Seeing that his attack was completely blocked, Lord Balon did not insist on using the big sword.

Lord Baron released his sword with both hands and quickly raised his right hand while taking a step back.


A terrifying dark red energy was released from his hand, bringing great impact.

Pure energy use, using terrifyingly powerful energy to directly knock back the target.

This dark red energy bombarded Lu Li's body (bgbc), just like before, without any impact on Lu Li.

Noticing that Lu Li was still standing motionless, Lord Baron gritted his teeth.

Come again! !

Both hands release energy simultaneously.

The impact becomes stronger again!

"Hang Yiyi!!"

Under this terrifying impact, cracks appeared on the ground.

Not long after, the flat ground was directly overturned by this terrifying impact.

Under the impact, countless rubbles rushed toward Lu Li crazily.

Lu Li, who was holding Lord Balon's sword, suddenly walked forward against the powerful impact.

How can it be? !

Lord Balon was extremely horrified.

If Lu Li used his body to withstand the impact he unleashed, it would already be terrifying.

So now approaching him against the terrifying impact he released, this is simply a perversion!


Every time Lu Li took a step, there would be an obvious footprint on the ground.

You must know that this is a very solid ground, not soil.

Holding Lord Balon's sword with his backhand, the power of the flames directly attached to the sword.

A casual chop, a very unpretentious blow.


The sword burning with blazing flames easily broke through the terrifying impact released by Lord Baron.

To be precise, the flames on the sword directly cut off the energy released by Lord Baron.

Lord Baron, who was forced to stop, was extremely shocked at this moment.

He couldn't understand at all how Lu Li did it.

After doing all this, Lu Li casually threw the sword in his hand to Lord Baron.

"Is this all your this all?"

The understatement immediately stimulated Lord Baron.

He couldn't bear it no matter what, Lu Li looked down on him so much.

"Don't underestimate people so much!"

Grabbing the big sword, Lord Baron roared and rushed towards Lu Li.

The moment Lord Balon took action, the Philosopher's Stone burst into a burst of faint purple light.

A weapon suddenly appeared in front of Lu Li. The object was S-shaped and looked quite weird.

Shining King Sword!

When Lu Li reached out and grasped the middle handle of the Shining King Sword, the Shining King Sword automatically unfolded into a single-edged naginata mode.

The Shining King Sword is the highest level among all weapons of Yajituo.

It is very powerful, and it is a super weapon made with super powers using the hardest and sharpest metal on the earth.

Due to its terrifying nature, it can slice through any enemy.

When he saw Lu Li taking out the Shining Document, Xiangra's first reaction was that this weapon was quite powerful.

The cold light flashing at the tip seemed to be able to cut through everything.


Except for taking a few steps when Lu Li stopped attacking and walked up, this was the second time Lu Li took the initiative after facing Lord Baron.


As both approached at the same time, the distance quickly narrowed.

"Lu Li one by one!!"

Lord Baron roared hysterically, trying his best to swing his strongest blow.

He poured his own energy into the sword, and the dark red light on the blade was very rich.


The air around the sword blade was completely cut off by this force.

Facing Lord Balon's strongest attack with all his strength, Lu Li didn't seem to move much.

Even in single-edged mode, the Shining King Sword should be a weapon held by both hands, but Lu Li directly chose to hold it with one hand.

He cut it off quickly and lightly, Lu Li's eyes were very calm.

He seemed to have already seen the final result.


The collision of the two weapons made a very crisp sound.

The dark red energy on the sword spread rapidly after the collision.


Lord Baron roared with all his strength and tried his best to suppress Lu Li.

However, the stalemate lasted only a few seconds, and cracks appeared where the big sword in Lord Baron's hand collided with the Shining King's Sword.

Under the influence of force, these cracks are still extending.

By the end, it had spread all over the entire sword body.

The reason why it hasn't been broken yet is entirely because Lord Baron's energy has been temporarily maintained.


But it is a pity that the sword, which was barely able to survive with its energy, was eventually shattered by the sharp Shining King Sword.

The great sword shattered into countless fragments, scattering into the surrounding ground.

The Shining King Sword broke through the big sword and its speed did not slow down at all after resisting, and instantly cut through Lord Baron's body.

"Uh one one!!"

Lu Li's body appeared behind Lord Balon, while Lord Balon still maintained the same posture as before.

Withdrawing the Shining King Sword, Lu Li uttered three words.

it's over.

As Lu Li's voice fell, Lord Baron slowly fell down.


What the Shining King Sword had just slashed was not only Lord Baron's greatsword, but also his life force.

The terrifying flame energy burned in his body and took his life.

Lord Baron was indeed a very good fighting force, and it would be good if he could be recovered.

But unfortunately, Lord Baron was a Drive Pattern Jie Dou, which meant that he could never submit to anyone.

Sending him off was the only thing Lu Li could do.

Directly canceling the transformation, Lu Li knew very well what Lord Baron's current state was, and it was impossible for him to attack him again.

"Jie Dou!"

After all, he was a familiar person. Gao Siwu saw Lord Baron lying on the ground, and naturally felt a little nervous, and hurried over.

At this time, Lord Baron also changed back to the Drive Pattern Jie Dou.

Lying on the ground helplessly, he could feel his life gradually disappearing.

"Sure enough...even in the end, I still couldn't beat you.

Lu Li, your really too strong.

Although his life is passing away, Qu Wen Jie Dou has no regrets.

He has tried his best to fight for everything he wants.

If he loses, he loses. There is nothing to be regretful about.

He Qu Wen Jie Dou can afford to lose!

PS: Thank you for the urging votes from Happy Life Everyday Upward!

Chapter 659 Ruo Cai is here! Sister La Jing is in the water!

"Qu Wen Jie Dou, you are such a persistent guy, don't worry, I will remember you."

Lu Li stared at Qu Wen Jie Dou.

This man who is not afraid of any challenge, who is willing to sacrifice his life for the goal he pursues. worth remembering.

"Really? It seems...not bad to be remembered by you."

After saying this, Qu Wen Jie Dou showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Then, his body gradually turned into particles and disappeared.

"Jie Dou? ! "

Seeing the disappearance of the Qiwen Jiedou, Gao Siwu shouted nervously.

But her shouting was useless, and the Qiwen Jiedou soon disappeared without a trace.

Kneeling on the ground in a daze, Gao Siwu felt very complicated for a moment.

She never thought that the Qiwen Jiedou would disappear in front of her eyes.

Completely disappeared from this world.

This was indeed a huge shock to Gao Siwu.

Although this incident caused a great shock to Gao Siwu, she did not blame Lu Li for it. No mercy:

From the previous battle, it can be seen that Qi Wen Jie Dou was very serious about the battle, and he was determined to kill Lu Li and seize the golden fruit.

It's just that he was not as skilled as Lu Li and lost to him.

It was reasonable for him to be killed, and there was nothing surprising.

Although he knew this in his heart, Qi Wen Jie Dou was still a familiar person after all, and Gao Siwu felt a little sad in his heart.

After a long time without speaking, Gao Siwu seemed very silent.

"Wu, will you blame me for killing Qi Wen Jie Dou?"

A sudden voice came from behind.

Gao Siwu came back to his senses and turned his head to look at Lu Li who was staring at him behind him.

Without any hesitation, Gao Siwu shook his head slightly.

"No, it's not your fault. Jie Dou has been pursuing powerful power before.

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