“Then…let’s give it a try.

As he spoke, Lu Li stretched out his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


With the sound of snapping fingers, the scene in the entire room quickly changed.

Kurama Guangsheng, Nilam and Samas all felt that their eyes were going dark.

When the three of them came to their senses, they found that they were already outside the villa.


Kurama Kosei, who had always had an expressionless face, had a flash of intense shock on his face.

He was very sure that he was in the villa just now.

But now it was suddenly transferred outside in an instant.

What exactly is going on? !

What happened just now was obviously beyond his expectation. He couldn't imagine what happened just now.

Also shocked were Neelam and Samarth.

As future people, the two of them are better than modern people in every aspect.

However, they were not aware of what Lu Li had just done.

They went from inside the villa to outside the villa in just an instant, and they didn't even know how they got there.

"Is it the use of space power?"

Neelam muttered.

This is just a guess on his part, and he doesn't know whether it is true or not.

But now he was very sure that Lu Li was far from being as simple as he saw.

Since the other party has such a magical and special power, and has taken the initiative to come to him, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Samas was shocked and at the same time thinking secretly whether he should tell Si'er the identity of the man in front of him.

A guy who is obviously not from the future, but he has such a special power.

But after just thinking about it, Samas finally gave up.

This kind of thing may be surprising to her, but to Si'er, who is almost omnipotent, it's not a big deal at all.

"Okay, now the place has become a lot more spacious, so let's verify it a little bit, Neelam."

Seeing Lu Li's extremely relaxed and comfortable look, Nilam and Time were not sure what kind of power he had.

However, he didn't mind trying the opponent's strength.

"Since you are so eager to challenge me, let me give you a chance.

I hope you can show me what I want and don't let me down.

Before he finished speaking, Neelam had already taken out the vision drive and carried it directly on his waist.


Put your right hand in front of your forehead and close your eyes.

Then press your thumb on the fingerprint authentication area above the drive.

Vision Drive requires a specific transformer to log in through fingerprint authentication in order to complete the transformation.


But as this mechanical sound sounded, there was suddenly a burst of inexplicable music.

Grab the God's Will card from the card organizer on the right.


Swipe the card through the groove on the right side of the Vision Drive for card reading.

"Install! Innovation Control! Gazer!"

Five huge golden rings suddenly appeared behind Neelam.

It started from the top of his head and spread through his body, then turned into five golden balls.

Under the rapid entanglement of five golden balls, the body bloomed with brilliant light.

Not long after, a pair of white and blue body armor appeared on Neelam's body.

Five golden balls stayed on the chest, shoulders and legs, and then merged into the corresponding positions, and the body bloomed with bright golden light.

The white and gold knight armor looks very gorgeous and exudes a powerful aura.

Kamen Rider Gazer!

Samas, who was relatively close, quickly retreated to the side.

Di Sui, who had completed his transformation, put his hands behind his back.

Staring calmly at Lu Li in front of him, he said calmly

"Let me see if you really have the power to make me agree to the conditions you proposed."

He didn't ask Lu Li to defeat him, but he had to at least show corresponding strength.

If you want to become a permanent player, you must have corresponding strength.

You can't be a weakling.

As the knight who operates this side, Di Sui is naturally not weak in strength.

It's even stronger than the other vision drive transformation held by Kiroli as the game administrator.

One is the game administrator and the other is the game producer.

The status gap between the two sides is already very obvious.

Taking the situation into consideration, Di Sui has higher authority and is naturally stronger.

..Please give me flowers...

Huang looked at Lu Li with interest, while Di Sui was quite curious about how Lu Li would deal with him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

The corners of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly, and a golden awakening device automatically appeared on Lu Li's waist.

Taking out the Ace of Hearts, which had not been used for a while, Lu Li swiped the golden Ace of Hearts card through the Awakening Device.


"Change! Evolution!"

The Awakening Device bloomed with dazzling golden light and enveloped Lu Li. In the golden light, it seemed that a terrifying knight was being born.

Di Sui, who had been quite unconcerned just now, suddenly changed his eyes.

He could feel that there was a powerful force in the golden light.

This power is completely different from the power they hold and has nothing to do with operations.

Are there any Kamen Riders outside of operations? !

Even Neelam, who is the senior manager of operations, knows for the first time that people outside of operations have other powers.

His eyes changed slightly, and Nilam now began to face Lu Li's existence.


Pomma Guangsheng looked at the golden light, with strong doubts flashing in his eyes. He didn't know what kind of power Lu Li used.

Although he is a sponsor, he really knows too little as a sponsor.

What people in the future can tell him is very limited.

After the golden light dissipated, Lu Li appeared in front of them in a brand-new posture that had never appeared in this world.

Kamen Rider One by One Wild Kallis (Full Fusion Form)!

After seeing Lu Li transform into a Kamen Rider, Di Sui clenched his hands behind his back instantly.

Samas on the side also had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

The power of the Kamen Rider is provided by the operation, and now there are people who have the power of the Kamen Rider that is not provided by the operation.

If he reported this matter to Si'er, would he have a chance to be promoted? !

Although Samarth has always been Neelam's subordinate, she is also a very ambitious future person.

I have always thought about getting promoted or even replacing Neelam.

But Neelam is still quite capable and has always done a very good job in the Desire Grand Prix.

Just relying on this alone, it is impossible for Samarth to replace Neelam.

Now, an unexpected person appears and tells Si Aier the news. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

Thinking of this, Samas stepped aside decisively.

Even if I want to tell Siel, I have to wait until after this battle is over.

If Neelam conceals this matter and does not report it, she will have a chance to replace Neelam when she exposes the matter.

I feel excited just thinking about it!

Ti Sui didn't know what Samas was thinking at this time, so he focused his attention on Lu Li wholeheartedly.

If he were facing a Kamen Rider who used the Desire Drive, he would not take him seriously at all.

Because he is a very powerful game producer.

PS: thanks

One Eternity meal and a monthly pass! !

thanks one

Late summer Chenxing’s reminder vote! ! force,

Chapter 670: Watch carefully! In the face of strength, caution... is useless!

But Lu Li was different.

The opponent used a completely different power, and Di Sui was not sure what Lu Li's strength was at this time.

When you don’t know the target’s strength, it’s best to test it out first.

Be careful and you won’t make a big mistake!

Di Sui was very cautious and put away his initial contempt. He was not arrogant enough to think that he could easily crush Lu Li.

After completing his transformation, Lu Li suddenly raised his right hand and raised his fingers at Di Sui.

This is obviously provocative.

This battle is inevitable, and Di Sui is ready to test it first.

"Then let me see if you are bluffing, but don't let me down."

Before he finished speaking, Di Sui immediately pounced on Lu Li.

Although Nilam himself does not seem to have very strong combat effectiveness, as an operator, the power of Vision Drive is still very powerful.

Di Sui did not directly separate the five control devices on his body to attack as soon as he came up. After all, he had to test the reality first.

With a sudden punch, Di Sui didn't hold back much.

Although he can separate the five control devices on his body and then attack, without using this method, Di Sui's attack methods can be said to be quite limited.

of single

He casually grabbed Di Sui's fist that had hit "310". His body did not move at all. Lu Li looked completely at ease.

Di Sui is still very confident in his own strength.

The Kamen Rider using the Desire Drive would definitely not be able to withstand his punch.

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