To be precise, it should be the complete power of creation.

The power of creation possessed by the current goddess of creation is incomplete.

It is necessary to wait until General Fu becomes a god completely before the power of creation is complete.

Since he has come to this world and will start a game of games, Lu Li is looking forward to it.

The Desire Grand Prix hosted by Future Man!

As for whether to participate or not, Lu Li himself doesn't care.

As a kind of entertainment, it seems to be a good way to have fun.

How to do it specifically, Lu Li has not yet decided.

The final stage of this game is about to come, and Lu Li is going to watch General Fu's performance.

How much fun can General Fu, who is known as the King of Reiwa, bring to himself?

It's really exciting!

Afterwards, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

At this time, at the location of the evil demon of Slug Fortress.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi drove the vanguard and saved Kurama Neon.

The city has been turned into a mess, and the Slug Fortress Demons are waving a large number of tentacles to destroy the city buildings.

=Of course, this is limited to the blocked area.

The blocked area is the game field, and the battle can only be carried out in the game field.

All people in this area cannot leave the game field.

Unless the game is over, the blockade area is lifted.

There are also a large number of soldier demons in the blockade area.

The soldier demons are the lowest level demons, with weak combat power, but the number is relatively large.

Weak combat power is only for the Kamen Riders participating in the game.

For ordinary people, even the most ordinary soldier demons are still a bit scary.

The demons will not show mercy to human hands, and anyone in the game area will become their target of attack.

Seeing the destruction of the city, Sakurai Jinghe knelt on the ground with a dull face, and his heart was very desperate.

Obviously, he just wanted simple happiness, but he found that the city would be destroyed in an instant.

For Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who has participated in many games, this is not the first time he has seen such a scene.

"Don't worry, even if the dinosaurs are extinct, the world will be reborn.

As long as you can become the final winner of the Desire Grand Prix, you can become the God of Desire and restore the world to its previous state.

But for Sakurai Keihe, who doesn't know this at all, this is simply impossible.

With a bitter smile on his dusty face, Sakurai Keihe said lostly.

"What era was that.

"Let such a world be destroyed, and only after it is destroyed can it start over."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi had a confident smile on his face.

He wanted to be the final winner of this Desire Grand Prix, and if he did, he could repair the world and return it to its previous state.

"Start over?"

Kurama Neon had a strong doubt in her eyes, and obviously didn't understand what Ukiyo Hidetoshi was talking about.

Without any further reply, Ukiyo Hidetoshi turned his head to look at the large number of soldiers and demons gathered in front of him, and strode forward to meet them.

He had already put on the Desire Driver on his waist, and the Knight Core D was embedded in the middle core position.

Knight Core D is the personal identification symbol of the participants of the Desire Grand Prix.

Everyone has a different Knight Core D, and after being eliminated in the game, it will be confiscated by the operator.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi casually took out the Magnum buckle, his face full of confidence.

He casually inserted it into the right side of the Desire Driver.

"Set (load)!"

On the right side of Ukiyo Hidetoshi, a series of holographic images appeared.

He turned slightly, bent his left foot slightly and stood on tiptoe, posing a pretentious transformation posture, and snapped his fingers with a smile.


........ Ask for flowers

Turning the Markland buckle casually, pinching the handle at the same time.

The Desire Driver suddenly burst into a dazzling red light, and the next second, many red bullets shot out from it.

The red bullet turned around and hit the holographic image on the right side of Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

A white upper body armor appeared at the location of the holographic image just now.


And Ukiyo Hidetoshi was wearing a black body armor.


The fox mask on the top of the head and the white armor on the right side suddenly combined with Ukiyo Hidetoshi wearing black tree armor.

"Ready. Fight!"

The fox-like head, with a white scarf similar to a fox tail on the neck, swaying in the wind.

Kamen Rider Geats. Magnum form!


Seeing the fully transformed Geats, Sakurai Keikazu and Kurama Neon shouted at the same time.

Obviously, the two did not expect that Ukiyo Hidetoshi would become a fox after transformation.


Just when Geats completed the transformation, Lu Li had already arrived at a towering building.

The place where Lu Li was just now was not within the scope of the game area.

When he came to the boundary of the game area, a mysterious force blocked his entry.

But unfortunately, the power Lu Li possessed far exceeded the operation of the Desire Grand Prix.

The teleportation directly crossed the boundary of the game area, appeared within the game area, and successfully arrived at the battlefield.

When I came here, I happened to see Jihu who had just completed his transformation.

Meanwhile, on the operations side.

Although the border was not destroyed, Lu Li's sudden appearance was indeed noticed by the operations side.

Kiroli, who is still the game manager, immediately noticed the presence of Lu Lidi.

Kiroli, who was wearing a mask, looked at the sudden appearance of Lu Li in the screen, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

" this man?!

There was a hint of surprise in his words.

He didn't notice at all how Lu Li appeared within the game area.

But as an operator and also a game administrator, he could be very sure that Lu Li was definitely not in the game area just now.

Could it be that...can this world break the boundaries of the game area?


I immediately checked the game area and found that the boundary of the game area had not been destroyed.

This made the confusion in Kiroli's eyes even worse.

The opponent did not break the boundary, but suddenly appeared within the game area.

Staring at Lu Li, Kiroli always felt that this man was not that simple.

But for the time being, Lu Li had no intention of getting involved in this game, and Kiroli didn't take any action for the time being.

As long as the game can go on smoothly and no problems are seen by the audience from the future, then he doesn't have to solve the problem.

Turning his gaze back to Jihu, Kiroli's eyes had a gloomy look.

The reason for this is that Jihu is likely to become the winner of the Desire Grand Prix this time.

Chapter 665 The Game Administrator’s Fear! Magnum advances!

Extreme Fox’s debut!

Kiroli couldn't understand why Hidetoshi Ukiyo was so strong.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo has participated in the Desire Grand Prix for many times now.”

Since this guy participated in the first Desire Grand Prix, he has appeared in subsequent Desire Grand Prix!

This is mainly because Hidetoshi Ukiyo wrote a special wish after winning the Desire Grand Prix.

That is, he can participate in every Desire Grand Prix.

As an operator, you must naturally abide by the rules of the Desire Grand Prix.

This is the wish of the God of Desire, and even operations must abide by it.

It is precisely because of this that Ukiyo Hidetoshi can participate in every Desire Grand Prix and has won many awards.

Allowing a person to become the God of Desire for a long time makes some viewers from the future feel somewhat dissatisfied.

But he must abide by the rules of the game and cannot mess around.

This made Kiroli feel very unhappy.

Originally, various people were supposed to take turns being the God of Desire, but now, more often than not, it has become like Hidetoshi Ukiyo's personal show.

For Kiroli, who is the game administrator, the existence of Hidetoshi Ukiyo is like a bug.

But the problem is that he can't fix this "923" bug at will.

It is inevitable that you will feel unhappy and dislike the other person.

Of course, there is another extremely important reason, that is, Ukiyo Hidetoshi is gradually approaching the core secret of the Desire Grand Prix.

As a game administrator, he naturally does not want the core secret of the Desire Grand Prix to be exposed.

Jihu, who had obtained the propeller buckle, showed his combat prowess. He felt that the winner of this competition was almost determined.

"The floating world. Heroic longevity."

Return to the chaotic city.

"Okay, now comes the highlight moment."

Before Jihu finished speaking, a large number of soldiers, evil demons, armed with sharp swords, quickly rushed towards Jihu.

Jihu, who was holding the Magnum Shooter 40X, faced so many soldiers and evil demons without any fear at all, and even faced them directly.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Bullets after bullets were fired accurately, hitting the soldiers and demons.

Although the individual strength is insufficient, the numbers are huge, and the soldiers and evil demons even know how to work as a team.

But facing Jihu, who has rich combat experience, the cooperation of the evil demon disciples is nothing.

Completely a one-man show!

Unfolding the extended arms on the arms, there is a fixed short gun on it.

Jihu fights in close quarters while shooting with a short gun.

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