The look he gave Lu Li was filled with shock and a hint of murderous intent.

This man in front of him actually knew his biggest secret!

Why did he know this? !

The only person who knew this secret besides himself was Niram.

Could it be that Niram had revealed this news to the guy in front of him?

But on second thought, he felt that it was unlikely:

Niram had no need to do such unnecessary things, and the operation did not need to fall out with himself as a sponsor.

But the man in front of him was not kidding him, he really knew everything.

His face became even gloomier, and Kurama Guangsheng pulled his collar in annoyance.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Kurama Guangsheng walked to the other side of the sofa and sat down.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? But first, don't tell me something I can't do~..

He compromised!

Yes, facing this most important secret, he could only choose to compromise.

As for the reason, of course, it was to protect his daughter Kurama Neon from harm.

Although because his real daughter was dead, he could not express his fatherly love to his current daughter Kurama Neon.

But this did not prevent him from loving his current daughter.

No matter what, he would never allow anyone to hurt his daughter.


Lu Li had already guessed that Kurama Guangsheng would agree to his request.

To put it bluntly, the high-ranking Kurama chaebol controller in front of him was actually a daughter slave.

As long as it was related to his daughter, he would try his best to go all out.

"Mr. Kurama, what I want you to do is very simple, take me to see Niram, that's all. "

After Lu Li finished speaking, the room fell silent again.

Although Kurama Guangsheng knew that Lu Li was not that simple, he had no idea about his specific identity.

From what he had just said, he probably got some information.

Lu Li knew a lot about his daughter, and he also knew Niram. It seemed that he was also someone who knew about the existence of the Desire Grand Prix.

Could he be a contestant of the Desire Grand Prix?

Or was he related to the operation of the Desire Grand Prix?

Kurama Guangsheng couldn't guess what it was.

These were just some of his guesses. He still didn't know what the specific situation was. Chu.

As the sponsor of the Desire Grand Prix, he does know many things that many other people don't know, but it is also quite limited.

After all, those guys in the Desire Grand Prix are all future people.

The reason why the Desire Grand Prix can go on is inseparable from his help.

Borrowing the power of the Kurama chaebol to suppress all the events that have happened, and not let these events spread in the country.

Now there are only two choices in front of him, agree or disagree.

He can't bear the consequences of disagreeing, so there is no choice.

After a long breath, Kurama Guangsheng stared at Lu Li with his dead fish eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Okay! I agree to your request, but it's late today, let's do it tomorrow.

Come back early tomorrow morning, and I will take you to see Niram then.

Lu Li can see through Kurama Guangsheng's thoughts. This guy is very confused and irritable now.

He didn't think of anything else bad.

It's really late now. If Lu Li doesn't mind going to see Niram tomorrow.

For him, it's all the same.

Lu Li nodded slightly and smiled.

"In that case, let's see you tomorrow morning."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Sir, what can I do for you? I seem to hear you talking?"

It should be the bodyguard outside the door. Hearing the voices inside the house, he came over to ask vigilantly.

Kurama Guangsheng was very upset at this time and shouted at the door.

"Nothing! I was just talking to myself.

"Uh...! Okay, sorry to bother you!"

The bodyguard outside obviously heard that Kurama Guangsheng was in a bad mood and didn't dare to ask any more.

Just when Kurama Guangsheng turned around and was about to ask Lu Li how he knew about his daughter, he found that Lu Li had disappeared.

... What?!"

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. He didn't notice how Lu Li disappeared.

He disappeared in the time of a sentence. The other party must be extraordinary.

Could the other party also be a future person?

The answer to this question was obviously not available to him now.

Everything is just waiting, I will take Lu Li to see Niram tomorrow.

After leaving Kurama's house, Lu Li appeared in the brightly lit city

Because Ukiyo Hidetoshi made a wish to become a world star, his advertisements and other things can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys

I have to say that this Desire Grand Prix is ​​really interesting.

It can make people realize their wishes, change the world, and get everything they want.

Although this Desire Grand Prix has just ended, the next new Desire Grand Prix will start soon.

After all, for the future, they are loyal viewers of the Desire Grand Prix.

Through the Desire Grand Prix, they can see more fun.

Walking on the street, Lu Li had a faint smile on his face.

"What an interesting world, Desire Grand Prix"

The figure gradually walked away and disappeared into the night.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

Sakurai Jinghe had a very long dream, which felt very real, but also very painful.

Suddenly woke up and Sakurai Jinghe sat up suddenly.

(Li Nuo Zhao)

He touched himself in fear and found that nothing happened to him.

"Dream? Why does this dream feel so real?

By the way, what dream did I have just now?"

This is the power of creation. When reshaping the world, all the memories of everyone were reset.

To get the memory, you must touch the Knight Core D.

Those who will not become Kamen Rider will never be able to recover their memories.

Sakurai Jinghe, who completely forgot what dream he had, came to his favorite noodle shop again after washing up and ordered a bowl of his favorite raccoon soba


When he was about to start eating his favorite raccoon soba noodles, Sakurai Jinghe suddenly noticed that there was a person standing next to him.

The person who came was the game guide of the Desire Grand Prix, Tsumeli Yang.

In her hand, she held a storage box.

"I have good news for you. After our strict review, you have been officially selected."

Sakurai Jinghe, who was just about to eat noodles, stopped what he was doing and looked at Tsumeli in surprise.


PS: Thank you

Eternity Rice Noodles ラ任分 for the monthly ticket!

Thank you

★☆ Infinite Element Storm∞ for the monthly ticket!

Thank you

Demon for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 668 The Chosen One! The first meeting with the shampooer,


His face was full of confusion, and he didn't understand what the man in front of him was talking about.

What was chosen?

Why did you choose yourself?

However, facing his doubts, Tsumeli did not give any answer.

Instead, she continued to talk to herself.

"From today on, you are a Kamen Rider!"

As she said that, she put the storage box in her hand on the table and opened it.

The things placed inside were the Desire Driver and Knight Core D:

After leaving the things, Tsumurri turned around and left.

She also had to send invitations to other people, who would become contestants of the Desire Grand Prix.

Seeing the things on the table, Sakurai Keihe's eyes flashed with a strong doubt.

For some reason, a voice deep in his heart told him to take the things on the table.

Not caring about eating his favorite raccoon soba, Sakurai Keihe picked up the Knight Core D.

The moment he touched the Knight Core D, everything that happened before suddenly came into his mind.

The memories that had been reset reappeared in his mind.

"Just now, I was not dreaming!"

Sakurai Keihe, who had taken back these memories, obviously understood.

The dream he had had was not a dream at all.

It was the reality he had encountered before, but everything was reset.

He looked back at the Desire Driver and Knight Core D on the table, his eyes full of confusion.

He didn't know what it was.

But he knew that the man in his memory was transformed through this thing.

After eating the raccoon cat soba with a heavy heart, Sakurai Jinghe took the storage box and returned to 530's home.

On the other side.

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