give up.

Even though he knew that his strength might not be as good as Lu Li's, Lord Balon would still insist on challenging.

Even though he knew that the final outcome might be irreversible, he would still rush forward without hesitation.

Looking at the powerful warrior with a bright fiery red body, Lord Baron tightly held the sword in his hand.

"Come again!!"

As Lord Baron roared out, he rushed forward again.

But this time, Lord Baron did not choose to rush forward blankly, but used some other means.

He waved his left hand, and a crack appeared out of thin air on the side.

Then, a large number of Helheim plants emerged from it and rushed toward Lu Li crazily.

These Helheim plants quickly wrapped around Lu Li, entangling him tightly in the middle.

Of course, Lord Balon did not intend to rely on this method to deal with Lu Li, he just wanted to delay Lu Li's pace.

The purpose is to create opportunities for your own offense.

The big sword in his hand shone with dark red light. Lord Baron rushed over at the fastest speed, and the big sword in his hand swept across quickly.

At this time, there seemed to be no movement outside the surrounding area formed by the plants in Helheim.

Lord Baron even thought that his attack was a sure hit.

However, just when Lord Baron was thinking this, a big red hand suddenly came out from the Helheim plant.


The big sword that was supposed to have terrifying cutting power was directly pinched by this hand.


Lord Baron suddenly felt very surprised.

What was happening now was completely different from what he thought.

Shouldn't it be his own attack that hit Lu Li?

At this moment, the Helheim plants that had originally entangled Lu Li gradually began to disperse, completely refusing to accept Lord Baron's orders.

"how come?!"

At this time, Lord Balon still couldn't understand why Lu Li also had the power to control Helheim plants.

When the plants dispersed on their own, Lu Li reappeared in front of Lord Baron.

"You must be surprised, why am I, who is not the Overlord Foreigner, able to control Helheim plants, right?"

Holding Lord Balon's sword with one hand, Lu Li appeared to be very skillful.

No matter how hard Lord Balon used his hands, he could never break through Lu Li's hand.

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