Lu Li had just arrived outside Kurama's house.

The door of Kurama's house suddenly opened.

Kurama Niyin, wearing a white French round-neck shirt and a pink long skirt, walked out of the house.

She was brought back yesterday, and she would not run away from home for the time being. After all, she would need to pack up if she ran away from home.

She was now going to go out to the cattery to play with the cats.

Her two bodyguards followed her, carefully protecting Kurama Niyin.

Kurama Niyin, who had just gone out, had a flash of surprise in her eyes when she saw Lu Li outside.

[So handsome! So elegant! ]

Kurama Niyin, who had just turned 18, was now a little girl whose values ​​were completely determined by her appearance.

When she saw Lu Li, in addition to feeling that he was handsome, she also felt that his temperament was extremely special.

She had never seen anyone with such a temperament, and she felt that he was inexplicably attractive.

Not only was he handsome, but he was also very elegant. She couldn't help but want to get to know such a person.

At this time, Kurama Guangsheng also came out.

When he saw Lu Li standing outside and very close to his daughter, he coughed immediately.


He was reminding Lu Li not to say anything.

Not to reveal the true situation of Kurama Niyin.

Then he hurried to Lu Li and said impatiently,

"Mr. Lu, it's almost time, let's go."

He didn't want his daughter to have too much contact with Lu Li.

What if this guy told the secret (cbab), what should he do?

Lu Li glanced at Kurama Guangsheng with a smile, of course he knew the little thoughts in his heart.

Worried that he would contact his daughter and then reveal something.

"Then let's go.

Lu Li didn't want to do such unnecessary things for the time being. He just wanted to find Niram now.

Then, Lu Li followed Kurama Guangsheng in his special car and left.

Watching the car gradually go away, Kurama Niyin finally came to his senses.

Turning his head to look at his two bodyguards, Kurama Niyin asked anxiously.

"Hey! John, Ben, do you know who that person was just now? What is his relationship with Dad?"

Faced with the questions raised by the eldest lady, John and Ben shook their heads in unison.

"Sorry, eldest lady, we don't know that person and have never seen him before.

"That's right, I don't know either.

I originally wanted to inquire about Lu Li's situation, but I didn't expect that the two of them knew nothing.

"Forget it, I'll ask Dad later, let's go to the cattery first! "

After saying that, Kurama Mie immediately quickened her pace and rushed to the destination.

The two bodyguards could only hurry to catch up, they didn't dare to let the young lady get into trouble.

Just when Kurama Mie was playing with cats in the cat club, Tsumurai's friend also found her:

Give the Desire Driver and Knight Core D to Kurama Mie.

Lu Li's side.

At this time, Kurama Mitsuyoshi and Lu Li took a car to a villa in the suburbs.

The environment here is very quiet.

And this villa looks quite ordinary from the outside.

After getting off the car, Kurama Mitsuyoshi said expressionlessly.

"Don't you want to see Nilam? Then follow me. "

Speaking of this, Kurama Guangsheng walked directly inside.

Without saying anything more, Lu Li followed directly.

There is nothing in this world that scares him.

Even if Sier came, Lu Li was not worried at all.

After the two entered the villa, they came to the hall, where there was a man and a woman.

The man with sharp hair, a bow tie, and a plaid suit was the shampooer, Niram.

Standing next to him was a subordinate wearing a black coat over a yellow dress.

The backstabbing secretary, Samas.

After Lu Li left last night, Kurama Guangsheng called Niram on purpose.

Tell Niram about Lu Li and want to ask if Niram knows Lu Li.

Unfortunately, Niram said that he did not know Lu Li and had never even seen him.

As for why Lu Li Niram also couldn't figure out why Lu Li knew about his existence and the Desire Grand Prix.

However, since Lu Li had already mentioned by name that he wanted to meet him, Niram didn't mind meeting Lu Li.

The matter about the Desire Grand Prix was a secret of their future people.

Even in the current world, the only people who knew about this matter, besides Kamen Rider, were Mitsuki Kurama and a very small number of people.

As for the operation behind it, even Kamen Rider knew very little.

As a senior operation executive, Niram thought it was necessary to meet him since he didn't know Lu Li, but the other party knew him.

It would be best to find out the other party's purpose.

If the other party would pose a threat to the Desire Grand Prix, he would find a way to eliminate it in advance.

"I guess this is Mr. Lu Li, nice to meet you, I am the Niram you want to meet."

The first impression Niram gave people was that he was a polite gentleman.

He was a senior operation executive of a real game, and he didn't like people cheating the most.

Especially in the Desire Grand Prix, he hoped to present the most realistic game to the audience,

Nodding, Lu Li seemed to not consider himself an outsider at all, and walked to the sofa beside him and sat down.

Samas, who was next to Niram, noticed that Lu Li was so rude, and wanted to scold Lu Li immediately.


But before she could say anything, Niram reached out to stop her.

Kurama Hikaru did not leave.

He was also curious about what Lu Li and Niram wanted to talk about.

"Niram, as a senior operation manager, I believe you have the right to decide some things.

The reason I came to you is to trouble you with something, that is, I want to become a resident player of the Desire Grand Prix."

As a senior operation manager, Niram does have the ability to decide this matter.

It's just to let Lu Li become a resident player and participate in every Desire Grand Prix

This is a case that has never happened before. Although Fuyo Hidetoshi is also considered, he made a wish to become a resident player in the previous Desire Grand Prix.

This is a special case.

Niram did not answer Lu Li immediately, and fell into thought.

For a long time, the game has been changing players frequently, and only a very small number of people can participate continuously.

Although he didn't know why Lu Li knew so many things, he had an inexplicable feeling that

it would be a good thing if Lu Li could join the Desire Grand Prix and become a permanent player.

Maybe he could bring some unexpected changes to the game.

But as the senior operation director of the game, he naturally couldn't easily agree to Lu Li's conditions.

What's more, Lu Li didn't reveal his identity at all, he just knew the name Lu Li.

After learning about Lu Li's situation yesterday, he arranged for Samas to check the results, but found nothing.

This means that Lu Li's specific identity is completely unclear, just like a mysterious person who appeared out of thin air.

Letting such a person rashly join the game, and also become a permanent player, he felt a little inappropriate.

Crossing his hands at his chin, Niram said slowly.

"Mr. Lu Li, although I don't know why you know about me, why should I help you?

Is there any benefit for me to help you become a permanent player of the Desire Grand Prix?

And now the Desire Grand Prix already has a permanent player. If there is another one, the audience may not necessarily buy it."

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of 一一

-One Eternity rice noodle!

Thank you for the ticket of 一

一一Xia Mo Chenxing for urging for more updates! ,

The power different from the operation!

The so-called permanent player he mentioned is naturally Ukiyo Eitoshi.

As a senior operation executive, Niram naturally hopes that more future audiences will pay attention to their Desire Grand Prix.

Even become supporters of each participant.

And Lu Li just knows this.

With his joining, the Desire Grand Prix will only become more interesting than before.

The only thing that may change is that the winner of the Desire Grand Prix will hardly be anyone else from now on.

"Niram, since you want to know what benefits I can bring to the operation, why not give it a try."

"Try? How?"

A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Niram didn't understand what Lu Li meant by this for a moment.

With a smile on his lips, Lu Li slowly uttered two words.


Just the word "fight" aroused Niram's strong interest.

"Oh? Fight? Haha! What? Do you want to fight me?"

In Niram's view, although Lu Li's identity is relatively mysterious, he should not pose a threat to himself.

In this world, the only person with fighting power is the Kamen Rider who was given the desire drive by the operation.

Besides that, he couldn't think of anyone else who could fight.

He didn't understand what power Lu Li had to fight against himself.

Are you kidding?

You have to know that Niram is a game producer, and his authority is even higher than that of the game administrator!

At a glance, the contempt in Niram's eyes can be seen, as if that look is saying, what can you use to fight me.

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