The extremely powerful strength directly suppressed a group of soldiers and evil demons.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The soldiers and evil demons who were killed fell to the ground and exploded.

At this time, the huge evil demons of the Slug Fortress in the sky also noticed the polar fox.

It directly released a terrifying laser from the front end and shot it at the polar fox below.

Even the polar fox did not dare to withstand the terrifying laser and quickly dodged to the side.


The terrifying laser bombarded the earth.

Countless flying stones and dust were splashed, and at the same time, very terrifying marks were left on the ground.

The polar fox who dodged the past directly switched the Maglan Shooter 40X in his hand to rifle mode, which can be used for long-distance accurate shooting.

Directly aim at the swaying tentacles of the slug fortress evil demons and launch accurate shooting.

"Bang! Bang!

Every time he shot, he saw the tentacles of the evil demons of the Slug Fortress being broken.

After shooting off several tentacles, Polar Fox did not continue shooting, but took off the Magnum buckle on the right side of the Desire Driver.

Then he took out a fiery red buckle, the Thruster Buckle.

At the same time, this is also the strongest enhanced buckle in the previous Desire Grand Prix.

It is a one-time use equipment, a universal weapon that can improve various physical abilities.

This is the biggest trump card in Polar Fox's hand.

After all, it is a universal equipment that can only be used once, and the improvement it brings is naturally much stronger than other upgraded buckles.

After each use, the Thruster Buckle will fly away by itself.

"Finally, it's this thing's turn to appear."

As he said, he directly inserted the Thruster Buckle in his hand into the right side of the Desire Driver.


Twist the handle of the Thruster Buckle violently.

Suddenly, a strong flame spurted out from the Thruster Buckle, accompanied by the roar/hum of the locomotive.

"Buzz! "

A holographic image appeared again on the right side, and under the wrapping of flames, it instantly turned into a half-body red armor.

When the red armor replaced the Magnum armor on his body, Polar Fox also changed into a new form.

Kamen Rider Polar Fox Reasoning Device Form!

Thanks to the powerful force of the booster buckle, Polar Fox transformed into this form has extremely specialized speed and jumping power.

And with the blessing of engine propulsion, the destructive power is also greatly improved.

"Boost (boost)! Ready. Fight! ”

He jumped down and landed directly on the Propulsion Vanguard that could only be summoned by pushing the buckle.

He turned the accelerator and drove the Propulsion Vanguard directly towards the Slug Fortress Demon.

Facing this kind of fortress-type Demon, as a veteran player, he naturally knew how to attack.

It is almost impossible to break it from the front from the outside. The best way is to break it from the inside.

The Slug Fortress Demon noticed that the Polar Fox was approaching this side, and released a terrifying light again, trying to kill the Polar Fox directly.

Although the light released by the Slug Fortress Demon was terrifying, the movement was very slow.

For the Polar Fox, whose speed has been specialized to the extreme, and is also driving the Propulsion Vanguard, this attack speed is not enough.

"Boom boom boom! !"

"Buzz buzz buzz

One! "

In the flames of the explosion, there were roars of the Vanguard.

The next second, a fiery red figure flew out of the flames and flew directly towards the Slug Fortress Demon in the sky.

Without hesitation, he finally rushed into the body of the Slug Fortress Demon from its mouth.

As soon as he entered the interior, the Fox immediately began to wreak havoc.

The Slug Fortress Demon was still the same as the Fortress Demon before, with an extremely hard exterior and difficult to break through.

But its interior did not have the same defensive power.

"Boom boom boom"

The driver of the Vanguard rushed forward, and there were bursts of explosions wherever he passed.

The Fox drove the Vanguard with one hand, grabbed the handle of the booster buckle fiercely, and twisted it twice...

"Boost.Time (boost time)!"

He clenched his fists and pushed forward, directly exploding with terrifying energy, and the booster on his arm sprayed out a large amount of flames.


With the help of this terrifying propulsion force, combined with the powerful propulsion force of the Boost Vanguard, he directly hit the Slug Fortress Demon.

He rushed through the body of the Slug Fortress Demon and rushed out.

After rushing out of the Slug Fortress Demon, he controlled the motorcycle to fall back to the ground.

With a sudden brake drift, the Boost Vanguard quickly stopped and landed smoothly with a front flip.

Insert the Magnum buckle into the left side of the Desire Drive.


Twist the handle of the Boost Buckle, turn the wheel of the Magnum Buckle at the same time, and then grab the handle of the Magnum Buckle.

The red bullet shot out and directly shattered the holographic image on his left side, turning into white lower body armor.

"Dual.On (dual-core drive)!"

"Get.Ready.For.BoostMagnum (Get ready, booster magnum)!"

The white magnum lower body armor is directly embedded in the black lower body armor of the base body.

After completing the transformation, the polar fox immediately turned the desire drive and directly switched the left and right directions.


A mechanical ring like a holographic image appeared around the body, wrapping the Fox, and the body began to flip and deform:

Like a robot, the legs of the lower body suddenly turned into the hands of the upper body.

Kamen Rider Fox. Magnum Thruster Form!

Seeing such a special change, directly turned upside down, Sakurai Jinghe was stunned.


He didn't understand at all why the guy in front of him suddenly turned over.

It was obviously the upper body, how did it suddenly become the lower body? !

After completing the transformation, Fox turned the wheel on the 3.9 Magnum buckle with his right hand and pressed the button on the handle at the same time.

Then he quickly twisted the handle of the thruster buckle twice.


Accompanied by the roar/hum of the engine, the Desire Drive exuded a dazzling light

Assuming a jumping posture, the thruster armor on the legs sprayed bursts of flames.

Put your legs together and suddenly jump into the sky.

The propulsion pioneer parked behind him also changed instantly, turning into a red mechanical fox, and leaped high with the polar fox.

In the sky, the polar fox landed steadily on the back of the propulsion pioneer, and twisted the handle of the propulsion buckle with his left hand again.

A large amount of flames sprayed out from behind the red mechanical fox, and the flames wrapped itself and the polar fox.

"Magnum.Boost.Grand.Victory (Magnum booster wins a grand victory)!"

Standing on the back of the booster, the polar fox accumulated all his strength in his feet and then jumped down.

The magnum and booster energy condensed in his feet merged with the flames of the booster.

Falling from above at a very fast speed, the fox emblem appeared in the air at the same time

Chapter 666 Reshaping the world! The fox targeted by God,

Target one sponsor!

The polar fox released his ultimate move and kicked the booster directly on the body of the slug fortress demon.

The terrifying power directly penetrated the body of the slug fortress demon.

"Boom boom boom! One!!"

With a burst of A series of explosions sounded, and the evil demons of the Slug Fortress disappeared directly in the flames of the explosion.

Jihu landed on the ground handsomely and successfully won the Desire Grand Prix.

Lu Li, who had been watching all this from the top of the building, clearly noticed that the boundary of the game area had disappeared.

This also means that the game is over.

"The guy who has been reincarnated for more than 2,000 years is indeed different and has very rich combat experience."

Judging from the battle just now, Ukiyo Hidetoshi is completely at ease with this level of battle.

But it's true that Ukiyo Hidetoshi has been reincarnated for more than 2,000 years.

During this period, he participated in the Desire Grand Prix in different identities, but his combat experience has been accumulated, so it is reasonable that he is so strong.

On the war In terms of fighting experience, Ukiyo Hidetoshi is definitely an excellent warrior.


At this time, a series of melodious bells rang.

Not long after, Lu Li noticed that the surrounding cities began to recover gradually.

The world...began to reshape.

All the innocent people who died in this game will return to their previous lives.

And everything destroyed in the battle will be restored to its original state.

The person who takes back the Knight Core 21D will have the opportunity to regain his memory.

Watching the world being reshaped gradually, Lu Li could feel that there was a very special force in it that was transforming this world.

This world will become what the winner of the Game Desire Grand Prix, the God of Desire, expects. World.

The power of creation!

This power is very similar to the power of creation that Lu Li possesses.

But. There are also differences.

Not long after, Lu Li felt a special power coming, as if he wanted to reshape himself.

But unfortunately, Lu Li, who has become a god, will naturally not be affected by this power.

The power in his body automatically bounced off the power of creation that wanted to reshape himself.

The power of creation has no consciousness, and seeing that it cannot reshape Lu Li, it did not harass Lu Li again and again.

The power of creation will naturally not force something that cannot be done.

In just a blink of an eye, the city that was just destroyed into ruins has been completely repaired.

It is indeed a very magical power of creation.

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