The most important thing is that when the power of creation repairs the city, it also changes the memory and cognition of everyone in the world.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who became the god of desire, realized his wish.

Transform this world into your ideal world.

After feeling the magic of the power of creation, Lu Li became more determined to take it into his hands.

"Ukiyo Hidetoshi, I... am looking forward to your growth.

Si'er, as the biggest BOSS in the whole drama, this guy didn't show up at all in the early stage.

I don’t know where to watch the show now.

As the founder of the Desire Grand Prix and also the game producer of the Desire Grand Prix in ancient times, Siel can be said to be a very evil guy.

When the game doesn't go his way, he destroys everything.

Even together with the world, it begins what he calls the grand finale:

Who is currently managing this game? Is it the senior management or Neelam?

This guy often wanders around the human world, accompanied by a little secretary who is always thinking about backstabbing, but he doesn't know where he is now.

As a person from the future, it would be difficult for Lu Li to find traces of Neelam.

However, Lu Li was able to find another person who had contact with Nilam.

Through that person, he could also find Neelam.

This person is Kurama Niyin’s father, Kurama Guangsheng

The controller of the Kurama Zaibatsu is also one of the sponsors of the Desire Grand Prix and has direct contact with senior figures in the Desire Grand Prix.

Thinking of this, Lu Li closed his eyes and prepared to check the earth's memory.

Before, he was able to browse the earth's memories at will in another world.

After becoming a god, this ability became even more powerful, and it was easy to browse the earth's memory.

As long as you have a little information about the target in your mind, you can directly view the target's details.

Of course, the premise is that the target leaves traces on the earth.

People from the future don’t count.

They did leave some traces, but under the influence of the power of creation, their traces were shallow.

After all, he is not a person of this era.


Lu Li suddenly opened his eyes, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He thought he could easily find out the information about Kurama Guangsheng, but he didn't expect that he couldn't access the earth's memory.

There is a special force that prevents Lu Li from seeing the earth's memories.

This special power is consistent with the power of creation that reshaped the world before.

In other words, the power of creation was preventing Lu Li from accessing Earth's memory.

Lu Li didn't know what the reasons were for the time being.

But what is certain is that he is indeed unable to view the earth's memory.

Lu Li could also choose to force a breakthrough, but doing so would definitely be discovered by the operation.

This is not necessary for the time being.

If this method doesn't work, you have to use other methods.

As the top chaebol in this country, it is not difficult to find Kurama Kosei, his controller.

You can find relevant information online.

Soon, Lu Li found the address of Kurama's family easily.

It can be said that Lu Li is quite unfamiliar with this new world. Even if he knows the address, he still needs to go online to check how to get there.

As the world was reshaped, Hidetoshi Ukiyo successfully realized his wish.

He has now become a shining star in the world and an idol in the hearts of many people.

And the reason why he did this was to increase his popularity.

Let more and more people recognize him, and he also hopes that his mother can be among these people.

But it is a pity that even though he has become a well-known star, there is still no news about his mother.

He has been looking for his mother since a long time ago, but until now he still has no clue

Once, he wanted to write his mother's name on the wish card for the Desire Grand Prix, but unfortunately it was directly erased.

This means that there must be a very deep connection between the Desire Grand Prix and the mother.

As for what this connection is, he hasn't figured it out yet.

To do this, he must continue to participate in the Desire Grand Prix.

Gradually dig deeper into what is behind the Desire Grand Prix, and one day we will be able to know what the relationship between the Desire Grand Prix and the mother is.

At this time, Hidetoshi Ukiyo didn't know that he was now being targeted.

And the person eyeing him is still a very troublesome person.

No, to be precise... God!

Night falls.

Kurama Guangsheng returned home with an indifferent expression.

He's been like this ever since his real daughter Akari Kurama died in a kidnapping case.

As for his current daughter, Kurama Niyone, he became the sponsor of the Desire Grand Prix and obtained it through the power of the Goddess of Creation.

He hopes that Kurama Nione can become a channel for the Kurama Zaibatsu to communicate with people in the future. He also hopes that his daughter can realize her wish and gain true love.

But he couldn't directly express his father's love to Kurama Neon.

The main reason is that he cannot accept Kurama Neon as a substitute.

Even though he has deep fatherly love for Kurama Neon, he feels that loving Kurama Neon is tantamount to betraying his real daughter, Kurama Akari.

That's why he usually acts very cold and cold, but in fact he has always cared about Kurama Neon.

When Kurama Mitsuaki returned home, he saw his wife, Kurama Irumi, sitting in the hall.

Noticing his return, Kurama Irumi looked very bad.

"Neon ran away from home again. The bodyguard has brought her back, but why does the child always want to run away from home?"

She was naturally very unhappy about her daughter always running away from home.

Because in her memory, her daughter Neon was kidnapped when she was eleven years old.

Although she came back safely in the end, it also led to her strong desire to control her daughter.

Hearing this, Kurama Mitsuaki just nodded calmly.

"She is an adult now, let her go, she can protect herself."


Standing up with an angry face, Kurama Irumi didn't expect her husband to say this.

She was too lazy to argue with the other party, so she turned and walked upstairs.

Shaking his head slightly, Kurama Mitsuyoshi did not rush back to his room, but came to his study.

Although the world was reshaped, as a sponsor of the Desire Grand Prix, his memory would not be reshaped.


When he opened the door and walked into the study, he found that there was already someone in the study.

As the controller of the Kurama chaebol, Kurama Mitsuyoshi naturally would not be afraid of an extra person, but he became alert in his heart.

An unknown person appeared in his room, and no one knew about it, which was enough to prove the mystery of the other party.

Among the people he knew, the only one who could do this was the operator of the Desire Grand Prix.

He still knew a lot of operators, and the person in front of him was obviously not one of them.

PS: Thank you

asd88. for the monthly ticket!

Thank you

Xia Mo Chenxing for 588V1P points!

Thank you

15851 for the urging ticket and 1000V1P points!

Chapter 667 The chaebol controller, the daughter slave who had to compromise

He closed the door casually without alarming anyone.

Kurama Mitsuyoshi looked at the man who appeared in the room calmly and asked in a deep voice.

"Sir, we should have never met before, who are you?

And why are you in my study?

His face was calm, and there was no trace of panic at all.

Lu Li, who had just arrived in the study, turned around and looked at the controller of the Kurama chaebol.

It must be said that as the controller of the chaebol, Kurama Mitsuyoshi is indeed extraordinary.

He exudes the aura of a superior, and he will not feel panic even if he encounters problems.

"It's our first meeting, Mr. Kurama, you can call me Lu Li.

I came to you today because I need you to do me a favor.

Don't worry, what I want you to do is very simple, and I won't make it difficult for you. "

Lu Li was not worried at all that Kurama Mitsuyoshi would reject him, because he had a handle that the other party could not refuse.

As the controller of the Kurama chaebol, Kurama Mitsuyoshi had great power and was an absolute superior.

Although he did not know why Lu Li suddenly appeared in his home, he did not intend to help Lu Li do anything.

For him, as the controller of the chaebol, if there was no benefit in helping someone, he would never do it.

With his eyes narrowed, Kurama Mitsuyoshi still couldn't figure out what Lu Li wanted to do.

"Lu Li, right? Although I don't know how you came to my house, why should I help you?

No matter how simple what you do is, it may not be of any benefit to me, please go back.

I don't like someone who suddenly broke into my house.

Now, leave quickly, otherwise... don't blame me for calling a bodyguard. ”

He would not easily agree to help someone.

He would not help a stranger he did not even know.

Lu Li did not find it strange that Kurama Guangsheng would have such an attitude.

Although he had a very deep love for his daughter, he was still a chaebol tycoon to others.

Not affected by his threat at all, Lu Li walked to the sofa and sat down.

Leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed, Lu Li said calmly.

"Mr. Kurama, don't be so anxious to refuse. Let's talk about your daughter first.

You say. If Ni Yin knew her true origin, and your wife knew Ni Yin's true origin, would things be very interesting at that time?"

After hearing this, Kurama Guangsheng's pupils suddenly shrank.

The whole person suddenly froze in place.

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